Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Bonilla . A petition related to the construction of walls. 04-13-1780
Borrego . Certifications of he publication of a document (bando) which is not preserved in the archive. 00-30-1785
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula forwarding papal regulations for conduct of celebrations for St. Joseph's day. 12-04-1777
Bonilla . Copy of royal cedula reviewing regulations for collection and distribution of diezmos. 04-13-1777
Borrego . Damages due to stampede. 09-14-1816
Bonilla . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Bonavia . Index of papers regarding the judgement of leaders of revolts. 05-14-1811
Borrego . List of supplies given to members of the Santa Fe presidio. 05-06-1820
Bonavia . Memos concerning: Indian relations, suggestion for filling vacant Alferez of Santa Fe, autos contra Pedro Martin, jobs to patriots. 08-01-1815
Bonaparte . Military bulletins. 08-15-1812
Bonavia . Military records for 1815 and 1816. Finances, salaries, census. 01-16-1816
Bonavia . notification of intent to attempt to gain peace with comanches. 03-31-1815
Bonilla . Royal cedula banning circulation of book entitled ano 2440 which is critical of the church, and any other publications of a similar... 04-20-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula establishing penalties for interference with mail transport. 05-22-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula ordering church services to celebrate recovery of princess from illness. 01-24-1779
Bonilla . Royal cedula ordering that the title senoria be used when addressing members of the audiencia. 09-24-1778
Bonilla . Royal cedula outlining administration of limosnas in various bishoprics. 03-09-1778
Bonillo . Royal cedula upholding archbishop of Santa Fe's publication of order of council of indies supporting expenditure of public funds for... 11-23-1777
Borbon . Royal order regarding changes in the superintendencia de rentas. 04-22-1813
Bodega 10. Nuevo Santander numero 53 libro glosa 57 numero 34. 585 foxa 240. 1811-el ilustre coronel don Joaquin de Arredondo comandante general... 09-14-1811
Borica 1170 expedientes antiguos de Provincias Internas. Vuelven al archivo de donde se sacaron. 09-17-1790
Borica 1172. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general del poniente y sus contestaciones despues del suceso del valle da... 05-25-1791
Borbon 1317. Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Reservado. El ayuntamiento de Monterrey se queja de los procedimientos de aquel ilustrisimo senor obispo, 07-19-1797
Borbon 1321. expediente reservado que ante el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon promovio el sindico procurador de la ciudad... 03-12-1798
Bodega y Quadra 153 documents concerning administrative matters at the port of San Blas. 04-04-1794
Bonilla 1777-teniente de navio d. Juan Manuel de Ayala; 03-25-1777
Bodega y Cuadra 1777-teniente de navio d. Juan Manuel de Ayala; 03-25-1777
Bodega y Quadra 1778 orns. Sueltas documents concerning administration of port of San Blas. 01-14-1778
Bodega 1778-commission: d. Francisco Hixosa; 01-21-1778
Bonavia 1816 p.y. de occidente relaciones and letters concerning retirement discharges and promotions. 09-08-1816
Bonilla 1818 p.y. de occidente n. 31. El comandante general dice que desde el ano de 1814 se halla vacante la plaza de oficial tercero de la... 07-01-1818
Bonavia 1820. Provincias internas de occidente numero 194. El excelentisimo senor comandante que dirige la sumaria... 12-07-1817
Borrego 19. 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 18. Libro glosa 57 numero 34.621 foxa 258. El senor comandante que de ellas da cuenta de... 01-03-1815
Bonavia 2 cedulas de imbalidos 07-02-1817
Bonavia 4 relaciones documentadas de 9 individuos de la guarnicion de Provincias Internas de occidente a quienes ha declarado la gracia de imbalido 08-27-1814
Bodega y Quadra 96 letters concerning administration matters for the port of San Blas. 07-24-1792
Bolivar y Mena About salaries of el presidio del pilar and accusations against governor Reneros. 02-09-1689
Bonavia Abstract of expediente concerning 'toma de juramento y de razon' by Bonavia. 09-14-1792
Bonavia accediendo a la solicitud que hace don Juan Gonzales de Burgos 11-11-1805
Bonillan Ignacio Account and receipt of gift goods to allied Indian nations in Nuevo Mexico. 01-01-1790
Borica Accounts and receipts for food and other gift goods given to comanches in Nuevo Mexico. 01-26-1787
Borica Accounts of food and other goods given to comanches in Chihuahua. 12-30-1786
Borbolla Accounts of food and other goods given to comanches in Chihuahua. 12-30-1786
Boca Negra Administrative correspondence about the transfer of Alferez Valenzuela, from Lampazos to Spain 12-04-1788
Boca Negra Administrative correspondence about the transfer of Alferez Valenzuela, from Lampazos to Spain 12-04-1788
Bonilla Administrative correspondence about the transfer of Alferez Valenzuela, from Lampazos to Spain 12-04-1788
Borica Administrative correspondence and autos on the replacement of weapons and other items lost in battle against Apaches 06-17-1789
Bonilla Administrative correspondence and autos on the replacement of weapons and other items lost in battle against Apaches 06-17-1789
Bonilla Administrative correspondence between Bonilla and the viceroy. 03-12-1772
Bocatuerta Administrative correspondence between governor and viceroy dealing with reports on war operation and Indian affairs. 03-14-1792
