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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Zarin Letters concerning handicapped soldiers asking the virrey for Gracia de invalidos retirement. 04-20-1815
Zapato Tuerto Letters dealing with actions of Ugalde against the mescalero Indians. 00-00-1786
Zarin Letters from Borica and Nava to virrey concerning military promotions and military pensions. 01-10-1793
Zapata Letters from falco for the comandante general informing him of names of individuals responsible for rebellion and misconduct in Bavispe. 04-17-1820
Zaragoza Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the advances in the negotiations with the Apaches. 11-22-1819
Zapata Letters from Garcia for virrey informing him about the situation in the provincias de occidente. 01-28-1820
Zapata Lujan Letters from Gutierrez Castillo to virrey concerning military affairs in Nueva Vizcaya. 10-16-1766
Zambrano Letters from Herrera to Salcedo concerning structure of rebel government in Texas during illegal governorship of casas. 03-28-1811
Zarin Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military personnel 08-23-1792
Zarin Letters from Nava to virrey concerning military promotions and military proposals for employment. 01-27-1792
Zarin Letters from Nava, Borica and Cordero to virrey concerning proposals and petitions for military employments. 05-03-1792
Zalzedo Letters from Netuig and Llenes to viceroy concerning map of Sonora and Indian raids. 05-19-1764
Zamora Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. 06-10-1761
Zamora Letters from the authorities of Monterrey for virrey informing him that the Indians settle in valle Viejo. 09-18-1766
Zapato Letters from Ugarte to virrey concerning proposed trip to Coahuila to determine true relations with Indians in area. 08-13-1790
Zapata Letters from Vaamonde and Baltierra to virrey concerning the granting of retirement to Baltierra for wounds received in Indian attack. 11-28-1794
Zamora Letters from Vidal de Lorca, 04-17-1775
Zatarain Letters of viceroy Bucareli, governor Fayni, Zatarain, San Vicente and Oxinaga concerning recent Indian attacks in Nueva Vizcaya 02-06-1773
Zamora Figuerar Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-14-1789
Zamora Figueroa Letters to and from viceroy and various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 02-28-1789
Zarsosa Letters to the virrey explaining problems in collection of diezmos, the inconveniences of the location of the bishopric, the problems of... 12-17-1773
Zaldana Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Zapiain Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796
Zamora List of letters concerning mulato military troop in Mazatlan. 00-00-1768
Zanbrano Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. 05-01-1817
Zambrano Listas de revistas of the nine companias of Sonora for the first four months of 1817. 01-01-1817
Zamora Mexico 22 de octubre de 1775-consequente alo que por el nuebo reglamento provisional de Californias, aprobado en junta de guerra y real... 10-22-1775
Zamona Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. 01-00-1818
Zaputa Military lists and reviews for each company in Nueva Vizcaya, January, 1818. 01-00-1818
Zarin Military lists of companias presidiales, Volantes of Nueva Vizcaya. August, 1816. 08-01-1816
Zarin Military lists of companias Volantes, presidiales of Nueva Vizcaya. July, 1816. 07-01-1816
Zamarripa Military recommendation letters from several capitanes for Escandon's son. 06-29-1765
Zamora Military rolls for all companies in Sonora for January, 1818. 01-01-1818
Zarate Muy senor mio; en vista de que sin embargo de las ordenes que a mi pedimento libro... 11-13-1781
Zambrano Nava proposes increased vigilance against Mescaleros; several prisoners consequently taken by Mateos. 07-12-1796
Zapato Saxs Nine military instancias from colonia of Nuevo Santander. 02-02-1792
Zalaras no pudiendo ni debiendo cuenta a S.M. o la provision.... documents concerning retirements and promotions of individuals from several... 12-23-1816
Zapato Sas noticia en que por menor su manifiesta el numero de piesas Apaches que el 8 de abril corriente salieron de la villa de Monclova 04-28-1788
Zambrano Nuevo Leon. Ano de 1782. Numero 32 instancia del teniente de la compania presidial don Josef Maria de Echegaray 03-09-1779
Zarate Nuevo Leon. Ano de 1782. Numero 32 instancia del teniente de la compania presidial don Josef Maria de Echegaray 03-09-1779
Zalasar Nuevo Reyno de Leon. Caussa criminal que se sigue de oficio contra los que resultaren culpados, sobre las muertes hechas en el paraje de la... 07-30-1782
Zancanda numero 3 & numero 4 letters to viceroy requesting a marriage license for Bufanos 06-08-1794
Zapato Tuerto Oficios dirigidos a la corte sobre paces de diversas congregaciones de Apaches. 04-16-1787
Zamanugo Once oficios del coronel don Phelipe de Neve remitiendo cuentas de reclutas, pobladores remontadas y de los soldados de presidios de esta... 10-24-1781
Zaenz Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Zantander otra caxa de oja de=lata con rotulo=agostaderos del=reyno. 02-12-1666
Zarasua otra caxa de oja de=lata con rotulo=agostaderos del=reyno. 02-12-1666
Zapata Padre Juan de Almonajiz al padre provincial Luiz del Canto. Letter concerning affairs of Matape colegio. 01-04-1689
Zapata Padre Nicolas de Villafane. Memoria de Tecoripa. 07-24-1684
Zabalite Padrones y noticias del estado de las misiones en el ano del 1774, de Mora a Bucareli. 00-00-1772
