Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Olguin Francisco Mondragon. Causa criminal de officio de la real justicia contra Francisco Mondragon. 11-29-1745
Ortis Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for the alcaldes mayores to publicize the annual expedition to the salt lakes. 05-28-1746
Olavide y Michelena Joachin Codallos y Rabal. Testimonio a la letra del despacho librado por el senor juez del real derecho de media anata. 10-27-1746
Ortis Pedro Martin. Causa criminal de oficio de la real justicia contra Pedro de la Cruz indio por haver intentado. 02-22-1747
Ortis Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock until the completion of the harvest. 04-22-1747
Ortis Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for specified settlers to prepare themselves for a four month campaign. 08-04-1747
Ortiz Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order prohibiting the free grazing of livestock at Sante Fe until the corn harvest. 04-14-1748
Ortiz Maria de la Candelaria. Depedimiento de Maria Candelaria vezina de la jurisdicion de la ysleta contra Domingo de Lurta. 05-28-1748
Ortis Joachin Codallos y Rabal. An order for alcaldes mayores to publicize the annual expedition to the salt lakes. 08-27-1748
Olaechea Miguel de Olaechea. An order staying the execution of the sentence of exile against Pedro Garzia. 12-18-1748
Ortis Manuel Sanz de Garuizu. Demanda puesta por Manuel Sanz de Garuizu, en nombre de don Antonio de Tapia... Contra Joseph Romo de Vera. 11-03-1749
Onenge A petition asking for the return of certain goods which had been seized during an investigation. 03-02-1750
Ornedal A petition asking for the return of certain goods which had been seized during an investigation. 03-02-1750
Ortis Garsia Jurado, Margarita. Diligencias ... Sobre el estrupo de Margarita Garcia. 05-01-1750
Ortis Garsia Jurado, Margarita. Diligencias ... Sobre el estrupo de Margarita Garcia. 05-01-1750
Ortiz Joseph de Bustamante Tagle. Criminales contra Cayetano Pasote calidad lobo, sobre unas eridas y lo demas que dentro se expresa. 01-12-1751
Ortiz Fray Juan Miguel Menchero. Testimonio de una representacion del reverendo padre fray Juan Miguel Menchero sobre moqui y nacion coninas. 02-00-1752
Ortiz Maria Chaves. A memoria dealing with the disposition of the estate of Joseph Atienza. 07-13-1752
Ortiz Maria Chaves. A memoria dealing with the disposition of the estate of Joseph Atienza. 07-13-1752
Ortiz Miguel Lusero. Autos criminales por diferentes desovediensias cometiadas por Baltasar y Bernave Baca contra lo mandado por bando del senor... 08-02-1752
Ortiz Salvador Garcia de noriega. Salvador Garcia contra don Juan Garcia de la Vega. 09-24-1752
Ortiz Thomas Velez Cachupin. Testimonio del poder otorgado por los soldados de este real presidio en el ano de 1752. 01-08-1753
Ortiz Domingo Lujan Querella de soldado Domingo Lujan contra el o soldado Cristoval Jaramillo. 05-18-1753
Ortiz Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Ortiz Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Ortiz Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Ortiz Mestas, Juan Ygnacio. Diligencias seguidas a peticion del theniente de caballeria don Juan Ygnacio Mestas contra dona Barbara Baca. 01-27-1754
Ortiz Francisco Quintana. Litigation brought to reclaim land at Abechuiu. 05-21-1754
Ortiz Domingo Luxan. Una petizion presentada ante el senor vicario y juez eclesiastico por Domingo Luxan, soldado de este real presidio. 08-09-1755
Ortiz Nicolas Ortiz. Ortiz requests permission to leave service, acceptance by Marin. 01-01-1756
Ortiz Vizente Ginzo Ron y Thobar. Complaint brought about by soldiers scandalous conduct, bad living and slovenly appearance. 04-17-1757
Ortega Vizente Ginzo Ron y Thobar. Complaint brought about by soldiers scandalous conduct, bad living and slovenly appearance. 04-17-1757
Ortiz Petition that Esteban Rodriquez be returned to duty as the drummer for the company. 05-16-1757
Ortiz Discusses contract between Jaramillo and Eshasauer concerning 605 sheep payment for which is 130 sheep and 130 bellones of wool each April... 10-01-1760
Ortiz Joseph Antonio Naranjo. Dispute over horses. 02-00-1762
Ortiz Pedro Martin. Concerns return of mule to Fresques by Diego Naranjo. 02-27-1762
Ortiz Juan Ortiz. Petition against Vicente Armijo for mistreating, with resultant death, of horse loaned him by Ortiz. 03-29-1762
Ortis Miguel el Tasajo. Proceedings against Miguel (reano) el Tasajo for cattle theft. 06-12-1762
Ortis Ana Maria Ortis. Proceedings concerning settlement of husband's estate. 07-29-1762
Ortis Ana Maria Ortis. Proceedings concerning settlement of husband's estate. 07-29-1762
Ortis Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Ortiz Clemente Gutierrez. Charges brought by Ana Maria Ortis concerning goods used to pay debt during husband's sickness. 08-08-1763
Olguin Joseph Gonzales, request review of sentence passed down by Griego concerning failure to fulfill contract. 08-11-1763
Olguin Bartolome Olguin. Proceedings concerning inheritance to which Olguin believes he is entitled. 12-20-1763
Ortis Phelipe Tafoya. Asks for damages for the quilt loaned to Mareno, which his wife had intended to sell, but was damaged and needed washing. 07-19-1764
Olguin Julian de Armixo. Petition against Olguin concerning g sale of mule, wheat. 09-10-1764
Ortiz Julian de Armixo. Petition against Olguin concerning g sale of mule, wheat. 09-10-1764
Ortis Vicente de Sena. Outline of casts of proceedings, concerning attack, by Sena, of Armenta. Testimony of individuals is included. 10-17-1764
Ortiz Thoribio Ortiz. Proceedings in suit over hides. 10-20-1764
Ortiz Thoribio Ortiz. Proceedings in suit over hides. 10-20-1764
