Letters discussing matters related to the administration of the account gastos de paz established in Coahuila and involving Ugalde and the intendente of Potosi for the years 1788 and 1789.

Serial Number
Letters discussing matters related to the administration of the account gastos de paz established in Coahuila and involving Ugalde and the intendente of Potosi for the years 1788 and 1789.
No place name appears. March 17, 1789 - September 23, 1789. 18p. Letters. Originals.
Concerns the annual funding of account gastos de paz established for Coahuila and administered by Ugalde, surplus may be used to pay off scribes and assistants, mentions periodic reporting requirements (letter interrupted by other documents resumes on ff. 0485), traces transmittal of documents related to this account over the years 1788, 1789 in which Indian groups for which it was intended find themselves at war with Spanish, resulting surplus is to be sent to treasury or the Bahia presidio, communication of this information to Loyola; letter in which Ugalde has contended that the annual amount designated for the aforementioned account was not distributed by San Luis Potosi for the year 1788, Yermo who was to distribute funds had previous commitment to fund presidio and resources were used in this manner, Ugalde allowed to request money from Yermo but because each request must be accompanied by explanation and justification, control which Ugalde had expected is missing, one reason for this administrative apparatus is to preclude the duplication of gratificationes by other provinces to the same Indian groups, mentions other costs such as military supplies for horses, surgeons salary, and prisoners, further explanation of methods of making transactions so as to enhance coordination of the intendente of Potosi with Ugalde. (O. Velez, November 1989)
Ugalde, Juan de (Comandante General)
Cavo Franco, Josef
Cortes, Juan (Havilitado)
Coahuila (Provincia)
San Luis Potosi
Rosa, Santa
Bahia (Presidio)
Ethnic Groups
Apaches Lipanes
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 228 ff. 477-485
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 228 ff. 477-485
This series is part of expediente 46 as listed in the indice del ramo.
Reference Number
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