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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Garcia Diego #30 exmos. Sres..... documents concerning administrative activities at the piadoso fondo de California. 04-01-1837
Gallo (illegible) que manifiesta la Apacheria que se halla de paz este presidio oi dia de la fecha . . . Numero 4. 09-30-1792
Garrido y Duran . A copy of a royal order concening the payment of diezmos on vancant curacies, etc. 10-05-1737
Gasiot y Miralles . A royal decree naming the comandante general de las Provincias Internas subdelegate of correos and postas for his jurisdiction. 08-26-1787
Gallego . Appointment of Ortiz as alcalde. 03-09-1816
Garcia . Census figures for Las Huertas and Bernalillo. 00-00-1802
Garcia de la Mora . Census for several of the northern jurisdictions. 00-00-0000
Garcia . Citizens of Ojo Caliente complain of high religious fees. 10-01-1820
Garcia Pareja . Criminal case against a taos Indian for sodomy (with a calf). He is sentenced to ninety-six lashes and catechism lessons. 06-22-1775
Garsia Jurado . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Garsia . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Gallegos . Criminal case against indios of pueblo de Santa Ana for witchcraft. 01-03-1732
Garcia . December 4, 1821 copy of the gaceta imperial del Mexico with news of political and economic interest. Several reports from various... 12-04-1821
Garcia de Noriega . Election records. 01-30-1814
Galvez . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Garcia Conde . Instructions for the election of deputies for the Cortes prepared by a junta held in Durango. 07-05-1820
Garcia de la Mora . Libel suit concerning protest against an intended marriage. 04-23-1813
Garcia de la Riva . List of citizens and widows who received tools from government and basic figures for other pueblos. Over 170 names. 00-00-1704
Gallego . List of invalid personnel entitled to pensions at Santa Fe presidio. Gives ages, years of service and disability. 06-30-1797
Garcia . Monthly records of the cavalry company of Santa Fee. 01-00-1811
Garbino . notice of the seniority and circumstances of the sargeants and corporals of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-29-1804
Garcia . Official records of the compania de Santa Fee. 03-00-1810
Gallego . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Garcia . Petition for new road. 07-12-1813
Garcia . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Garcia . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Gallejo . Petition requesting the return of a military detachment which has been withdrawn from Alburquerque. 10-15-1712
Garcia . Petitions and responses of Santa Fe Cabildo in El Paso to governor seeking permission to relocate and refusal of such by governor. 08-18-1684
Gallego . Re: census in San Miguel del Vado. 00-00-1813
Garcia del Valle . Re: census in San Miguel del Vado. 00-00-1813
Garcia . Re: the presence of foreigners in the province. 07-20-1812
Garcia . Receipt for a sheep and rice supplied to the wife of corporal Garcia. 05-31-1820
Garcia . Records of the real presidio de Santa Fee. 01-18-1813
Garcia . Report on local election for representatives to the district electoral junta to be held in la Canada. 12-03-1820
Galleja . Report on retaking of (Guanajuato?). 11-29-1810
Garcia Conde . Set of copies of circulars, orders, etc. 10-06-1821
Garcia . Vecinos and Indians of Abiquiu petition to build a bridge across the Rio Chama. Permission granted. 12-23-1784
Garcia ...ta la cita del soldado de esta segunda compania Pedro Garcia comparecio ante mi y los de mi asistencia por citacion... 05-10-1793
Garza ...ta la cita del soldado de esta segunda compania Pedro Garcia comparecio ante mi y los de mi asistencia por citacion... 05-10-1793
Galvez 1170 expedientes antiguos de Provincias Internas. Vuelven al archivo de donde se sacaron. 09-17-1790
Garza 1171. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus contestaciones 12-28-1790
Garcia 1171. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus contestaciones 12-28-1790
Galvez 1171. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus contestaciones 12-28-1790
Galvez 1172. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general del poniente y sus contestaciones despues del suceso del valle da... 05-25-1791
Gainon 1173 ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus respuestas despues del suceso del valle de... 06-08-1791
Gallardo 1327. Californias Ibarra. Ano de 1774. Numero 1098. expediente promovido por el ilustrisimo senor obispo de Guadalaxara y jueces hacedores... 09-30-1774
Garcia de Roxas 1327. Californias Ibarra. Ano de 1774. Numero 1098. expediente promovido por el ilustrisimo senor obispo de Guadalaxara y jueces hacedores... 09-30-1774
Garcia 1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey 02-14-1779
Galvez 1329. (?)Uccion formada en virtud de acuerdo de supremo de las indias, y aprovada por el mismo con arreglo a lo por el rey 02-14-1779
Garza 1774. Revistas. 12-00-1772
