Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Croix Croix (Caballero de). Authorization to governor of New Mexico for re-establishment of post of Robledo. 03-20-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de (gobernador). Instructions to governor of New Mexico to send Indian captives. To Janos or El... 03-20-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de (gobernador). Instructions to governor of New Mexico ordering the cultivation of barley and... 03-30-1779
Croix . Royal cedula reviewing church-state relations and ordering an end to general abuses by both sides. 04-10-1779
Croix Galvez, Joseph de. Letter to comandante general Croix noting numerous errors in judicial proceedings in case of Cayetano Padilla and... 05-15-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Receipt of transmission of royal cedula authorizing promotions for royal officials and payment... 06-13-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico explaining that due to grave illness Croix has authorized his... 07-08-1779
Croix Croix (Cavallero de). Letter and bando relating to the increase in the value of gold coins. 07-17-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico forwarding royal cedula authorizing a general pardon to all... 08-06-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico transmitting royal approval for formation of militia units in New... 09-23-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Transmission of royal bando of declaration of war against great britain to governor of New... 10-07-1779
Croix Charles III. A royal dispatch concerning church ceremony. 12-26-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico noting size of detachment of soldiers at Santa Fe presidio is one... 12-27-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico that his report on harvest of barely for horses of presidio has... 12-27-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Acknowledgement of receipt of report of governor of New Mexico on conditions of the presidio of... 12-29-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to governor of New Mexico acknowledging receipt of map and census report on province of New... 12-30-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico stating that because of comanche killings of Spanish captives... 12-30-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico acknowledging the governor's letter to effect the new... 12-30-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Authorization to governor of New Mexico to proceed with a plan to re-organize the pueblo of El... 12-30-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Instructions to governor of New Mexico to recruit citizens to aid construction of new road from... 12-30-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Instructions to governor of New Mexico that captain Diego de Barca will deliver 1,000 pesos for... 12-31-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico authorizing an entrada to negotiate conversion of moqui Indians... 12-31-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de) (comandante general). note to Joseph Cordero that pesos owed to him for pension have been entrusted to captain Diego... 12-31-1779
Croix Croix (Caballero de). A letter announcing the naming of Arispe as the capital of the Provincias Internas. 01-12-1780
Croix Croix (Caballero de). A letter concerning a ford between Santa Clara and San Ydelfonso. 01-27-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning a Spanish child captured by the comanche. 02-06-1780
Croix Croix, (Cavallero de). A letter relating to the war in Europe. 02-11-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de. Letter transmitting a royal order. 02-11-1780
Croix . A petition related to the construction of walls. 04-13-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de. A bando concerning the extention of credit to presidio soldiers by merchants. 05-01-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning presidio and missionary accounts. 06-03-1780
Croix Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Discusses formation of a village, and building of same. 06-18-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning an inhabitant of New Mexico who went to Arispe. 06-21-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de. A set of instructions for the collection and payment of the soldiers' pay. 06-23-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning a royal order. 07-10-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro to Juan Bautista de Anza. A letter concerning Indian hostilities. 07-14-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning a contribution of money for the construction of fortifications. 07-14-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. Letters related to military matters. 07-15-1780
Croix Croix, Teodoro de to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the real tribunal de acordada. 07-19-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning cadets. 09-07-1780
Croix Croix, Cavallero de. A letter concerning gunpowder. 09-19-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning dereliction of duty by presidio soldiers. 10-11-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning bounty money. 10-23-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Cover letter for a cedula. 01-15-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the avilitado. 01-20-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning C. Vigil. 01-21-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de). A letter concerning Nicolas de la Mathe. 03-25-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A cover letter. 04-18-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. Letter concerning purchase of unspecified goods. 07-16-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the missions. 08-06-1781
