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Person Last Name Document title Date
Mestas Juachina, Maria. Civil case against Pedro Mora in settlement of estate of Juan Ygnacio Mestas. 04-02-1772
Mendinueta Juachina, Maria. Civil case against Pedro Mora in settlement of estate of Juan Ygnacio Mestas. 04-02-1772
Mendinueta Sedillo, Pasqual Antonio. Criminal case against Pasqual Antonio Sedillo for beating his wife to death. 05-00-1772
Mendinueta Bucarely y ursua, Antonio (virrey). Acknowledgement of receipt of report of status of presidio of Santa Fe. 06-03-1772
Mendinueta Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (virrey). note to governor of New Mexico transmitting bandos concerning regulations governing the fleet. 08-18-1772
Mestas Pena, Joseph Miguel de la (alcalde mayor). Decision of alcalde mayor to award cattle of the estate of Bentura Mestas to Salvador Vigil. 11-04-1772
Mendinueta Peramas, Melchor de. Letter of governor of New Mexico, Pedro Fermin de Mendinuta, acknowledging receipt of report on conditions of Santa Fe... 04-14-1773
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Proceedings of criminal case against two Indian women, a mother and her daughter, for murdering... 04-22-1773
Mendinueta Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (virrey). note to governor of New Mexico referring to copies of royal cedula being sent pertaining to stipends... 06-08-1774
Mendinueta Arteaga, Manuel de (mayordomo). Claim against Thomas de Zena for sheep owed to the cofradia administered by Manuel de Arteaga. 06-16-1774
Mendinueta Sena, Thomas de. Processing of claim by Thomas de Sena against Alonso Garcia for six hundred sheeps - governor agrees with Sena. 07-13-1774
Mendinueta Antonio (obispo). Letter to governor of New Mexico outlining the churche's policy on use of churches for asylum - limiting locations... 08-18-1774
Mendinueta Duran y Chaves, Eusebio. Letters from viceroy to governor about Eusebio Duran y Chavez being recalled to Mexico City and possibly... 08-24-1774
Mendinueta Baldes, Joseph. Civil suit against Matheo Salazar for debt, which governor orders to be paid. 03-18-1775
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin (gobernador). Letter to bishop acknowledging receipt of earlier letter concerning asylum in churches, and... 05-04-1775
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin (gobernador). Character reference on Eusebio Duran y Chavez written in response to request by viceroy. 05-12-1775
Mendinueta . Criminal case against a taos Indian for sodomy (with a calf). He is sentenced to ninety-six lashes and catechism lessons. 06-22-1775
Mendinueta Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (virrey). Acknowledgement of receipt of report on character and service of Eusebio Duran y Chavez. 07-26-1775
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Decision of governor in favor of Juan Ygnacio Mestas as primary heir to estate of Bentura Mestas. 09-04-1775
Mestas Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Decision of governor in favor of Juan Ygnacio Mestas as primary heir to estate of Bentura Mestas. 09-04-1775
Mestas Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Decision of governor in favor of Juan Ygnacio Mestas as primary heir to estate of Bentura Mestas. 09-04-1775
Mendinueta Bucarely y Ursua, Antonio (virrey). Transmission to governor of New Mexico revisions in law allowing ex-corregidores and alcaldes to serve... 10-11-1775
Mendinueta Anza, Juan Baptista (gobernador). Proceedings of review and execution of death penalty against two Indian women of Cochiti who murdered an... 10-14-1775
Mendinueta Salazar, Cristobal. Proceedings of case against Cristobal Salazar for debt owed to Domingo Lavadia for sale of sheep and cattle. 11-09-1775
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Draft of letter to viceroy Bucarely y Ursua discussing character of Eusebio Duran y Chavez. 11-24-1775
Mestas Bucareli y Ursua, Antonio Maria (virrey). Passport granted to Juan Ignacio Mestas to travel to destination. 03-09-1776
Mendinueta Gallegos, Manuel Bernardo. Claims against Manuel Bernardo Gallegos, who wishes to settle such before his death. 03-12-1776
Mendinueta Olona, Miguel de/Morales, Miguel. Civil suit of Miguel de Olona against Miguel Morales for collection of debt. 03-26-1776
Mesta Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A bando concerning Arispe. 08-22-1776
Mendinueta Bucarely y ursua, Antonio (virrey). note to governor of New Mexico announcing arrival of Caballero de Croix in Mexico City. 12-25-1776
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Bando prohibiting export of wool and livestock from the province. 04-14-1777
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Review of the books of presidio accounts kept by Diego de Borica finds no irregularities. 04-23-1777
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Letter to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of report of attack upon Apaches in Sierra Blanca mountains. 07-02-1777
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Letter to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of reports about attacks by Apache and comanche Indians and... 07-02-1777
Mendinueta Rubio, Josef. Letter to governor of New Mexico requesting yearly reports on state of presidio and merits of officers to be sent to him. 07-22-1777
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Letter to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of diaries and maps of exploration of territory from Santa Fe... 07-30-1777
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Letter to governor of New Mexico requesting that all reports sent to Croix have a margin summation on the side of the... 08-20-1777
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico stating that response by assesor to petition requesting... 09-30-1777
Mendinueta Rubio, Josef. Order to governor of New Mexico to take more care of how gunpowder of the presidio is used. 12-21-1777
Mendinueta Rubio, Josef to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Short note to governor reviewing candidates for officer rank for presidio staff. 01-08-1778
Mendinueta Rubio, Josef. Acknowledging receipt of military reports and diaries for Santa Fe presidio. 01-08-1778
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de) to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Letter to governor granting him authority to negotiate peace treaty with... 02-10-1778
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Croix informs the governor that the Santa Fe garrison is to be increased by addition of two officers and thirty-eight... 02-10-1778
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de). Croix orders governor Pedro Fermin de Mendinuta to travel to Chihuahua to meet his successor Juan Bautista de Ansa. 02-11-1778
Mendinueta Croix (Caballero de) to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Acknowledging receipt of reasons why census reports have been delayed. 02-11-1778
Mendinueta Rubio, Josef to Mendinuta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Letter to governor announcing appointment of Jose Maldonado as new Alferez for... 02-24-1778
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de. Bandos announcing that governor Mendinuta will be leaving for Chihuahua and alcalde mayor of Alburquerque... 03-10-1778
Mendinueta Mendinueta, Pedro Fermin de (gobernador). Report by Pedro Fermin de Mendinuta on necessary arrangements of military in New Mexico to... 06-22-1778
Mendinueta Bonilla, Antonio. Index of documents that have been remitted to the governor of New Mexico. 07-22-1778
Mendinueta Trebol navarro, Francisco (gobernador). Bando by governor of New Mexico prohibiting trade with the yutas Indians. Three copies. 09-13-1778
