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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Miranda Comunicaciones relativas al gobierno provincial de Coahuila. Anos de 1766 y 1767. Gobernador Barrios. 01-15-1766
Miranda Comuniciones del ministro practical de San Blas sobre llegada de buques, carga que conducen, cobre de derechos, ect... 10-07-1813
Mier y Trespalacios Con el informe que v.e. se sirve prevenirme en su superior decreto de 27 del pasado Mayo . . . . 04-01-1770
Miranda Concerning condition of Nuevo Santander after massive flood; supply of gunpowder to troops. 10-31-1756
Miranda Villa y Zan Concerning creation and division of parishes in bishopric of Guadalajara 10-30-1698
Mijares Solorzano Concerning general planning of military campaigns, defense of Texas, Coahuila. 12-06-1817
Mier y Trespalacios Concerning leasing-selling of hacienda de Arroyo Zarco to Marques de Salinas. 07-19-1799
Miguel Concerning rations for Apache auxiliaries. 05-26-1787
Mier Concerns documents dealing with abuses committed by Mier 07-03-1787
Miguel Concerns Indian raids on Nayari in December 1723. 12-02-1723
Miramon Concerns the replacement of men within the regimiento de dragones de Espana detached in Mexico. 02-02-1767
Miera Concha's diary of campaign against gilenos and response from virrey. 08-22-1788
Minchaca Conflict between Franciscans and presidios. 05-17-1742
Miranda Consejo de indias. expediente sobre cargas contra gobernador Agustin de Vildosola. 07-00-1752
Mier y Teran consulta del commandante general de poniente sobre que se ponga ministro con su modo en la mision de satebo... first in this series begins... 07-12-1792
Mireles Continuation of documents concerning Roldan-Grimaldi civil-military controversy 04-22-1817
Mijares Copia de los partes y un diario del capitan don Joseph Manuel Carrasco dando cuenta justificada de las resultas de su ultima Campana; con... 09-39-1789
Miranda Villaysan Copia del dictamen del senor audictor Marques de Altamira perteniciente a las minas de Sinaloa . 07-01-1730
Miguelena Copies of letters dealing primarily with necessity of improving defense along Texas border against threat of U.S. aggression. 04-24-1809
Miranda Correspondence and diary re: Cordero's campaign against Indians. 08-29-1789
Miuno Correspondence between Barry, Revilla Gigedo, and Martinez concerning marriage request by Barry. 05-24-1777
Miranda Correspondence between Canaveral and the viceroy, regarding military administration and Indian affairs. 10-10-1768
Miranda Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: receipt of correspondence; personnel; funds for missionaries; transport to Californias;... 10-27-1773
Mirafuentes Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey for December, 1779. 01-09-1780
Michelena Correspondence between Mariscal de Campo and Marques de Croix concerning mines, tax collection, other issues. 00-00-1765
Mier Correspondence between missionaries, governor, others concerning allegations of mistreatment of Indians at missions. 00-00-1781
Miranda Correspondence between Rivero, Ugarte, Florez, and other government officials concerning trip of Rivero with two Indians to Mexico and... 02-11-1788
Miranda Correspondence between Salcedo and virrey concerning american and French intrusions into Spanish territory. 04-09-1806
Miranda Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June,... 02-05-1771
Mina Correspondence between Ugalde, Croix, Galvez, and other government officials concerning destitution of Ugalde. 00-00-1578
Miralles Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy concerning Anza's death. 01-05-1789
Miera Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy in reference to government business of Provincias Internas 10-31-1788
Miraval Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 03-09-1786
Miera Correspondence between various officials concerning Indian relations in Nuevo Mexico 11-00-1786
Miguel Correspondence between viceroy and Azuela concerning Seri and Tiburon families running away from settlement in Pitic. 08-23-1775
Mijas Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 03-16-1788
Mier Correspondence concerning military fiscal affairs. 12-12-1767
Mien Correspondence concerning possible commercial trade between Mexico and California. 05-24-1794
Mien Correspondence concerning the suspension of Francisco Lavastida as contadora of San Blas. 11-16-1791
Minchaca Correspondence concerning transference of men for protection of Bexar against indians 06-11-1770
Miranda Correspondence dealing with the control of idolatry among Indians of the provincia de Nayarit 09-20-1768
Miranda Correspondence from Mariscal de Campo to virrey concerning Indian affairs, tax collection, other issues in 1768. 00-00-1756
Mijares Solorzano Correspondence from Texada to comandante general about supplies for military outposts. 11-14-1817
Miguel Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Michilena Correspondence re: charges brought against various Indians. 12-15-1775
Miramon Correspondence re: expenses and funding of expedicion militar de Sonora. 07-17-1768
Mijares Correspondence re: expenses for maintenance of Indians. 01-18-1790
Miera Correspondence re: military campaigns by Carrasco and Concha against Apaches. 05-07-1789
Mier Correspondence re: request by Cruz and two other ayugua Indians for passport to allow them to see virrey about wrong done them by Tato. 02-12-1797
Miranda Correspondence re: successes of Carasco and his partida de chiricaguis. 04-23-1789
