Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Baca Salasar, Francisco. Diary of an expedition or reconnaissance to the north of Abiquiu along the Sapeyo river. 00-00-0000
Baca . Fragment of letter narrating incident from Pedro Vial expedition of clash with panana Indians. 00-00-0000
Bacca Bacca, Francisco Manuel de. Commission of Thome Dominguez as captain and cabo. 12-15-1636
Barela de Losada Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list be prepared of those vassals not fulfilling their military obligations, and, the... 09-20-1681
Baca Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Register of soldiers and militia recruited for reconquest effort for New Mexico. 09-22-1681
Barua Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Register of soldiers and militia recruited for reconquest effort for New Mexico. 09-22-1681
Barela Gutierrez, Francisco (capitan). Detailed account of skirmish with group of friendly Indians resulting in death of one of them leading to... 03-24-1683
Baca Madrid, Roque de (capitan). Petition to governor making claim against Juan de Anaya for a horse and request to governor to enforce the... 10-06-1683
Balencia Gomez, Pedro (fray). Petition to governor critical of his removal of missionaries to Socoro from San Lorenzo and request for review of... 01-10-1684
Baca Jironza Petris de Cruzate, Domingo (gobernador). Bando prohibiting Fernando Duran and Ygnacio Baca from leaving the province under... 10-28-1685
Baca Reneros Posada, Pedro (gobernador). Criminal case against Selbestre Pacheco for killing Joseph Baca in a fight, and Pacheco is fined 100... 07-03-1687
Barreda Marques de la Nava de Brazinas to Cabildo de Santa Fe. Request by Vargas to Cabildo de Santa Fe for justification and certification of his... 00-00-1692
Bargas Zapata y Lujan Bargas Zapata y Lujan, Diego de (gobernador). Power of attorney to Juan Gonzalez Calderon to tend to properties in Spain. 02-28-1692
Balero Bustamante, Juan Domingo de (gobernador y capitan general). Testimony taken relative to illicit commerce with the French. 00-00-1693
Barreda Pedro Rodriguez Cubero (gobernador y capitan general). Auto and depositions in case against Vargas. 06-08-1693
Balverde Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 02-11-1694
Balverde Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Barreda Pedro Rodriguez Cubero (gobernador y capitan general) to Conde de Montezuma (virrey). Auto and depositions against Diego de Vargas. 01-10-1695
Barreda Zeinos, Diego (OFM) to Vargas, Diego de. Petition to ask for protection from military. 10-25-1695
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Telling of orders for horses and ammunition. . 00-00-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Vargas describes arrival of priests. 00-00-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de to viceroy. Letter from Vargas to viceroy about escorts for padres. 03-14-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de to Vargas, Francisco de (fray). Auto delineating what can be done about sending soldiers to aid missionaries. 03-22-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de (governor) to Galves (conde de) (viceroy). Request for help. 05-22-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Description of sacking of pueblo de Nambe. 06-00-1696
Baca Vargas, Diego de. Description of sacking of pueblo de Nambe. 06-00-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Description of happenings in town of Jacona. . 06-00-1696
Baus Baus, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. Report of situation and request for more troops. 06-00-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Advice regarding rebel Indians. 06-00-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Theft of livestock by Indians. 06-04-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Ordering friendly Indians to pecos. 06-04-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Describing certain Indian problems. 06-04-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Vargas' writing of Indian attack on San Ydelphonso and San Christobal. 06-05-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. notice to scout around pueblo de Taos and pueblo de Teguas. 06-06-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Arrival of Indian warriors. 06-07-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. The questioning of Indians and making them prisoners. 06-07-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Description of events of uprising near Tezuque. 06-07-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Description of what Vargas finds in Ydelphonso. 06-08-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Information about forces in Santa Fe. 06-09-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Reception of letter from the governor of San Phelipe. 06-10-1696
Baus Baus, Fernando de to Vargas, Diego de. notice of loss of San Phelipe. 06-10-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Receipt of letter. 06-10-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Acknowledging receipt of letters - and subsequent actions taken. 06-12-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. noting the receiving of certain letters. 06-12-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. noting arrival of Indian retinue with news. 06-12-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. notice of arrival of Indian prisoners and others in Santa Fe. 06-12-1696
Barrios Granillo, Luis. Testimony of Indians concerning deaths of priests. 06-13-1696
Balverde Vargas, Diego de. Sentencing of Indians. 06-14-1696
Barreda Barreda, Domingo de la. Diego de Vargas dresses up for pronouncement. 06-14-1696
Barreda Vargas, Diego de. Execution of sentence. 06-14-1696
