Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Chacon Fernando Chacon-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Transmittal of military lists & diaries. 04-00-1802
Chacon Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Transmittal of commission for Joseph Tapia as 2do Alferez. 04-05-1802
Cacon Jose Antonio Baca. Suit by Jose Antonio Baca to recover debt from Manuel Sanchez. 04-26-1802
Chacon Fernando Chacon-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Receipt of royal cedula-re: denial of cardinal's request on military marriages. 04-28-1802
Chacon Fernando Chacon (?)-to-Joaquin Ugarte. Instructions-re: timber for bridge at El Paso. 06-14-1802
Chacon Fernando Chacon-to-Pedro de Nava (comandante). Dispatch of pine wood for bridge at El Paso. 06-15-1802
Caballero Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Communication of royal order re-instating Pedro de Moneda in rank of capitan. 07-14-1802
Chacon Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to comandante general acknowledging that reports and correspondence have been forwarded and noting... 07-14-1802
Cavallero Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to comandante general acknowledging that reports and correspondence have been forwarded and noting... 07-14-1802
Chacon Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to Pedro de Nava, acknowledging receipt of appointment as residencia judge for residencia of Juan... 07-14-1802
Cueba Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to Pedro de Nava, acknowledging receipt of appointment as residencia judge for residencia of Juan... 07-14-1802
Cordero Fernando Chacon (gobernador). note to Pedro de Nava, acknowledging receipt of appointment as residencia judge for residencia of Juan... 07-14-1802
Chacon Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Receipt of military lists from Santa Fe company. 07-19-1802
Chacon Andres Arroyo de Anda. Order from audiencia of Guadalajara to governor Chacon of New Mexico to submit report whenever he uses his authority... 07-22-1802
Cordero Pedro de Nava. Letter to governor of New Mexico Fernando Chacon acknowledging Chacon's appointment... 08-11-1802
Cueba Pedro de Nava. Letter to governor of New Mexico Fernando Chacon acknowledging Chacon's appointment... 08-11-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Drafts of three letter to Pedro de Nava reporting comanche Indian raid... 08-30-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). List of soldiers of Santa Fe company entitled to bonuses for long service; 15,20, and 25 years. 08-30-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter to audiencia of Guadalajara explaining that he will not be able to serve as residencia judge for... 08-30-1802
Cordero Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter to audiencia of Guadalajara explaining that he will not be able to serve as residencia judge for... 08-30-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Summary of events concerning attack on citizen of Sonora; arrival of various Indian chiefs at Santa Fe and... 09-01-1802
Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Receipt of diary of events. 09-01-1802
Chacon Nava, Pedro de to Chacon, Fernando. Letter to governor of New Mexico announcing promotion of lieutenant Josef Manrrique to rank of captain... 09-16-1802
Chacon Nava, Pedro de to Chacon, Fernando. Two notes to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of list of soldiers receiving bonuses, and... 09-18-1802
Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Receipt of military documents from Santa Fe company. 10-00-1802
Caballero Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante general). Transmission to governor of New Mexico royal order declaring all new appointees to military offices... 11-18-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). note to audiencia of Guadalajara informing them that a report about an Indian held on criminal charges by... 11-18-1802
Cadelo Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). note to audiencia of Guadalajara informing them that a report about an Indian held on criminal charges by... 11-18-1802
Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Receipt of financial report for Santa Fe company and estimates for 1804. 11-18-1802
Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Authorization for release of 19 escopetas to Santa Fe company. 11-18-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Drafts of five letters to comandante general, acknowledging receipt of notice... 11-19-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Petition to king for permission to retire and return to Spain. 11-19-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). note to comandante general that royal order authorizing military bonus for sergeant Felipe Luera has been... 11-19-1802
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Instructions for captain Josef Manrrique to follow upon his transfer to Coahuila, including organization of... 11-19-1802
Chacon Salcedo, Nemesio (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Receipt of copy governor's petition to king for his retirement from... 11-19-1802
Chacon . Relation of the oldest officers and sargeant that serve in the mentioned province (New Mexico). 01-01-1803
Chinclisi Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter ordering a campaign launched against three Indian rancherias in the sierra de Sacramento. 02-05-1803
Cevallos Salcedo, Nemesio. Transmission of a royal order prohibiting postmasters from engaging in commerce or other businesses. 02-07-1803
Clavijo Salcedo, Nemesio. Transmission of a royal order prohibiting postmasters from engaging in commerce or other businesses. 02-07-1803
Caballero Salcedo, Nemesio. Transmission of a letter concerning the salaries of governors and intendants, and the obligation to pay media annata tax. 03-14-1803
Chacon Tovar, Joseph de to Chacon, Fernando. A letter announcing the appointment of Josef Manrique to the command of the second flying company of... 03-15-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). An account of those soldiers in the Santa Fee presidio company who were eligible for service premiums for... 03-20-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemecio. A letter concerning the formation of the sign of the cross. 03-28-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando to Salcedo, Nemecio. A letter concerning the participation of 250 New Mexico soldiers, settlers and Indians in a campaign... 03-29-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando. Acknowledgement of the receipt of a royal order sent by Nemecio Salcedo concerning badges and uniforms. 03-29-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando. A letter nominating three soldiers for the position of first lieutenant of the Santa Fee presidio company. 03-30-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). A letter discussing certain funds of Santa Fee presidio, including the fondo de gratificacion, and from the... 03-30-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). A letter concerning the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant of Santa Fee presidio... 03-30-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning certain interests of the invalidos- retired presidio soldiers. 03-30-1803
Chacon Chacon, Fernando. A letter transmitting and discussing the service records of the three men nominated to the position of first lieutenant. 03-30-1803
