Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Espinosa Autos from Perez and Soler to virrey and response by Navarro regarding distribution of masses and wealth of deceased if no will has been... 07-14-1764
Estudillo Various autos by Sola dealing with maritime traffic in the Californias including request that national ships receive same rights that were... 06-05-1809
Estrella Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. 05-30-1785
Escobedo Documents investigating reported abuses against the poor by owners, shopkeepers and in the mines in the region of Pachuca. 10-03-1791
Escobedo Documents investigating reported abuses against the poor by owners, shopkeepers and in the mines in the region of Pachuca. 10-03-1791
Escobar Documents investigating reported abuses against the poor by owners, shopkeepers and in the mines in the region of Pachuca. 10-03-1791
Escandon Administrative correspondence. Index of documents sent from the governor to the viceroy. 01-08-1767
Escandon Listas and extractos of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander from monthly revistas July 1780 - January 1781; year-end quenta del haver. 07-31-1780
Escandon Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Sierra gorda. 08-20-1779
Escandon y Llera Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Espadas (Sargento)/military rolls from Echegaray for year end 1787. 05-01-1739
Espadas Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. 10-10-1771
Espadas Nuevo Reyno de Leon; capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray 86-87-88 y 89, 11-00-1786
Espadas Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde. 12-15-1787
Espadas Administrative letters from Captain Echegaray to Commander General Ugalde; 1788 02-27-1788
Espadas Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde; late 1788 01-02-1788
Espadas Lo escrito del capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray en el ano 1789 11-00-1788
Espadas N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787
Espadas Letters from Uriarte and Balenzuela to Ugalde concerning military issues. 11-22-1786
Espadas Offices concerning legal trial to Mata. 10-17-1786
Esparza Offices concerning legal trial to Mata. 10-17-1786
Espadas Soldiers from Punta de Lampazos are sent to Monterrey. 01-07-1786
Espadas Concerns autos -trial- against Espadas by Echegaray. 09-20-1787
Espadas Notices of expenditures by the companias del Nuevo Reyno de Leon. 09-20-1787
Espadas Correspondence regarding remuneration of officers for years of military service. 01-12-1788
Espadas Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions, granting of invalid status and travel costs of Indian captives. 01-25-1788
Espadas Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning troops organization for military inspection. 02-19-1788
Espadas Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning Indian issues. 04-01-1788
Escageda Correspondence from military officials dealing with Apache raids in presidio of Tupson and vicinities 1788 03-28-1788
Estelesforo Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Espinosa Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Espiritu Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Escudero General correspondence between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey (?) about western pi campaign of 1787-1788. 12-12-1787
Escageda Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Estevan Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... 11-14-1771
Esmeregildo Series of autos on judicial proceedings. Charges brought against Indians accused of attacking a mine. Series of testimonies taken from... 11-14-1771
Escovedo Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Escovedo Series of autos dealing with the conquest and reorganization of the provincias of San Luis Cololtlan 1773-1777. 11-06-1773
Escovedo Documents explaining services to the king in Guezucar, by military and auxiliary troops under jurisdiction of Colotlan. 12-02-1721
Esteban Documents explaining services to the king in Guezucar, by military and auxiliary troops under jurisdiction of Colotlan. 12-02-1721
Espinosa Series of letters and certifications from government officials, dealing with military services provided to the king by soldiers of... 11-16-1721
Escobedo Series of autos dealing with the seizure of Indian land. 07-09-1782
Estrada Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Esquivel Correspondence between Plo, viceroy, and other officials concerning Indian raids in Guejuquilla, Conchos, Mapimi, Cuencame, and Chihuahua... 06-15-1790
Escarcega Correspondence between Ugarte, viceroy, and other officials concerning soldiers confrontation with Apaches. 01-23-1789
Escorza Francisco Xavier Berrueco, essmo rl y ? Gral de bs de dijuns del districto de esta rl auda. Certifico en testimonio.... 03-09-1780
Escorza Muy senior mio: segun acredita la cuenta que me ha remitido el tesorero de Chichihua 06-10-1780
Escobar Instancia del senor comte general de Provas Internas recomendando los meritos de dn Juan Jose Escobar. 06-02-1780
Escobar A senor comandante general de Provincias Internas expone haber provisto para exercicios doctrinales a las milicias de Nueva Vizcaya. 11-17-1780
Escazega expediente formado sobre la salida de rezagos de platas de la villa de Chiguagua.... 03-09-1735
