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Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Carrera Antonio Carrera contra Rodrigo Antonio de Neyra. Demanda puesta por Antonio Carrera, Arriero y mulato libre, contra don Rodrigo Antonio de... 07-00-1731
Camargo Antonio Camargo (fray). Resonse to royal order that Indians be instructed in the faith in the Spanish language. 08-20-1717
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Ruego para el diario del capitan Cazorla sobre exploracion de la costa, y prohibicion del comercio con... 12-09-1772
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Orden para pasar al capitan de La Bahia para obeder las ordenes del gobernador Ripperda. 01-04-1774
Cordoba Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Orden para acciones contra Christoval de Cordoba para robo de dinero del presidio. 12-21-1774
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). El virrey ha recibado carta del gobernador sobre permiso para capitan Luis Cazorla viajar a Bexar para... 12-20-1774
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Carta sobre recibo del informo del capitan Luis Cazorla sobre yngleses en La Bahia; y respuesta sobre... 01-06-1773
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Carta sobre necesidad de revista de los defensas de La Bahia contra posibilidad de un ataque por los... 11-10-1772
Croix Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Carta sobre continuacion de los ordenes del virrey pasado Croix para establecer paz en Texas y Louisiana. 10-12-1771
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Carta del recibo de informacion que Luis Cazorla es el capitan de La Bahia. 10-07-1772
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y Ursua (virrey). Carta al gobernador en favor de su acciones... 01-04-1774
Cazorla Antonio Bucarely y ursa (virrey). Comicion de Luis Cazorla para capitan del presidio de La Bahia. 04-26-1772
Cabello Antonio Blanc. Petition to export cattle. 05-04-1782
Curbelo Antonio Blanc. Petition to export cattle. 05-04-1782
Cazorla Antonio Banilla. Lista de la caballeria de presidio de La Bahia para el ano de 1778. 05-22-1779
Casados Antonio Balverde Cossio (gobernador). Junta de guerra to decide upon actions against uta and comanche Indians for raids on pueblos,... 08-09-1719
Chabez Antonio Baca. Queja que dio Antonio Baca alcalde mayor y capitan a guerra del pueblo de Xemes y su jurisdiction. 06-12-1745
Chabes Antonio Baca. Queja que dio Antonio Baca alcalde mayor y capitan a guerra del pueblo de Xemes y su jurisdiction. 06-12-1745
Codallos y Rabal Antonio Baca. Queja que dio Antonio Baca alcalde mayor y capitan a guerra del pueblo de Xemes y su jurisdiction. 06-12-1745
Campo Redondo Antonio Baca. Case against Antonio Baca for falsely presenting himself as a justice official to some Indians to intercept mail to fray... 09-03-1808
Caballero Antonio Baca. Case against Antonio Baca for falsely presenting himself as a justice official to some Indians to intercept mail to fray... 09-03-1808
Campos Redondo Anton, Sebastian. A letter written by Anton in reply to charges, that he was absent from his mission of Picuris. 03-03-1785
Cantu antecedentes de la causa de Agustin Alvarado. 06-28-1797
Croix Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Corvalan Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal order. 08-27-1785
Corvalan Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando prohibiting travel without written permission. 12-10-1783
Calles Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Criminal charge against Josef Antonio Manujo for assaulting a woman. 12-05-1785
Cruz Vegil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the granting of permission to New Mexico settlers and military to visit New Spain. 10-02-1782
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the granting of permission to New Mexico settlers and military to visit New Spain. 10-02-1782
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Cruz Vigil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the evasion of law-suits. 10-25-1777
Corvalan Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning family relationships and marriage. 04-21-1784
Cruz Vegil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning family relationships and marriage. 04-21-1784
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning family relationships and marriage. 04-21-1784
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order prohibiting the arrest of officials working for the real hacienda without preparing an inventory of... 08-27-1785
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order concerning the publication of the bula de cruzada and its implementation or support. 08-27-1785
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order announcing the birth of a son to an unnamed princess. The child was named Fernando Maria. 10-16-1784
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
Candelaria Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando transmitting Neve's bando concerning his authority in relation to the royal patronage. 03-10-1784
