Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Lopez Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 08-12-1772
Llanos de Bergara Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 08-12-1772
Luengas y Elexalde Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Lopez Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Lopez Valdez Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Laso Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Lizarde Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Lazo Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Losada Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Llanos de Vergara Letters between Escorza and Bucareli y Urzua concerning fiscal management of presidios. 03-29-1773
Losada Correspondence with Croix from 1777-1779. 01-10-1777
Llanos de Verganza Series of documents concerning military administration and finances. 12-18-1776
Laso Index of documents given to general commander of Provincias Internas, Teodoro de Croix. April 8, 1777. 04-08-1777
Laso de la Vega Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and some government officials of p.i. 1779. 01-06-1779
Lajona Oficios del comandante general de Provincias Internas y respuestas del virrey 04-08-1777
Luyanda Orders given to all officials in Mexico naming Caballero de Croix by king as comandante general de Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Le Dee Documents from viceroy and various officials regarding affairs of Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Le Marchand Documents from viceroy and various officials regarding affairs of Provincias Internas. 02-24-1777
Lopez de la Oliva Documents relating to military and civilian requests for salary increases and other issues. 09-17-1777
Laso Documents regarding monies in cajas reales in Guadalaxara. 11-24-1777
Laso de la Vega Documents regarding monies in cajas reales in Guadalaxara. 11-24-1777
Lopez Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Laso de la Vega Correspondence from various officials to viceroy 08-20-1776
Lara List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Leisaola List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Lopez Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Laso de la Vega Documents relating to various issues within prov. internas. 05-03-1703
Lumbreras Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Lumbreras Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Latora Various documents relating to issues within Provincias Internas 07-17-1778
Ligero Informe to king describing establishment, development and current problems in Provincias Internas. 05-08-1789
Lam de Casafonda Compilation of reales titulos by Ugarte concerning history and development of comandancia general. 06-15-1776
Losada Letter from Plo y Alduan to Rengel complaining of low salary; high cost of living. Requests that Rengel notify virrey. 12-27-1785
Lombardini Rengel acknowledges receipt of various copies of royal announcements and decrees from Virreynato. 02-07-1786
Loredo Series of letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virreynato concerning various military and financial matters. 03-17-1786
Lain Herrero Correspondence between Caballero de Croix and virrey Mayorga on administrative matters of the Provincias Internas Jan.-March 1782. 01-02-1782
Lucas de Lasaga Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. 05-14-1782
Lain Herrero Administrative correspondence of Provincias Internas between Croix and virrey Mayorga. 05-14-1782
Lain Herrero Drafts and official correspondence between Croix and viceroy Mayorga Jan.-October 1782. 01-00-1782
Lucas de Lozaga Drafts and official correspondence between Croix and viceroy Mayorga Jan.-October 1782. 01-00-1782
Leyba y Ocon Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Lopez de Garayo Correspondence of Croix with presidente de la Junta de Arbitros and viceroy. 11-00-1776
Lain Military, fiscal and administrative correspondence of comandante general Croix, primarily with viceroy, for 1782. 08-19-1773
Lopez Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Lopez Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Li Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Loredo Correspondence of comandante general Neve for 1784. 02-28-1781
Ledon y Aguayo Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Leysaola Croix's correspondence re: administrative matters, mailing of documents and lists of documents received. 10-06-1771
Laso Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. 12-07-1779
