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Person Last Name Document title Date
Puga ...ta la cita del soldado de esta segunda compania Pedro Garcia comparecio ante mi y los de mi asistencia por citacion... 05-10-1793
Puga don Juan Antonio Alexo Fernandez capitan de la compania de San Antonio de Tula... 11-05-1791
Puga don Juan Antonio Alexo Fernandez capitan de la compania de San Antonio de Tula... 11-05-1791
Perez relacion jurada y secreta que yo el capitan de milicias de la legion de San Carlos don Jose Ygnacio Barragan... 07-14-1786
Puga relacion jurada y secreta que yo el capitan de milicias de la legion de San Carlos don Jose Ygnacio Barragan... 07-14-1786
Puga segun me ha representado el sr. Auditor de guerra en oficio del 26 de enero ultimo no le permiten los quebrantos... 02-04-1794
Puga estado soltero, su empleo capitan de la segunda compania Volante, establecida en la colonia del Nuevo Santander... 02-00-1793
Prieto estado soltero, su empleo capitan de la segunda compania Volante, establecida en la colonia del Nuevo Santander... 02-00-1793
Puga en la ciudad de Mexico a dies dias del mes de septiembre de mil setecientos y un anos... 09-14-1791
Prieto en la ciudad de Mexico a dies dias del mes de septiembre de mil setecientos y un anos... 09-14-1791
Parada en la ciudad de Mexico a dies dias del mes de septiembre de mil setecientos y un anos... 09-14-1791
Porras en la ciudad de Mexico a dies dias del mes de septiembre de mil setecientos y un anos... 09-14-1791
Puga Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Peso Portero Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Potau Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Parral Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Penillo Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Porras Autos followed against Murgier and Puga by Garza. 09-24-1789
Puga Letters from de la Serna to governor of Nuevo Santander concerning expenditures made by him in the conduction of prisoners to Mexico. 04-27-1792
Pastora de las Letters from de la Serna to governor of Nuevo Santander concerning expenditures made by him in the conduction of prisoners to Mexico. 04-27-1792
Perea Letters from de la Serna to governor of Nuevo Santander concerning expenditures made by him in the conduction of prisoners to Mexico. 04-27-1792
Pario Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Pastor Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Palacio Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Perez Affidavits from Bustamante concerning payments from pagaduria de hacienda at Arizpe to pagaduria de hacienda at Mexico City. 05-21-1796
Potau Francisco Joseph de/letters from Potau to Nava concerning retirement pension payments. 07-22-1794
Plo y Alduan Francisco Joseph de/letters from Potau to Nava concerning retirement pension payments. 07-22-1794
Pacheco Letters from Nava to virrey concerning administrative appointments. 09-08-1794
Penilla Letters from Penilla to virrey concerning grant petitions. 11-08-1795
Penilla Escandon Letters from Penilla to virrey concerning grant petitions. 11-08-1795
Perrent Letters from Tixerina to virrey concerning salary petitions. 12-12-1795
Ponce Letters from Bochat, Vaamonde and others to virrey concerning Bochat's employment. 02-28-1794
Perez Letters by de la Bodega y Quadra, Arreze and others to virrey concerning exploration trips. 12-01-1785
Pericas Notification by Bucareli concerning military expeditions. 06-16-1774
Parrales Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Piti Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Perez Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Pariente Estrada Autos by Munoz against Cabildos from Santa Barbara, Santo Domingo and Santa Maria at Nuevo Santander. 01-23-1790
Pereyra Administrative correspondence between Castro and Revilla Gigedo. 01-12-1793
Pereyra Series of letters between government officials and the viceroy 05-24-1792
Pereyra Correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. Military administration 1791. 04-06-1791
Puga Correspondence between commander of provincias del Oriente and the viceroy. 05-21-1785
Puga Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and other government officials. 03-28-1786
Pardoqui Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. 10-19-1790
Polo Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy. 10-19-1790
Piano Correspondence between governor Castro and the viceroy. 08-09-1791
Polo Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 09-20-1791
Puga Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 09-20-1791
Pereyra Administrative correspondence between Castro and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 09-20-1791
Puga Indexes of documents sent from Castro to Revilla Gigedo 06-28-1791
