Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Martinez Pacheco Defense measures taken by Martinez Pacheco against taguayazes. 12-11-1786
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco to Domingo Cabello. Asks Cabello to pay 218 pesos to satisfy muleteer who brought Indian gifts to Bexar. 12-13-1786
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (comandante general) recommends removal of Luis Cazorla from duties as captains of La Bahia for... 12-14-1786
Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pachero. Reports on arrangements made for subduing mescalero Apaches- troops from Coahuila offered in... 12-16-1786
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (coronel). Reports events concerned with opening direct route to Santa Rosa. 12-17-1786
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (coronel). Discusses orders received concerning mescalero Apaches and other groups. 12-29-1786
Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Warns of danger as a result of toguayases attack on Texas. 12-30-1786
Martinez Pacheco Antonio Gil y Barvo to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Reports on hostile movements of taguallas towards some presidios in order to avenge death... 12-30-1786
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde (coronel). Reports on party sent to open road to Coahuila. 12-30-1786
Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of report on expedition against casancaguases. 12-30-1786
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Reports on departure of soldiers for Bexar. 12-31-1786
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Extracts of the 12 monthly reports by the presidio commander de San Antonio de Bexar. 12-31-1786
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Military census for 1786. 12-31-1786
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Monthly cavalry reports for Bexar for 1787. 01-03-1787
Martinez Pacheco Cabildo of San Fernando. Agreement to allow missions to capture and brand cattle in their summer pastures. 01-08-1787
Martinez Pacheco Juan de Ugalde (coronel) to Rafael Martinez Pacheco (governador). Permission granted to Jose Antonio Muzquiz to transfer to and remain in... 01-10-1787
Martines Pacheco Luis Cazocla to Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Discusses threatened Indian attack and defensive moves taken to counter the threat. 01-19-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazocla to Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of inspection of coast and an encounter with carancahuazes. 01-22-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. List of gifts given to visiting comanches. 01-31-1787
Martinez Pacheco Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of peace with lipanes and its consequences on relations with comanches, and... 02-01-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Acknowledging receipt of order for delivery of gunpowder to La Bahia. 02-08-1787
Martinez Pacheco Padre oliva to Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Concerns settlement of lipanes in the Texas missions. 02-11-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafhael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Concerns desertion of Jose Maria Hernundez. 02-12-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo y comida que se ha hecho con yndios lipanes. 02-23-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Transmits Marcelo Valdes' petition to retire from service. 03-03-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugarte. Discussion of settlement of lipanes at missions. 03-10-1787
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. Cost of lodging Indian visitors for a night. 03-18-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Concerns suicide of doctor don Theodoro. 04-01-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Report of expenses incurred by hosting Indian visitors. 04-11-1787
Martinez Pacheco Remedy discovered for jigger fleas, also order to publish the remedy so that all May be cured. 04-22-1787
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del gasto que seha hecho con los yndios lipanes. 04-30-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla. Shipment of cattle from Espiritu Santo to San Jose, quantity and type included. 05-15-1787
Martinez Pacheco [untitled] 05-25-1787
Martinez Pacheco Raphael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo y comida que se ha hecho to various Indian. 06-05-1787
Martinez Pacheco Antonio Gil Ybacvo to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Acknowledging receipt of several orders concerning Nacogdoches. 06-12-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of measures taken to punish Indians for horse theft. 06-20-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Arrival of Frenchmen with credentials to import tobacco discussed. 06-22-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del casto que han hecho los yndios lipanes que existenen el pueblo de la mision de San Antonio Valero. 06-30-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Semi-annual report of Texas. 06-30-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Discussion of cattle exportation. 07-03-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. noticia del regalo comida quese ha hecho con tres yndios dela costa de la nacion cacancahuaz, con el capitan Jose... 07-11-1787
Mangino Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting appointment of Fernando Joseph Magino as yntendente general de execito y real hacienda, subdelegated of... 07-16-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports completion of orders to aid carancahuas on journey to the interior. 07-27-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco. Report of food and lodging expenses for taguayas, guichitas and taguacanes visiting Bexar. 07-31-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports murder of Pedro Peres by carancahuas, also mutilation of the body. 08-02-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports Francisco Vasquez' and troops' trip to San Luis for the payroll. 08-03-1787
Martinez Pacheco Luis Cazorla to Martinez Pacheco. Reports arrival of Curbelo and of Valdes; and the state of the cavalry. 08-06-1787
Martinez Pacheco Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Transmits lists of goods by Cabello to be given as gifts to the comanches. 08-12-1787
Martinez Pacheco Martinez Pacheco to Ugarte y Loyola. Reporting information from Bahia on mestenas tax and wild stock. 08-13-1787
Martinez Pacheco Rafael Martinez Pacheco to Juan de Ugalde. Capture and imprisonment of lipan Indian who promised to become christian and serve as an... 08-13-1787
