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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Osorio Padre Gregorio Osorio y Padre Juan Antonio Garcia al provincial. Certificacion de la fundacion de misiones en Junta de los Rios. 06-03-1715
Osorio Padre Jose de Arramegui al padre Comisario. Relato de la fundicion de Junta de los Rios. 06-11-1915
Ossorio Padre Juan de Almonajiz al padre provincial Luiz del Canto. Letter concerning affairs of Matape colegio. 01-04-1689
Ossorio Padre Juan Ortiz Zapata partido de San Joseph de Matape relacion de los misiones que la compania tiene en...el Nueva Vizcaya, 1676. 1676
Osorio Padre Lorenzo Gera to padre Cristobal de Escobar. Dos cartas del padre gera al padre Escobar. 00-00-1743
Osorio Padre Lucas Luis Alvarez al padre Christoval de Escobar. Series of letters concerning missions of Sinaloa, Sonora. 06-00-1743
Ostynk Padre Rector Thomas de Guadalaxara al padre provincial Ambrosio Odon. Avise las tristes nuevas de la Tarahumara. 04-05-1690
Osario Palacio sobre los medios de promover las minas de Tamaulipa. 05-01-1768
Osorio por mi solo he dado y dare todas las providencias de mera substanciacion en un expediente, cuia final decision por aora hade ser sola la... 07-31-1779
Osornio Problems with delivery of barrel of aguardiente to California presidio. 00-00-1790
Osorio Provincias Internas indice de las materias contenidas en el tomo numero 173 10-16-1751
Osorio quaderno 2. Del expediente instruido para hacer la divicion y adjudicacion del testimonio que ha de componer el obispado de Nuevo Reyno de... 09-07-1779
Osorio Basterra Relacion of the first expedition to the seno Mexicano by Jose de Escandon 10-26-1747
Ossorio Report by Jose Escandon concerning the foundation of Hoyos, Padilla and Cerro Santiago, and the division of land among the settlers. 07-20-1769
Ossorio Report from ossorio to the viceroy concerning the land conflict with misiones de Californias. 03-01-1763
Osorio Reports on construction, architecture, ornamentation, agriculture, population of missions listed in places category. 10-29-1772
Osorio Request for primisias for priest from Presas del Rey. 00-00-1763
Osorio Espinosa Response to fray Diego de Buenaventura y Salazar's requests and and reports 10-23-1700
Osorio Retirement money paid to Maxent 06-23-1795
Osuna Ripperda (gobernador). Diligencias sobre la muerte de Muguel Leal. 08-11-1778
Osio Sanches Vergara, Ygnacio Maria. Criminal case of adultery. 07-25-1819
Osorio Sarmiento Valladares, Joseph (virrey). Detailed instructions to governor of New Mexico on administration of province particularly... 08-09-1698
Osuna Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Osorio y Yamas Series of accounts of Indian depredations in Nuevo Santander during administration of Gonzalez Santianes. 08-14-1772
Osorio Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Osorio y Llamas Series of letters from governors of Nuevo Santander to viceroy concerning military and routine administrative affairs. 05-27-1769
Osornio y Llamas Series of letters from officers to Ugalde concerning military organization and activities. 00-00-1768
Ossorio Several officers petition virrey for promotion and transfer to presidios, including minute details of past military campaigns. 01-23-1767
Osorio Summary of preceeding 70-page document concerning missions of Nuevo Santander. 10-31-1762
Osorio Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Osorio Testimonies in case against morales for murder of Garza in Aguayo. 07-07-1756
Osorio y Llamas Testimonies relating to conduct of defunct Joseph Escandon and transfer of his title. 10-23-1749
Osorio testimonio de las bullas e instruccion, y real cedula expedida sobre la ereccion del obispado de Linares a favor de fray Antonio de Jesus... 11-16-1778
Osario Testimonio de los autos, sobre la real cedula expedida enero 29, 1763 a cerca de la causa fromada den Nuevo Santander a Escandon. 00-00-1714
Osorio y Llamas testimonio del expediente formado en virtud del real despacho de su majestad y a represantacion del senor Conde de la Sierra Gorda don... 01-10-1774
Osejo Testimonio sobre al alzamiento de los Pimas altos. 00-00-1754
Osio The natives of the pueblo of San Joan to the governor of Nuevo Mexico. Petition against the maestre de campo Roque Madrid. 00-00-1707
Osuna Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ossorio To virrey concerning state of economic ruin in Nuevo Santander. 06-05-1772
Osio Tristan, Esteban Lorenzo de (obispo). Auto of bishop ordering third banns for Juan Cristobal Sanchez and Rosa Sandoval and if no protest,... 12-27-1791
Osorio Various informes regarding military, civil, and religious matters including position appointments, sick leave requests, leaves of duty, and... 06-13-1773
Osacin Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Ostigi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations. 12-01-1786
Osorio de Llamas y adjudicacion del territorio que deva comprender el obispado resuelto erigir con el titulo del Nuevo Reyno de Leon 08-11-1779
