Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Mayorga Correspondence between Mayorga and Croix re: military service records, Alamos treasury and military recruitment and rights to produce... 00-00-1730
Mayorga Croix's correspondence re: discussion of request for gunsmith by governor of California and agreement of the need for one. 07-00-1775
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: administrative matters of receipt of documents, military personnel, and Moncada trip to... 02-06-1780
Mayorga Correspondence between Corix and Mayorga re: civil administration, request and receipt of documents, civil and military personnel, and... 10-21-1779
Mayorga Relacion about contents of documents lacking in San Bernardino and the separation from the file of some of the documents. 10-13-1779
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: treasury transactions; military personnel; documents on Aviles; use of funds. 12-07-1779
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga concerning shipment of buffalos from Texas to Spain and reimbursement of shipping costs 07-18-1778
Mayorga Correspondence between Croiz and Mayorga re: civil administration; personnel; treasury transactions; salaries; use of funds inporting... 08-14-1777
Mayorga Croix's correspondence re: San Blas shipbuilding; Alamos treasury; arms shipment; military personnel. 06-23-1781
Mayorga Correspondence betwene Croix and Mayorga re: postal service; Durango tobacco factoria; lottery; military administrative matters. 08-01-1781
Mayorga Croix's correspondence re: request by inhabitants of Arrieros to be under jurisdiction of Sonora y Sinaloa. 03-00-1732
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga concerning infromation to virrey on mercury shipment and report of lack of mercury in capital. 06-13-1781
Mayorga Croix's correspondence re: military personnel; fiscal affairs in Chihuahua and funds for California arms; and Alamos treasury... 04-02-1781
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: receipt of correspondence; personnel; funds for missionaries; transport to Californias;... 10-27-1773
Mayorga Criox's correspondence re: military personnel; pensions; arms; shipments to Californias; postal service; mezcal sale. 08-04-1775
Mayorga Correspondence between Croix and Mayorga re: military personnel military supplies; military salaries; and use of funds. 10-27-1773
Mayorga Discourse concerning withholding of salary of captain Francisco Mesia and fiscal account of expedition of Sonora. 03-13-1780
Mayorga Documents concerning dispute between Taulia and Romero over having both received titles for same job position as justicia mayor in Nayarit. 01-02-1783
Mayorga Documents concerning payment of synods to Nayarit missionaries through cajas de Guadalaxara. 04-01-1779
Mayorga Correspondence re: Monterde's request for advance on salary to pay for transportation of family to Mexico to improve educational... 01-09-1783
Mayorga Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Mayorga Sonora, correspondencia del intendente Pedro Corbalan, 1781. 09-23-1780
Mayorga Correspondence related to adjustments to Rengel's salary upon promotion to comandante inspector. 06-11-1783
Mayorga Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780
Mayorga Correspondence relating to amount owed to Tadeo de Rivera's estate by Menocal, discovered during review of fiscal affairs of compania... 11-16-1782
Mayorga Request from Croix for marcas, punzones, pesos, libros and other items needed for establishment of new Caxa Real de Chihuahua. 08-03-1782
Mayorga Letter requesting permission to move Reyes to hospital de San Juan de Dios. 03-23-1781
Mayorga Discussion of desire to settle cases of various prisoners who are currently imprisoned in real carcel of Durango. 12-24-1778
Mayorga Discussion of using money from tabacos of administraciones de Parral y San Bartolome to pay primera y tercera companias Volantes and... 02-12-1780
Mayorga Correspondence between Hezeta and virrey concerning ships, including construction and repair. 06-18-1779
Mayorga General correspondence: September, 1779. 09-18-1779
Mayorga Letters concerning payments of Alcabala to department of San Blas, and de la Bodega y Quadra replacement by Arteaga. 08-09-1780
Mayorga Letters to and from governors of Nuevo Santander; various concerns 01-06-1779
Mayorga Letters from Medina and others to viceroy Mayorga. 03-14-1779
Mayorga Provincias Internas indice de los negocios que contiene el tomo 118. Indian hostilities, garrison reestablishment, and provincial... 05-06-1780
Mayorga June 6, 1781, los mozos de servicio no son de calidad y natura mas recomendables que los indios tributarios orders re administrative and... 05-17-1779
Mayorga November 3, 1781. Senor: Los indios barabaros, en corto numero y dibididos en pequenas quadrillas, como acostumbran para robar, entraron de... 11-03-1781
Mayorga February 28, 1782 Senor: En el dia 19 del pasado se me dio aviso de que en el 15 del mismo havian los indios barbaros asaltado un... 11-15-1781
Mayorga Indice de los partes que da al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuebo Reino de Leon en el correo de hoy 2 de enero. de 1782 01-19-1782
Mayorga Indice de los partes que dirige al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 3 de agosto de 1782 07-06-1782
Mayorga Indice de los partes que dirige al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 3 de agosto de 1782 07-06-1782
Mayorga Indice de los partes que remite al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon en el correo de hoy 1 de febrero, 1783. 01-19-1783
Mayorga May 24, 1783 a fin de determinar con el acierto que se debe sobre las providencias.... 07-09-1782
Mayorga Correspondence between virrey (?) and Pinera re: recapture and incorporation into collera of escaped Indian prisoner Domingo. 11-22-1782
Mayorga Letters from Lasaga to Mayorga re: administrative matters for 1781. 04-02-1781
Mayorga Correspondence between Lasaga and virrey (?) re: administrative matters for 1782. 02-25-1782
Mayorga Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and lasaga for 1783. 01-10-1783
Mayorga Administrative correspondence between virrey(?) and gobernador Sierra gorda. 08-20-1779
Mayorga Correspondence between gobernador of Nuevo Santander and others campaign diaries, and administrative matters for 1780. 01-04-1780
Mayorga Letters from Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military promotions and petition for weapons. 09-24-1788
