Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Reyes Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Governor Martinez to viceroy- sends copies of various letters concerning father Jose Mariano Reyes... 03-05-1790
Rodriguez Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Orders to organize an expedition to work in cooperation with the Bexar troops to explore river banks... 03-21-1790
Rodriguez Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Reports to capitan Espadas the arrest and pending transfer to La Bahia jail of Manuel de Urrutia, for... 04-26-1790
Reyes Jose Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter from fray reyes to authorities of towns and presidios announcing passage of group of Indians to Mexico... 05-01-1790
Ramon Jose Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter from fray reyes to authorities of towns and presidios announcing passage of group of Indians to Mexico... 05-01-1790
Ramon Jose Mariano Reyes (fray). Letter from fray reyes to authorities of towns and presidios announcing passage of group of Indians to Mexico... 05-01-1790
Reyes Jose Mariano Reyes (fray). Detailed report to viceroy on re- establishment of the mission of Rosario and observations about the Indians,... 05-01-1790
Revilla Gigedo Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to viceroy on activities of lipan Indians since the peace treaty was signed and review of... 06-06-1790
Reyes Revilla Gigelo (conde, virrey). Instructions to the governor of Texas concerning use of funds for re-established mission of Rosario. 08-06-1790
Revilla Gigedo Revilla Gigelo (conde, virrey). Instructions to the governor of Texas concerning use of funds for re-established mission of Rosario. 08-06-1790
Rada Miguel de Jesus Maria Rada (fray). Letter to viceroy reviewing work of fray Reyes to re-establish Rosario mission and indian's desire... 08-20-1790
Revilla Gigedo de Miguel de Jesus Maria Rada (fray). Letter to viceroy reviewing work of fray Reyes to re-establish Rosario mission and indian's desire... 08-20-1790
Reyes Miguel de Jesus Maria Rada (fray). Letter to viceroy reviewing work of fray Reyes to re-establish Rosario mission and indian's desire... 08-20-1790
Reyes Manuel de Espadas (capitan). Letter to governor stating that chiefs of carancahuazes Indians have explained the robbery of a number of... 09-29-1790
Reyes Lopez. note to governor stating that recent information suggests duplicity on the part of the coastal Indians and warning that Espadas and... 09-30-1790
Reyes Francisco Lopez (fray). Report on Rosario mission, number of Indians there, building and supplies, costs and money available. 10-08-1790
Rodriguez Manuel Munoz (gobernador). expediente of charges against Jose Felix Ramon and other citizens for holding a series of unauthorized juntas in... 11-15-1790
Ramon Manuel Munoz (gobernador). expediente of charges against Jose Felix Ramon and other citizens for holding a series of unauthorized juntas in... 11-15-1790
Reyes Joseph Mariano Reyes (fray). Review of supplies and request for more aid to governor for the Rosario mission. 11-18-1790
Revilla Gigedo Revilla Gigedo (conde) (virrey). Letter to governor of Texas reviewing Indian requests for mission of Orcoquizac to be re-opened and... 12-10-1790
Rodriguez Baca Documents detailing administration and accounting of gifts for Indians from 14 August 1790 thru 31 December 1792. 12-31-1792
