Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Cuervo y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Auto of exile against Juan Antonio Ramos and wife. 05-11-1705
Cuervo y Valdes Pedro de Peralta to gobernador. Suit against Miguel Thenorio de Alba for debt. 05-17-1705
Cuervo y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Auto prohibiting barter with Indians by non-residents. 08-25-1705
Cuervo y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Order exiling Nicolas Francisco Ortiz to Bernalillo. 10-22-1705
Cuervo y Valdes Juan de Uribarri (general-sargento mayor del reino y alcalde ordinario) to gobernador Cuervo y Valdes. Proceedings against Juan Gallegos in... 11-19-1705
Cuervo y Valdes Duque de Alburquerque. Instructions of viceroy relative to province fo New Mexico. 02-20-1706
Cuervo y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Order sending capitan Francisco de Valdes sorribas with reinforcements to troops... 04-00-1706
Cuervo y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general) to Juan Roque Gutierrez (maestro de campo). Discussion of Indian conflicts. 05-09-1706
Cuervo y Valdes Cristobal Gomez y Torres (Alferez) to Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Cristobal Gomez y Torres petitions... 11-07-1706
Cuervy y Valdes Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Order regarding travel between Alburquerque and Isleta Viejo . 12-29-1706
Cuerbo y Valdes . Council of war. 00-00-1707
Cuerbo y Valdes . Election of alcaldes ordinarios. 01-01-1707
Cuerbo y Valdez Cuerbo y Valdez, Fransisco. Council of war. 05-18-1707
Cuervo y Valdes Duke of Alburquerque. Communication concerning pacification of the provinces. 08-29-1707
Cuerbo y Valdes Chacon Medina Salazar, Joseph (Marques de la penuela-governor of Nueva Mexico. Auto-concerning the invasion of El Passo del norte by the... 10-03-1707
Cuerbo y Valdes Fernandez de la Cueva Enrriquez, Francisco (Duque de Alburquerque) (viceroy). Order regarding the problems and needs of Nueba Mexico, and... 12-23-1707
Cueva Enrriquez El virrey to el gobernador de Nueba Mexico. Relative to an escort to the pueblo of Alona. 07-07-1708
Cuervo y Valdes El virrey to el gobernador. Order to the governor to remit to the virrey a letter by the previous governor relating to a campaign of war... 07-07-1708
Cuerbo y Valdes El virrey to el gobernador. Regarding the depredations of the Apaches and the failures of the Spanish in meeting the threat. 07-07-1708
Cuerbo y Valdes El virrey to el gobernador. Relative to the securing the allegiance of the Indians to the Spanish crown. 12-04-1708
Cuerbo y Valdes Paez Hurtado, Juan. Proceedings and testimony on behalf of Hurtado. 04-04-1710
Cuerbo y Valdes Cabildo de Santa Fee to Penuela, Marques de la. Complaint against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 04-07-1710
Cuerbo y Valdes Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Cuerbo y Valdes Linares, Duque de. Decree of the viceroy, concerning the performance of Cuervo y Valdes as governor of Nueva Mexico. 05-31-1712
Cuerbo . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Cuerbo y Valdes Presidial soldiers of Santa Fee to governor. Peticion: the soldiers wish to present to the governor a statement of obligation, describing a... 11-02-1712
Cuerbo y Valdes Presidial soldiers of Santa Fee to governor. Petition: the soldiers had empowered Martinez and Otero to act on their behalf in their... 11-12-1712
Cuerbo The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Cuerbo Garduno, Bartholome. Criminal suit against Garduno. 03-09-1713
Cuerbo y Valdes Garduno, Bartholome. Criminal suit against Garduno. 03-09-1713
Cuerbo Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignazio (gobernador). The governor must dispose of a motley group of Apaches faraones who have come into the pueblo... 08-16-1714
Curan y Chaves Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon (gobernador). Upon death of alguacil mayor Fernando Curan y Chaves, the governor accepts three nominations... 11-19-1714
Cuerbo y Valdes Chacon Medina y Salazar, Joseph/Martinez, Felix. Testimonio de la escriptura. 04-15-1715
Cuerbo y Valdes Maria Francesca de la Rivas. Petition to current governor for claims against ex-governor Francisco Cuerbo y Valdes, for ten thousand pesos... 01-14-1716
Cuervo Romero, Francisco Xavier/Sandoval Martinez, Antonio. Continuation in sodomy proceedings and counter accusations of calumny. 07-27-1728
Cutuqui Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731
Cuye Garzia Jurado, Ramon. Criminal proceedings against Ramon Garzia Jurado for forced labor of Indians. 09-00-1731
Cuesta Gregorio de la Carlos iv (rey). Real pragmatica sancion, regarding issuance of vales to finance royal expenditures. 00-00-1780
Cuellas Croix (Cavallero de). expediente concerning church ornaments collected for a proposed navajo mission. 09-01-1781
Cueba Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to Pedro de Nava, acknowledging receipt of appointment as residencia judge for residencia of Juan... 07-14-1802
Cueba Pedro de Nava. Letter to governor of New Mexico Fernando Chacon acknowledging Chacon's appointment... 08-11-1802
Cupu Espinosa, Benito to Villaescusa, Pedro Sebastian. Report on battle between loyal troops and insurgents at Acaponeta. 11-07-1811
Cuevas Cuevas, Juan Antonio de. Papers regarding the estate of Juan Antonio de Cuevas. 08-10-1812
Cuevas Cuevas, Juan Antonio de. Papers regarding the estate of Juan Antonio de Cuevas. 08-10-1812
Cuentas Valle, Francisco del to Maynes, Alberto. Concerns legal casee of Quintana and Juan Ignacio Naranjo. 07-21-1815
Cuentas Concerning need to educate Indians. 01-13-1818
Cuentas (?)-to-Rafael Cuentas. Reporting on the prisoners in jail in Santa Fee. 01-18-1818
Cuervo de Valdez Testimony regarding proposal for establishment of new pueblos and presidio in valle de la Canada. 10-14-1712
Cuervo de Valdez Alonso de Leon. Autos de guerra fechos por el general Alonso de Leon gobernador y capitan del presidio de esta probincia de Coaguila desde... 00-00-1687
Cuervo y Valdez Gobernador Francisco Cuervo y Valdez. Bandos publicados por el gobernador don Francisco Cuervo y Valdez sobre providencias precautivas... 06-04-1698
