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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Nava Letters and minutes from Chihuahua, Cosala, Sonora, and Rosario that deal with a variety of matters that occurred in the Provincias... 01-05-1796
Nava Letters and other documents concerning peace negotiations with the lipanes de Abajo and other matters first in this series begins with... 01-20-1791
Noriega Letters and others from Ugalde to Vidal concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1784
Nava Letters between Castro and virrey concerning charges of insubordination against Emparan. 08-10-1791
Nava Letters between Castro, Sierragorda, Maldonado about results of various military trials. 07-07-1791
Nevares Letters between Diaz de hortega, virrey Flores & various military officials about Indian attacks and vecino abandonment. 10-06-1768
Naques de Salazar Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Novoa Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Nevares Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Neve Letters between Diaz de Ortega, Flores, and various military personnel describing Indian hostilities; proposing solutions. 10-17-1787
Neve Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Natagee Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Naranjo Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Nava Letters between Emparan and Castro concerning dispute over appointment of Ventura Moreno as teniente gobernador militar. 07-29-1791
Nepomuceno de Ravago Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Nava Letters between Emparan, Castro, Revilla Gigedo, others concerning Castro's dislike of Emparan; administrative bibliography. 10-19-1773
Natera Letters between Fayni & Virrey(?) concerning vote on ecclesiastical prebend. 02-06-1770
Nieto Letters between Florez, Castro, Valdes & virrey about Florez' complaints against Castro. 07-12-1792
Nunez de Haro y Peralta Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. 00-00-1777
Nava Letters between Lacomba, Revilla Gigedo and others detailing Menchaca's trial for misconduct. 07-03-1788
Neve Letters between Lacomba, Revilla Gigedo and others detailing Menchaca's trial for misconduct. 07-03-1788
Nava Letters between Leon y Perez, Sesso, Diaz de la Vega, others about Leon y Perez' appointment as director of garden. 09-03-1794
Navarro Letters between Leon y Perez, Sesso, Diaz de la Vega, others about Leon y Perez' appointment as director of garden. 09-03-1794
Navarro Letters between Mendinuta and virrey concerning Mendinuta's submission of his service record in triplicate. 02-22-1744
Nava Letters between Munoz and virrey Conde concerning among other things intertribal relations involving lipanes, comanches and others. First... 01-14-1791
Nava Letters between Nava, Revilla Gigedo, Diaz de Salcedo, others over cost, escort of powder to Monclova & San Luis Potosi. 11-12-1793
Norteno Letters between Queipo de Llano, Peramas, and Virrey(?) about Indian hostilities in 1773. 11-30-1772
Neve Letters between Rengel and real audencia concerning punishment of traitors and delineating power of comandante general interino. 12-01-1784
Neve Letters between Rengel and Virreynato concerning surveillance of borders of provincias; operation of war with Indians. 10-11-1785
Niera Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Narrujolguinjos Coloradosnozato de Riverachoa Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Nava Letters between Revilla Gigedo, Gutierrez, Lopez de la Paliza, and others about punishment of Alvares, Ximenez, & Cano. 02-12-1793
Nata Gee Letters between Ugarte and other military officials concerning peace treaty with mescalero Indians. 00-00-1779
Neya Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and Revilla Gigeda concerning Indian auxiliaries, reduccion, rebellion. 02-26-1790
Natanijui Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and Revilla Gigeda concerning Indian auxiliaries, reduccion, rebellion. 02-26-1790
Naranjo Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Naranjo Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Nieves Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Nadadsose Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Neyan Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Nayasen Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Neve Letters between Ugarte y Loyola, Mangino and Real Hacienda concerning positive economic aspects of contract with merchant Guizarnotegui to... 09-26-1787
Nataje Letters between Ugarte, Florez, and Ugalde concerning better cooperation between the two comandantes. 00-00-1780
Nava Letters between Vaamonde and virrey Conde de Revilla Gigedo concerning primarily administrative matters. First in this series begins with... 03-04-1793
Nava Letters between various officials and viceroy concerning status of royal treasuries 01-09-1788
Negreiros Letters between various officials concerning Indian depredations in Nuevo Mexico. 09-30-1774
Nava Letters between viceroy and other officials concerning appointment of Columnas. 12-20-1792
Nozedal Letters between virrey and officials of San Blas concerning shipping, salaries, appointments, and various payments. 06-27-1767
Nava Letters between virrey Conde de Revilla Gigedo, Lorenzo, and Puertollano discussing the developments in Nuevo Santander and the... 02-16-1793
Nepomuseno Letters concerning administration of port of San Blas. 12-10-1789
