Delgado |
Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations |
07-21-1770 |
Delgado |
Ripperda's correspondence re: defence, troop movement and allocation, and Indian depredations |
07-21-1770 |
Delgado |
Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian auxiliares, Indian conversion, and detachment troops |
04-20-1771 |
Demezieres |
Ripperda's correspondence re: Indian depredations and abandonment of Orcoquiza |
10-14-1770 |
Demezieres |
Ripperda's correspondence re: peace with Indians, use of troops, defense, Indian depredations and pacification |
05-26-1771 |
Duran |
Rivera's visita to presidios of northern frontier of New Spain |
12-07-1728 |
Diego |
Robbery, criminal trial |
07-01-1668 |
Dampier |
Rodriguez Gallardo's plan for Sonora and Sinaloa , 1750 |
08-12-1750 |
Dios |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
01-01-1773 |
Dios de Lerma |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
01-01-1773 |
Dios Muniz |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for December 1772 through February1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
01-01-1773 |
Dios Ribera |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. |
07-02-1773 |
Dios |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. |
07-02-1773 |
Dios de Lerma |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for July through Sept, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias; monthly wages listed. |
07-02-1773 |
Dios de Rivera |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
04-02-1773 |
Dios |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
04-02-1773 |
Dis Muniz |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
04-02-1773 |
Dios de Serna |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
04-02-1773 |
Dios de Lerma |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for March through May, 1773; wages listed; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
04-02-1773 |
Dios Ribera |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
02-17-1773 |
Dios |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
02-17-1773 |
Dios de Billazana |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry for September through nov, 1773; each is signed by officers or justicias. |
02-17-1773 |
Dios Gonzales |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. |
12-01-1772 |
Dios de Serna |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. |
12-01-1772 |
Dios de Munis |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. |
12-01-1772 |
Dios Munoz |
Rolls for Nuevo Santander cavalry, December 1772. |
12-01-1772 |
Dabachil |
Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. |
03-04-1787 |
Delgado |
Romero, Domingo. Civil action taken to recover a son released-ransomed from the comanches, and who was claimed by another man. |
08-22-1787 |
Duran |
Romero, Francisco Xavier/Sandoval Martinez, Antonio. Continuation in sodomy proceedings and counter accusations of calumny. |
07-27-1728 |
Delgado |
Romero, Luis Josef. note of obligation to pay debt of 200 pesos to Fernando Delgado and terms of re-payment. |
10-08-1814 |
Diaz de Carpio |
Romero, Phelipe to Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Proceedings of Phelipe Romero vs. Francisco Espexo for two loaned horses. |
07-20-1733 |
Diaz de Salcedo |
Roncal requests discharge and transfer to Mexico due to debilitating injury. |
01-17-1794 |
Dufay |
Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. |
04-28-1790 |
Diaz del Carpio |
Royal fiscal. Response of fiscal to reports of Indian problems in Nueva Viscaya. (fiscal to the king). |
00-00-1750 |
Duran de Armijo |
Roybal, Santiago de (vicario y juez eclessiasttico) to Mendoza, Gaspar Domingo de (gobernador). Proceedings in case against Juan Marques... |
07-29-1740 |
Duran |
Rubio, Josef to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Short note to governor reviewing candidates for officer rank for presidio staff. |
01-08-1778 |
Duran |
Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. |
08-22-1810 |
Delgado |
Salasar, Francisco. Service records of officers of Santa Fee militia company. |
12-31-1820 |
Domingo y Martre |
Salcedo nominated as comandante general of Provincias Internas. |
04-16-1790 |
Dunbar |
Salcedo, Nemesio to Casacalbo (Marques de). Concerning the expedition of William Dunbar. |
10-08-1805 |
Delgado |
Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Announcing the death of Miguel Ortiz and the nomination of Delagado and Serrano to replace him. |
09-19-1804 |
Durocher |
Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Concerning Indian relations. |
09-12-1805 |
Durocher |
Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin. Salcedo informs governor that he will be returning to Ylinois to New Mexico to negotiate... |
09-09-1805 |
Davila y Pacheco |
Sale of public office (juez fiscal). |
12-18-1654 |
Davila |
Sale of slave. |
06-30-1654 |
Dias |
San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. |
00-00-1772 |
Duran |
Sanchez, Jose. Diligencias seguidas a peticion de los vecinos de las truchas su theniente Jose Sanchez quien salio sin cargo. |
02-04-1783 |
Duran |
Santiago Garcia. Garcia sees a cow he believes is his and attempts to recover it. |
08-18-1762 |
Davila y Pacheco |
Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Criminal case- contra indios/slavery. Enrique Davila y Pacheco. |
06-03-1660 |
Delgado |
Sargento mayor Valerio Cortes del Rey. Criminal-physical assault. Don Pedro Francisco Santillon-alcalde mayor. |
03-04-1661 |