Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Ruiz de Cazeres Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events. 06-23-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ruiz de Cazares Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Ruiz Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 02-11-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Ruiz Vargas, Diego de. Execution of sentence. 06-14-1696
Rosa Vargas, Diego de. Description of what Vargas finds in Ydelphonso. 06-08-1696
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Ruiz de Cazeres Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Roibal Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Rodrigues Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Ruiz de Cazeres Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Roibal Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Ruis Cordero Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Reina Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Romero Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Ruiz Vargas, Diego de. Chavez' letters to Vargas explaining troop movements. 06-20-1696
Roibal Vargas, Diego de. Chavez' letters to Vargas explaining troop movements. 06-20-1696
Rodriguez Vargas, Diego de. Ban on sale of arms to Indians. 05-31-1695
Ruiz Vargas, Diego de (governor) to Galves (conde de) (viceroy). Request for help. 05-22-1696
Rodriguez Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Ruiz Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Real de Aguilar Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Orders and regulations issued by governor during reconquest expedition to Santa... 10-00-1693
Real de Aguilar Vargas y Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon, Diego de (gobernador). Detailed journal of reconquest of New Mexico, tracing movements, encounters... 10-07-1693
Rodriguez Cubero Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Rael de Aguilar Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Roybal Valle, Francisco del. Discusses legal documents concerning Jose Naranjo and others - punishment for crime (unamed). 03-02-1815
Roybal Valle, Francisco del to Maynes, Alberto. Concerns legal casee of Quintana and Juan Ignacio Naranjo. 07-21-1815
Rodrigues Sanchez Valerio Cortes. Autos y diligencias sobre plata ensalle. 01-03-1652
Ruiz de Guadiana Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Reina y Narbaes Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Ruis de Guadiana Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Rios Vaguely expressed ideas for dealing with captured Indians. 03-01-1724
Ruiz Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. 09-18-1807
Rio Vacant posts of companies of Cuandacan and Jalpa. Individuals recommended to fill posts. 09-18-1807
Ramon Vaamonde's suggestions re: vacancies at Lampazos. 10-15-1791
Revilla Gigedo Vaamonde petitions virrey for recompensation for personal funds spent in sending official discourse. 01-03-1792
Revilla Gigedo Vaamonde issues complaint re: reluctance of Cabildo to surrender personal effects of deceased vicar general of Bishopric. 11-14-1791
Revillagigedo Balamonde y Villamil Usurpacion de sinodos por el provincial de Zacatecas. 04-24-1792
Rodriguez Uranga, Francisco Xavier de. note to governor of New Mexico informing him that the prisoners Rodriguez and Jaramillo have arrived in El... 10-04-1793
Rengel Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios... 09-20-1790
Rios Uranga, Francisco Xavier (teniente gobernador) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Proceedings in case of Jose Ortega vs. Julian Rios... 09-20-1790
Roque Barrera Unrelated letters concerning military administration of Nuevo Santander. 02-26-1750
Rivera Maldonado Unrelated letters concerning government of Nuevo Santander. 12-15-1770
Revilla Gigedo Unnumbered letters from Valdes to Vaamonde Villamil concerning investigation of Dufay's pacification of Indians with money. First... 10-07-1793
Rodrigues Unnumbered letters from Valdes to Vaamonde Villamil concerning investigation of Dufay's pacification of Indians with money. First... 10-07-1793
Ramon Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
