Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Campo Redondo Campo Redondo, Jose. A criminal action taken against Salvador Salasar, Santiago Lucero, and Francisco Balberde for having traded with the... 04-22-1785
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order concerning the publication of the bula de cruzada and its implementation or support. 08-27-1785
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A royal order prohibiting the arrest of officials working for the real hacienda without preparing an inventory of... 08-27-1785
Campo Redondo Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal order. 08-27-1785
Calles Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Criminal charge against Josef Antonio Manujo for assaulting a woman. 12-05-1785
Canuelas Arze, Juan Antonio. Census of the flying company of Namiquipa (Nueva Vizcaya) - number of soldiers and duties. 12-31-1785
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree appointing Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to the position of comandante general of the... 08-14-1786
Candelaria Anza, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a bando limiting the amount of tobacco that passengers can take on board of ships during voyages. 08-19-1786
Carlos III Carlos III. A royal decree concerning the pay of officers in the navy and army on leave from their duties. 02-17-1787
Carenas Lobera, Francisco. Legal action taken against Cristoval Mascarenas on charges that he showed a lack of respect for Francisco Lobera. 06-23-1787
Canuelas Rengel, Joseph Antonio. Service records of lieutenants of presidios in Nueva Vizcaya. 08-13-1787
Campo Redondo . Petition by Indians of Santa Clara for removal of governor Naranjo who mistreats them, Concha tells the village to elect another governor. 05-27-1788
Caballero Rengel, Joseph Antonio to Concha, Fernando de la. Discusses church and military legal systems. 06-20-1788
Caballero Pedro de Nava (comandante)-to-Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Subaltern army officers as cadets. 08-15-1788
Carlos IV Carlos IV. Copy of a royal order concerning importation of slaves to the americas. 02-28-1789
Carral Ugarte y Loyola to de la Concha. Letter to de la Concha (gobernador) bidding him to capture and imprison Antonio Varela, fugitive. 07-21-1789
Cavallero Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general) to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Copy of royal order concerning desertors treatment and... 11-09-1789
Carral Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo. Request for permission for padre Josef Carral to leave New Mexico to seek medical attention. 11-19-1789
Calles Calles, Jose Andres to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Soldier asks for promotion. 11-20-1789
Canuelas Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Carral Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Answer to de la Concha's letter concerning the petitions of two citizens. 02-14-1790
Carrillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Castillo Baca, Miguel to Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Miguel Baca vs. Manuel and Francisco Moya for sheep theft. 09-00-1790
Carlos IV Carlos IV. Royal decree with particulars of granting Spanish titles to people in the americas. 11-13-1790
Canal Nava, Pedro de to Concha, Fernando de la. notice of new missionary arriving to province and area need for work in the Belen. 07-26-1791
Carlos IV . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Cadelo . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Camacho . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Carlos IV Carlos iv (rey). Real cedula requiring that oath of office be taken in traditional way and that media anata be paid. 12-30-1791
Carlos IV Carlos IV (rey). Real cedula commissioning Nemisio Salcedo as comandante general. 04-16-1792
Canals Beregana, Domingo de. Report on financial affairs of eleven missionaries in New Mexico for year 1790. 05-26-1792
Cabrera . Royal cedula prohibiting college students from marrying during the course of their studies. 06-11-1792
Castro Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to the governor of New Mexico notifying him that the lipanes Indians have not followed up on... 06-28-1792
Carral Gonzalez, Ramon Antonio (OFM). Proceedings in case against padre Ramon Antonio Gonzalez charged with immoral conduct. 07-03-1792
Canuelas Revilla Gigedo (conde de) (virrey). Letter to governor of New Mexico authorizing expedition against some Apaches who stole horses at Acoma. 09-04-1792
Canuelas Ruedas, Juan Jose. Criminal case against Juan Jose Ruedas for wounding a soldier, Jose Antonio Garcia, in a fight. 09-21-1792
Canuelas Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Four short notes concerning administrative affairs. 11-06-1792
Canuelas . List of contributors to fund to aid war against French from New Mexico. Names and amount. 00-00-1793
Cavallero Pedro de Nava (comandante) to Fernando Chacon (gobernador). Misconduct of military personnel in civil offices. 02-09-1793
Canuelas Beregana, Domingo. Treasury account sheet of wages and salaries paid for Santa Fe presidio. 02-28-1793
Carlos IV Carlos IV. Copy of a royal order exempting salted meat from America from taxes for the first sale. 04-10-1793
Carrillo Sanchez, Marcos. Testimony and autos against Marcos Sanchez for sexual assault upon Graciana Lucero and Manuela Carrillo. 08-08-1793
Canuelas Concha, Fernando de la (gobernador). Draft up letter reviewing charges and actions against Teguas Indians for holding secret juntas. 08-22-1793
Canuelas Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel... 09-08-1793
Carbajal Rodriguez, Josef Manuel. Criminal case against Josef Manuel Rodriguez for stealing cattle, mules and other goods from captain Manuel... 09-08-1793
Canuelas Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Cassados Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Carbajal Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Campos . Royal cedula outlining ceremonial honors to be accorded the comandante general during mass. 02-18-1794
