Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Gutierrez Correspondence and diary by Cuellar concerning one of his military campaigns against Indians. 06-08-1769
Guerra Letter from Mezieres concerning different Indian groups, comanche raids, arrest of Vidal, and other matters. 07-17-1774
Gumiel Correspondence between Tovar and virrey (?), includes copies of correspondence between Tovar, Ripperda and Pacheco. From February to June,... 02-05-1771
Guadalupe Soriano Various unorganized documents to virrey related to government of Texas, emphasis on military and colonization matters. Years 1771 to 1776. 11-06-1771
Guermes y Orcasitas Correspondence concerning appointment of Durava as governor of Provincias Internas. 02-09-1793
Gutierrez Letters concerning Galan's petition to Fondo Piadoso of misiones de California. 03-05-1785
Guerrero y Tagle Letters from president of misiones de Californiato virrey concerning retirement permissions. 03-20-1786
Gutierrez Legal documents from Conde de Revillagigedo to rey de Espana. 01-30-1793
Gutierrez de la Pena Letters concerning payment of tithes in Nuevo Mexico. 00-00-0000
Guerra Canamax Legal documents concerning sale of lands between Villapuente and misiones de California. 01-20-1801
Guzman Diary and service records submitted by Fuentes. 01-02-1766
Gutierres Letter from Montoya to virrey re: land claims. 03-17-1767
Guerrero Letters from Portillo re: state of presidio at time of Marin del Valle's resignation. 06-10-1761
Guerrero Letters between virrey Amarillas, Marin del Valle and Portillo re: occurrences in province. 10-12-1758
Gusman Letters between virrey (?) and Cachupin (?) re: replacement for San Juan. 03-17-1764
Guerrero Testimonio from Guerrero concerning installment of Mendinuta as gobernador of Nuebo Mexico 03-00-1767
Gutierrez Letters from Mendinuta to Croix concerning Indian hostilities between December 1770 and May 1771. 12-21-1770
Gurza Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Guges Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Guerra Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Gusman Relaciones from military personnel to viceroy petitioning for gracia de invalido. 05-01-1778
Gutierrez Letter from Arredondo to viceroy requesting recompense for battle fought by company three years previous. 01-31-1799
Gurza Letter from Arredondo to viceroy requesting recompense for battle fought by company three years previous. 01-31-1799
Guardamino Collection of letters, decretos, oficios concerning effects of revisions in military pension program on invalid soldiers and their families. 00-00-1769
Gurza Relaciones from military personnel to governor of Coahuila concerning granting of 'gracia de invalido.' 10-04-1766
Gutierrez Oficios from Cordero and others to virrey concerning Cordero's re-assignment of governorship. 02-08-1779
Guijas Series of repetitive testimonies regarding charges of desertion against Maldonado, Borrego, Garza. 01-07-1819
Guerrero Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. 08-10-1814
Gurza Series of petitions for military retirements due to battle injuries. 08-10-1814
Gutierrez Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy in regard to various military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas de Poniente. 11-01-1788
Gutierrez Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Gutierrez de la Cueva Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Gutierrez de la Cueva Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy for the month of May 1778 with other correspondence from previous years regarding issues raised by... 12-00-1784
Gutierrez de la Cueva Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy for the month of May 1778 with other correspondence from previous years regarding issues raised by... 12-00-1784
Guizarnotegui Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Gutierrez Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Guerrero Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Guizarnotegui Correspondence with comandante general of Provincias Internas Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola in the year of 1787. 01-02-1787
Gutierres Letters from Vidal de Lorca, 04-17-1775
Gutierrez Correspondence to and from officials, 1759-1762. 01-10-1759
Guerrero y Zambrano Series of correspondence with gobernador Escandon concerning administrative affairs in Nuevo Santander. 01-13-1759
Guadiana Sor. Comandante general -- en mi oficio no. 8 de 29 de marzo proximo passado dixe a v.s. venian los indios el dia siguiente . . . 04-09-1788
Gutierrez de Cueva Exmo senor. Sobre mi Marcha verificada la tarde de el 9 de julio corriente desde la villa de mier . . . 03-30-1788
Guadiana Exmo senor. Sobre mi Marcha verificada la tarde de el 9 de julio corriente desde la villa de mier . . . 03-30-1788
Gutierrez Quaderno 5. -- ordenes al intendente de San Luis Potosi, y sus contextaciones sobre auxilios que pidio . . . 08-12-1788
Guadiana Exmo. Sor = con el gusto que justamente me infiere el conocimiento que v.exia. Tiene ya del poder de los lipanes y lipiyanes 03-07-1788
Gutierrez Exmo. Senor. = sobre mi Marcha verificada la tarde del 9 de julio corriente desde la villa de mier a la de Santa Ana de Camargo 03-30-1788
Guadianas Exmo. Senor. = sobre mi Marcha verificada la tarde del 9 de julio corriente desde la villa de mier a la de Santa Ana de Camargo 03-30-1788
Gutierrez Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Guadiana Letters between Ugarte, Florez, and Ugalde concerning better cooperation between the two comandantes. 00-00-1780
