Elias Gonzalez |
Report by Esteban on payments to soldiers of Horcasitas presidios. |
01-03-1818 |
Esteban |
Report by Esteban on payments to soldiers of Horcasitas presidios. |
01-03-1818 |
Escandon |
Report by Jose Escandon concerning the foundation of Hoyos, Padilla and Cerro Santiago, and the division of land among the settlers. |
07-20-1769 |
Elias Gonzalez |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Enparami |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Espinosa de los Monteros |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Espinosa |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Espinosa |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Espinosa |
Report by Zuniga on payments to soldiers of Santa Cruz presidio as per royal order of October 4, 1766. |
12-31-1817 |
Echegaray |
Report concerning financial aid given to presidios in Nuevo Mexico. |
07-17-1788 |
Estrada |
Report from Moreno y Castro for Barri on treatment of Indians and prison conditions. |
11-05-1771 |
Espinosa |
Report from Moreno y Castro for Barri on treatment of Indians and prison conditions. |
11-05-1771 |
Escandon |
Report from ossorio to the viceroy concerning the land conflict with misiones de Californias. |
03-01-1763 |
Echeandia |
Report of Indian battle and correspondence concerning tobacco trade |
02-16-1816 |
Echeandia |
Report of Indian battle and correspondence concerning tobacco trade |
02-16-1816 |
Enderica |
Report of Iturbide's capture of the fuerte de liceaga. |
11-20-1812 |
Echegaray |
Report of names, positions, and salaries of the employees of ramo del tabaco, and ramo de aduanas from 1775-1788. |
07-05-1788 |
Elguezabal |
Report of troop strength at Agua Verde |
06-17-1791 |
Esquiesaval |
Report on defense of Coahuila and Nuevo Reyno de Leon |
10-07-1778 |
Espinosa |
Report on payments to soldiers of second compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya |
02-28-1818 |
Espinosa |
Report on payments to soldiers of second compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya |
02-28-1818 |
Echeagaray |
Report on troop strength at la Babia |
07-16-1791 |
Ernandes |
Reports from beginning of campaign to reconquer Nayarit. |
02-11-1724 |
Escorza |
Reports from detachments. |
04-03-1773 |
Echeagaray |
Reports from governors and captains in Texas responding to viceroy's instructions for a new method of government in their province |
09-02-1772 |
Elias Gonzalez |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Escalante |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Enojeant |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Enojeant |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Exedia |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Espinosa |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Espinosa |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Espinosa |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Escalante |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Escalante |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Escalante |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Exedia |
Reports from Pesqueira and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Fronteras presidio. |
06-30-1817 |
Elias Gonzalez |
Reports from Zuniga and Elias Gonzalez concerning payments to soldiers at Santa Cruz presidio. |
07-30-1817 |
Erausso |
Reports of attempts to subdue Indians in pueblos of Nayarit. |
01-09-1724 |
Erbaes |
Reports of conflict, peaceful encounters with Indians in Nayarit. |
01-22-1724 |
Ernandes |
Reports of general fear of Indian attack, preparation for reconquest of Nayarit. |
01-11-1724 |
Enriquez |
Reports of general fear of Indian attack, preparation for reconquest of Nayarit. |
01-11-1724 |
Esquibel |
Reports of Indian raids, military campaigns at norte. |
05-20-1790 |
Esparia |
Reports of newly pacified Nayarit, remaining trouble spots. |
07-07-1722 |
Escandon |
Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category. |
10-29-1772 |
Echeagaray |
Reports to gobernador Echeagaray from Cantun, others; various concerns. |
01-16-1778 |
Espinosa de los Monteza |
representacion del comisario del Loreto, don Antonio Joseph Lopez de Toledo, sobre el estado y surtimiento que necesita el almacen que esta... |
00-00-1768 |
Echeveste |
representacion del comisario del Loreto, don Antonio Joseph Lopez de Toledo, sobre el estado y surtimiento que necesita el almacen que esta... |
00-00-1768 |
Espinosa |
representacion del comisario del Loreto, don Antonio Joseph Lopez de Toledo, sobre el estado y surtimiento que necesita el almacen que esta... |
00-00-1768 |
Estrada Oy |
representacion del comisario del Loreto, don Antonio Joseph Lopez de Toledo, sobre el estado y surtimiento que necesita el almacen que esta... |
00-00-1768 |