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Person Last Name Document title Date
Rodrigues Documents about families from Canary Islands and their travels to Texas. 07-13-1730
Rodriguez Documents about families from Canary Islands and their travels to Texas. 07-13-1730
Rodriguez Documents about families from Canary Islands and their travels to Texas. 07-13-1730
Rodriguez Autos relating to death of postal official Dubal, claimants to his properties and investigation by governor. 09-30-1733
Rodriguez Letters requesting license to travel seeking cure by alguacil mayor. 11-02-1734
Rodriguez autos de la residencia que el capitan Manuel de Sandoval en virtud de real provision expedida por el virrey de Nueva Espana tomo a Juan... 07-08-1733
Rodriguez autos de la residencia que el capitan Manuel de Sandoval en virtud de real provision expedida por el virrey de Nueva Espana tomo a Juan... 07-08-1733
Roxas Correspondence between capitan Urrea and viceroy concerning military life and tactics against Indians. 01-11-1774
Roberto Changing designation of two soldiers for second expedition to Monterrey. 04-17-1775
Rodriguez Hoya requesting from viceroy continuation of salary due to illness while traveling to presidio of Tucson to assume appointment as Alferez. 10-09-1776
Roberto Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Royuela el capitan don Pedro de Herrera gobernador interino del Nuevo Reino de Leon sobre gratificaciones por este gargo. 04-22-1806
Rossi artilleria, pertrechos, armas, y municiones remitidas de la havana a Texas. 01-28-1811
Roxas Correspondence between Salcedo, Onis, and virrey concerning conspiracy in New Orleans against government of New Spain. 11-24-1809
Rodriguez Letters from Arredondo to virrey concerning capture of Indian horse thieves and petition for protection of Texas coast from rebels. 03-06-1816
Rodriguez Letter from Arredondo to virrey concerning possibility that comanches and Spanish rebels are seeking aliance. 05-13-1816
Robinson Documents concerning interrogation of Cuerk. 02-09-1816
Royuela Letter from Arredondo to virrey concerning collection of tobacco taxes and Alcabalas in Coahuila. 10-17-1816
Royuela Correspondence with virrey concerning U.S. war plans against Spain, and complaints against Royuela. 03-22-1816
Royuela Correspondence between virrey and various officials concerning routine fiscal and administrative affairs. 06-10-1815
Rodriguez Gomez Correspondence between virrey and various officials concerning routine fiscal and administrative affairs. 06-10-1815
Royuela Series of documents concerning naming of official to oversee settling of debts owed by real hacienda for maintenance of troops in... 06-12-1817
Royuela Series of documents concerning retirement of Lopez and naming of new governor of Coahuila. 08-28-1815
Royuelas Correspondence between Arredondo and virrey concerning diverse routine administrative affairs. 06-18-1817
Robles Series of testimonies against Munoz for possession and trade of contraband jewelry. 03-20-1809
Royuela Correspondence concerning financing of war against Indians and rebels in northern provinces. 04-15-1815
Robledo Provincias Internas indice del tomo nunmero 340 07-01-1809
Rosales 7. Nuevo Santander. Numero 21 foxa 134. Libro 48 glosa numero 28809. Foxa 226 vuelta. Don Manuel Rosales, cadete de la 2 compania Volante 08-23-1808
Rosales 12. Provincias Internas del oriente numero 7 libro. Glosa 56 numero 34.074 foxa 237. El senor comandante general de las de oriente espera... 07-28-1814
Rodriguez 14 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 10. Libro. Glosa 57 numero 34. 397. Foxa 101. El senor comandante general de ellas sobre que se le... 10-15-1814
Royuela 19. 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 18. Libro glosa 57 numero 34.621 foxa 258. El senor comandante que de ellas da cuenta de... 01-03-1815
Rodriguez 1815 Provincias Internas de oriente numero 22. Libro 58 glosa numero 34.907 foxa 61 vuelta. Desaveniencias suscitadas entre el senor... 10-01-1813
Rodriguez reximiento de infanteria en extremadura = si el proveedor don Francisco Arismendi, dixo a vuestra ilustisima en 13 de junio ultimo, 12-31-1814
Romeu Correspondence between Nava and viceroy concerning documents of Nuevo Leon and Santander. 03-06-1793
Royuela Representazion del real tribunal de cuentas sobre facultades del comandante general de Provincias Internas.... 06-13-1793
Ronca Instancia de don Juan Estevan de la Serna para que se socorra la partida de tropa de la segunda compania Volante que conduje a este capital... 12-27-1791
Roncal Sobre abono de haveres en este capital al teniente, sargento, cavo, y soldados de la compania del presidio de Santa Maria de Llera... 10-27-1791
Ronca Sobre ajustes de la tropa que conduje a este capital dos oficiales arrestados y que estaban iniciados en la causa del capitan don Juan... 03-05-1794
Royuela Testimonio del expediente formado a representacion de real tribunal de cuentas sobre facultades del senor comandante general de Provincias... 07-17-1793
Ronquillo Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Rodriges Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Rodriges Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Rojas Letter from Bonavia to virrey concerning merit raises for presidiales. 08-05-1817
Royuela Letters concerning payment of salary to Molano, chaplain of Monclova presidio. 12-31-1813
Rodriques Filiaciones from Tucson presidio 1817. 00-00-1810
Rosario Filiaciones from Tucson presidio 1817. 00-00-1810
Rodrigues Filiaciones from Tucson presidio 1817. 00-00-1810
Rodrigues Report by Larramendi concerning payments to soldiers. 01-01-1818
Roeilla Relacion from Larramendi concerning payments to soldiers. 12-31-1817
Rodriguez Reports of Larramendi and Maynez concerning payments to soldiers. 12-31-1817
