Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Review of arrangements made with missions to supply food and animals to the presidios of Bexar and La... 05-24-1789
Ugalde Proceedings concerning the rights of citizens to unbranded cattle. 06-15-1789
Ugalde Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Orders to governor Pacheco to equip a detachment from Bexar and one from La Bahia to be ready to move... 07-18-1789
Urrutia Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Detailed instructions to governor Pacheco in preparation for attack upon mescalero Indians. 08-12-1789
Ugalde Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Detailed instructions to governor Pacheco in preparation for attack upon mescalero Indians. 08-12-1789
Ugalde Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Fowarding copy of report of fuscal real providing detailed review of history of peace negotiations and... 08-27-1789
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to comandante general of warefare between lipan and mescalero Indians over robbery of horses. 08-31-1789
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of lipan Indians stealing horses and death of lieutenant Curbelo in recovery attempt. Also... 09-06-1789
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report of pending Indian war with taguacarnes, taguayares guichitas and tacaques joining forces... 09-30-1789
Ugalde Manuel de Espadas (capitan). Letter to governor outlining lack of grain for troops and mistake made attempting to withdraw some from the... 10-14-1789
Ugalde Manuel de Esparadas (capitan) and Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Correspondence between Espada and Pacheco concerning establishment... 10-26-1789
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Letter to comandante general reviewing war between the lipanes and mescaleros and the other tribes up... 11-11-1789
Ugalde Juan de Ugalde (comandante general). Lengthy letter to governor Martinez Pacheco discussing the organization and success of the campaign... 12-19-1789
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pancheco (gobernador). Letter to comandante general Ugalde acknowledging receipt of report on campaign against Indians and... 12-23-1789
Urena Proceedings of petition ot governor Pacheco from republicanos and citizens of San Fernando protesting, in detailed defense, his annullment... 01-01-1790
Urrutia Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Reports to capitan Espadas the arrest and pending transfer to La Bahia jail of Manuel de Urrutia, for... 04-26-1790
Ugalde Jose Mariano Reyes (fray). Detailed report to viceroy on re- establishment of the mission of Rosario and observations about the Indians,... 05-01-1790
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Report to viceroy on activities of lipan Indians since the peace treaty was signed and review of... 06-06-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola (comandante general). Copy of auto by comandante general outlining regulations for passports for travel travel by... 07-02-1790
Ugalde Rafael Martinez Pacheco (gobernador). Review of peace established with lipan Indians and final dealings with armed bands of lipanes, and... 07-23-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola (mariscal de campo). Letter to governor requesting infomration on Indians at peace with Spanish and noting report... 11-02-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Manuel Munoz (gobernador). expediente of charges against Jose Felix Ramon and other citizens for holding a series of unauthorized juntas in... 11-15-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola (mariscal de campo). Report negotiations of peace with lipan Indians and effort to receive hostages held by Indians. 11-24-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Manuel Munoz (gobernador). Bandos and reales ordenes published by the governor of Texas, Manuel Munoz. 12-28-1790
Ugalde Copy book of correspondence of governor of Texas, captain of La Bahia and comandante general concerning political affairs and Indian... 03-06-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Copy book of correspondence of governor of Texas, captain of La Bahia and comandante general concerning political affairs and Indian... 03-06-1791
