Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Croix Letters on military activity in Sonora, Tepic and California. 01-12-1771
Croix Letter from Santo Ysla to viceroy concerning mining at Alamos. 07-17-1771
Croix Letters by Messia to viceroys and responses on pay. 08-08-1771
Croix Letters from Callis to viceroy on pay and supply expenses. 12-30-1770
Croix Letters from Azuela and Bellido to viceroys concerning the military struggle against Sonoran Indians (with responses) 01-15-1771
Croix Letters from Sonoran field commanders to viceroy with responses concerning matters involved with the Elizondo expedition 05-27-1771
Croix Letter from Martinez to viceroy with a response, concerning supply purchases at the presidio of Terrenate 01-01-1770
Croix Letters from Elizondo and Martinez concerning disciplinary problems of 2nd flying company of Sonora 01-23-1771
Croix Letters from Sastre, Munoz, Bucareli and others, concerning military matters of Sonora 08-13-1771
Croix Letters by Aragon, Linares, others to viceroy, with responses concerning administrative problems in Sonora and Sinaloa 01-01-1769
Croix Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Croix Correspondence of Urrea, Bucareli and others concerning administrative/military problems at altar 01-01-1769
Croix Administrative correspondence 1771-1773. 02-10-1771
Croix Administrative correspondence between commanders of expeditions and viceroy. 05-05-1771
Croix Series of documents concerning, expedition to open routes between Monterrey and San Diego. Administrative correspondence between viceroy... 06-18-1771
Croix Administrative correspondence on presidios 10-20-1771
Croix Military personnel payrolls for presidio of Buenavista, from August to December. 12-22-1765
Croix Concerns administrative documentation for presidio construction in San Carlos de Buenavista. 03-10-1770
Croix Letters from viceroy to comandante of Provincias Internas about military personnel. 04-03-1790
Croix Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
Croix Autos approving Gatuno's separation from presidio of Nayarit. 01-31-1769
Croix Letter from Lopez Padilla to virrey advocating reduction in troop strength in Nayarit. 02-11-1768
Croix Letter from Ybanez y Lasala to virrey concerning his imprisonment and cruel treatment by Oca. 07-20-1768
Croix Testimonies concerning charges of idolatry against Doye. 09-02-1763
Croix Summary of the battles against the Apaches, relaciones of the military forces of Provincias Internas. 10-22-1776
Croix O'conor's informe on condition of interior provinces 01-30-1776
Croix Correspondence re: construction of iglesia and Casa Cural in San Blas 06-29-1779
Croix Letters from Fueros to viceroy on affairs at Cieneguilla 05-20-1777
Croix Correspondence between Fueros and viceroy about affairs at Cieneguilla mining site 12-24-1777
Croix Correspondence of Fueros with viceroy and real de cuentas officials about affairs at Cieneguilla 07-19-1775
Croix Correspondence between Fueros, viceroy, and others regarding placeres at Cieneguilla. 00-00-1771
Croix Correspondencia con el yntendente de Sonora don Pedro Corbalan, ano de 1773 03-08-1773
Croix Correspondence of intendente Corbalan, March 1773. 06-24-1772
Croix Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for April - June, 1773 02-22-1772
Croix Correspondence of intendente Corbalan for July 1774 12-11-1759
Croix Correspondence of Corbalan, gobernador politico y intendente de Sonora, for years 1777 and 1778. 03-02-1768
Croix Correspondence of intendente of Sonora, Pedro Corbalan, for 1779. 04-05-1774
Croix Various letters relating to Maria Caballero's request for pension of Montepio military. 02-21-1785
Croix Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783
Croix Correspondence relating to Diaz' request for payment of back retirement salary. 08-20-1783
Croix Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780
Croix Correspondence related to Miranda's request for payment of pension from Montepio militar following her husband's death. 11-13-1780
Croix Correspondence relating to Velasquez' complaints and request to leave office. 04-16-1784
Croix Correspondence relating to amount owed to Tadeo de Rivera's estate by Menocal, discovered during review of fiscal affairs of compania... 11-16-1782
Croix Correspondence re: Zeballos' request for promotion. 01-31-1784
Croix Correspondence re: Jobar's request that retirement salary sent to him from administration de tabacos de Toluca. 02-21-1784
Croix Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. 06-08-1783
Croix Correspondence re: Montolla's request for release from Castillo de San Juan de Ulua. 06-08-1783
Croix Money earmarked for various positions that were not filled in newly formed quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya is ordered returned to... 05-01-1782
Croix Money earmarked for various positions that were not filled in newly formed quarta compania Volante de Nueva Vizcaya is ordered returned to... 05-01-1782
