Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Carvajal Antonio Fernandez. Pleito criminal. 02-20-1652
Chaves Antonio Firreyro. Indice de todos los titulos, mercedes, poseciones tomadas en virtud de ellas y demas documentos respectivos a esta... 02-03-1773
Cervantes Mexia Carvajal Antonio Firreyro. Indice de todos los titulos, mercedes, poseciones tomadas en virtud de ellas y demas documentos respectivos a esta... 02-03-1773
Cardoso Antonio Firreyro. Indice de todos los titulos, mercedes, poseciones tomadas en virtud de ellas y demas documentos respectivos a esta... 02-03-1773
Cervantes Antonio Firreyro. Indice de todos los titulos, mercedes, poseciones tomadas en virtud de ellas y demas documentos respectivos a esta... 02-03-1773
Carral Antonio Firreyro. Indice de todos los titulos, mercedes, poseciones tomadas en virtud de ellas y demas documentos respectivos a esta... 02-03-1773
Cordoba Antonio Gil Ybarvo (lieutenant governor). Proceedings against muleteer Joaquin de Cordoba for transporting contraband goods to Bexar in... 09-22-1790
Cordova Antonio Gil Ybarvo (lieutenant governor). Proceedings against muleteer Joaquin de Cordoba for transporting contraband goods to Bexar in... 09-22-1790
Cavello Antonio Gil Ybarvo (teniente). Proceedings concerning Gil Ybarvo's commission as judge in contraband cases. 04-20-1780
Cavallero de la Veral Antonio Gutierrez. Pleito criminal contra un desatinado. 12-18-1650
Cortes Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured. 04-24-1789
Cosio Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured. 04-24-1789
Cadena Antonio informe by Ugalde for virrey concerning incident in Santa Rosa in which 66 mescaleros captured. 04-24-1789
Canedo Antonio Juarez to Francisco Canedo. Venta de esclavo. 02-19-1646
Carrillo Antonio Narbonna. Drafts of two letters concerning the problems Narbonna had in getting his luggage through customs in Arispe. 00-00-0000
Carillo Antonio Narbonna. Report on the distribution or sale of tovaco and puros in Arispe by captain Antonio Narbonna. 05-29-1818
Carrion Antonio Pacheco. Pleito civil sobre pesos. 07-31-1651
Curbelo Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Carabajal Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Cortinas Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Carabajal Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Cordoves Antonio Rodriquez Mederos vs. Pedro del Barrio Junco y Espriella, Vicente Albares Trabieso and Francisco de Arroyo. Documents demanding... 07-19-1749
Cyasiquiche Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. 00-00-0000
Calahorra Antonio Trevino. Informes sobre rendicion de Trevino y de los indios taguais. 00-00-0000
Consag Antonio Ullua. Opinion regarding diary of Fernando Consag (S.J.) during voyage in Sea of California. UI-PA-N.D.
Chaves Antonio, Juan to Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Proceedings in case against Francisco Padilla for assault on Juan Anttonio. 06-14-1737
Couchiquian Antonio, Juan to Gonsales Bas, Juan (alcalde mayor). Proceedings in case against Francisco Padilla for assault on Juan Anttonio. 06-14-1737
Castini anua del ano de 1621. 04-30-1622
Cruz anua del ano de 1621. 04-30-1622
Croix Anza, Juan Baptista (gobernador). Proceedings of review and execution of death penalty against two Indian women of Cochiti who murdered an... 10-14-1775
Candelario Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning a general visitation of New Mexico which de Anza planned to make. 05-31-1782
Cisneros Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning a general visitation of New Mexico which de Anza planned to make. 05-31-1782
Campo Redondo Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning the Voluntary war contribution. 08-17-1780
Campo Redondo Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the appointment of Jose Antonio Rengel as comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 00-00-0000
Castillo Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the personal services provided by New Mexico Indians. 03-10-1784
Cordero y Bustamante Anza, Juan Baptista de. Extracto de revista executada por mi, el theniente coronel don Juan Baptista de Anza del real presidio de Santa Fe. 04-10-1781
Campo Redondo Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning cattle brands and their use in New Mexico. 01-15-1783
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning cattle brands and their use in New Mexico. 01-15-1783
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning cattle brands and their use in New Mexico. 01-15-1783
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando concerning the use of sealed (papel con sello) paper. 10-27-1783
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Cantara Apache attack on San Antonio presidio and French spies. 02-00-1723
Casafuerte Apache attack on San Antonio presidio and French spies. 02-00-1723
Chaves Apodaca, Miguel. Dispute over ownership of livestock. 09-04-1818
