Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Peres Charges against Manuel Galvan, Alferez of the tercera compania Volante of Nuevo Santander, relating to the theft of gun powder by Indians. 01-25-1790
Pina Charges against soldier Francisco Orozco of the compania de Pitic for second desertion 04-29-1816
Paco Charges against soldier Juan Granillo for injuring Maria Valentina Vega 07-16-1819
Perqueira Charges formed against soldier Francisco Chavez for second desertion. 06-24-1815
Pena Chaves, Antonio Jose to Gavaldon, Carlos. Re: suit - complaint against officials for mal-conduct in dispute over ownership of a house. 07-28-1813
Pino Chaves, Antonio Jose to Gavaldon, Carlos. Re: suit - complaint against officials for mal-conduct in dispute over ownership of a house. 07-28-1813
Pino Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Pino Chaves, Maria Ursula to Pino, Pedro Bautista. Suit to recover debt. 08-15-1815
Pintto Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: breach of promise. 07-01-1714
Pintto Chaves, Nicolas de. Suit: proceedings and testimony against Chaves for the maltreatment of his wife. 11-10-1714
Pena Chavez, Francisco to Manrique, Jose. Francisco Chavez has been ordered into exile, he appeals to the governor. 11-00-1812
Pino Chavez, Francisco to Manrique, Jose. Francisco Chavez has been ordered into exile, he appeals to the governor. 11-00-1812
Pena Chavez, Jose Antonio to Manrrique, Jose. Re: elections. 02-14-1814
Pena Chirinos, Juan Pedro. Re: dispute over inherited property. 03-07-1814
Pinilla Citizens of San Juan Bauptista. Suit over disposition of stray cattle. 05-17-1754
Payo Citizens of Santa Barbara request for more commerce. 10-00-1653
Poses Ciudadanos de San Fernando a Jazinto de Larrios y Jaurigue. Series of documents seeking repeal of acts by the governor. 09-00-1754
Perez de Almazan Civil appointments in province of Texas. 07-20-1731
Possada Civil case- supply of water. 05-18-1657
Perez Civil suit- collect debt. 05-23-1657
Penea Civil suit- indios naturales contra herederos of don Pedro de Penea. 07-23-1658
Plouves Mateo Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810
Perez Anzoategui Civil, military administrative correspondence; fiscal affairs 04-15-1810
Perez Gallardo Civil, military and fiscal affairs in San Blas. 05-02-1809
Pacheco Cletomena Pacheco. Muster rolls for militia units for Santa Cruz de la Canada and Alameda citing men, hoses and equipment available. 06-18-1806
Posadas Coleccion de memorias de Nueva Espana- indice sobre todos los tomos de la coleccion. 00-00-1790
Padilla Coleccion de memorias de Nueva Espana- indice sobre todos los tomos de la coleccion. 00-00-1790
Potau coleccion de oficios y documentos de los comandantes generales sobre paces de los lipanes y novedades de los demas Apaches . . . . 09-14-1792
Pinoblanco coleccion de oficios y documentos de los comandantes generales sobre paces de los lipanes y novedades de los demas Apaches . . . . 09-14-1792
Picax-Ande coleccion de oficios y documentos de los comandantes generales sobre paces de los lipanes y novedades de los demas Apaches . . . . 09-14-1792
Puente y Andrade Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Pascuala Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Pacheco Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Pacheco Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Poloriano Collection of autos and testimonios related to economic crisis of Chihuahua City (directed to viceroy?) 10-19-1739
Pericon Collection of debt 06-14-1654
Pieredonda Collection of documents and letters concerning regulation of public cockfights. 05-12-1790
Perez de Villa Nueba Collection of silver. 03-09-1657
Polito collera de Apaches conducida a Mexico por el sargento Jose Antonio Uribes, y providencias relativas para su transporte a la havana. 11-14-1797
Penasco Collera de Piezas Apaches remitidas por San Luis Potosi de la provincia de Coahuila. 12-17-1787
Posada colocacion de don Manuel Baamonde... Numero 2 05-23-1782
Ponce Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Perez Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Perez Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Pozo Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Pozo Comandante Antonio Bacaro. Relacion de los padres Jesuitas que lleva la fragata nombrada la flora. UR-A -N.D.
Pueyes comision conferida al gobernador de dicha provincia para averiguar el modo con que se manejaron lo indios . . . 12-27-1792
Paz Commission for the padres carmelitas of the convento de San Luis Ootosi as protectors of the paraje la mula 02-10-1759
Plo y Aldrian Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
Prado Communications between various officials concerning status of royal treasuries 10-18-1787
