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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Emparan Letters from Ugarte to virrey concerning proposed trip to Coahuila to determine true relations with Indians in area. 08-13-1790
Emparan Letters from various authors concerning primarily an account dedicated to peace and war in Coahuila for the year 1789 and its accounting... 10-09-1790
Emparan Letters from various officials that concern the final closing of the account paz y guerra for the province of Coahuila. 04-23-1794
Emparan Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft responses 10-14-1790
Emparan Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo and draft responses 02-20-1793
Emparan Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, draft responses and related documents 03-17-1792
Emparan Letters of governor Emparan to viceroy Revilla Gigedo 11-01-1790
Emparan Letters of governor Guitierrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Giged and draft responses 04-04-1792
Emparan Letters of governor Guitierrez to viceroy Conde de Revilla Gigedo, with draft responses and related petition 12-09-1792
Emparan Letters of guitierrez and Emparan to Revilla Gigedo and draft response 02-08-1790
Emparan Letters of viceroy Conde de Galvez(?) to Condamo and Emparan with responses 12-14-1790
Emparan Letters to Emparan concerning dispute over command of milicias de Parras. 07-24-1790
Emparan Letters written by various authors that concern the accounting procedures for gratification sum as it relates to surplus and salaries paid... 06-12-1790
Emparan Letters, indexes of letters and correspondence of governor Emparan and viceroy Revilla Gigedo 01-24-1791
Emparan Nava's correspondence re: military appointments; paymaster bankruptcies; Concha's return to Mexico for medical care. 07-13-1789
Emparan Nava's correspondence re: military conduct; Bejar company; finances; receipt of dispatches; and pensions. 10-16-1790
Emparan numero 24. Excelentisimo senor. En cumplimiento de las ordenes de vuestra excelencia de 28, de diciembre ultimo, y 2 03-28-1791
Emparan numero 30. Excelentisimo senor. Por el oficio de vuestra excelencia del 16, ultimo y memorial que se sirve acompanarme 04-04-1791
Emparan numero 48. Excelentisimo senor. En oficio numero 49, acompano la copia de que hace referencia el oficio de vuestra excelencia 05-31-1791
Emparan Offices concerning index of Pedro de Nava's letters from 1790 to 1793, 12-06-1790
Emparan oficios de senor comandante general de las provincias de oriente, don Ramon de Castro... 12-00-1791
Emparan Panes requests two cabos from regimento de dragones de Mexico to be sent to milicias de Veracruz in order to fill two vacancies. 03-11-1808
Emparan Proceedings against Alferez Juan de Casteneda for having married without a license 00-00-1777
Emparan Provincias Internas. Indice de los documentos que contiene el tomo numero 170. (Mexico, setiembre 13 de 1883). Castro's letter to... 02-01-1779
Emparan Series of documents concerning maritime transportation, military organization, and military-religious relations. 08-25-1809
Emparan Series of letters between Castro and Emparan concerning subordination of presidial troops to comandante general. 03-19-1791
Emparan Series of letters concerning deposition to be made by Valdes. 05-00-1791
Emparan Series of letters concerning Emparan's failure to follow Castro's orders regarding precautions against Indian attack. 04-00-1791
Emparan Series of letters concerning Emparan's replacement as governor. 08-03-1791
Emparan Series of letters concerning judgement of viceroy in dispute between Castro and Emparan. 03-02-1792
Emparan Series of letters from Castro to Emparan concerning military escort requested by Castro. 04-10-1791
Emparan Series of letters from Castro to virrey complaining about Emparan. 07-14-1791
Emparan Series of letters from Gutierrez de la Cueva to Virrey 01-10-1792
Emparan Series of letters relating to Emparan's replacement by acting governor Gutierrez de la Cueva. 08-27-1791
Emparan Sobre existencia en este reyno del teniente coronel don Miguel Emparan governador que fue de Coahuila. 03-23-1797
Emparan valle de Santa Rosa, ano de 1791. Declaraciones tomadas por el ayudante inspector don Juan Gutierrez de la Cueva, sobre lo acaecido con los... 06-27-1791
