Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Rael de Aguilar Yuba, Antonio/Povia, Asencio. Criminal proceedings against Antonio Yuba and Ascencio Povia for homosexual activity. 06-25-1731
Rael de Aguilar Ysidro Sanchez. Criminal proceedings against Ysidro Sanchez for stealing food and clothing from a store. 03-25-1720
Rael de Aguilar Villasur expedition-investigation of governor Balverde 05-13-1726
Rael de Aguilar Velasco, Diego de. Suit: proceedings against Velasco for the death of Miguel de Herrera. 03-28-1712
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Vargas orders new settlers to stay with relatives. 06-16-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Letter advising an unnamed person of the events between June 14 and August 15, 1694. 07-01-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events. 06-23-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 07-07-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events - military. 03-00-1694
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Rael de Aguilar Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Rael de Aguilar Valverde y Cosio, Antonio (general). testimonio de informacion que en virtud de poder del general Antonio de Valverde de cosio hizo... 00-00-1721
Rael de Aguilar Trujillo, Melchor (indio xemes). causa criminal fulminante contra Melchor indio del pueblo de la Isleta, acusado por sospecha de haber... 06-08-1731
Rael de Aguilar To visitador general. Informe regarding difficulties within Cabildo of Santa Fe. 12-15-1724
Rael de Aguilar Thomas de Herrera Sandoval to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition asking for custody of child in service of Bartolome sanches. 02-14-1704
Rael de Aguilar The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rael de Aguilar The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Rael de Aguilar Sobre si se debe establecer un presidio en el valle de Xicarilla. 00-00-1723
Rael de Aguilar Settlers of Sombrerette and Zacatecas to Diego Vargas and Pedro Rodriguez Cubero. 08-01-1697
Rael de Aguilar Settlers of New Mexico to Cabildo de Santa Fe. Petition requesting permission to leave province. 11-04-1704
Rael de Aguilar Rivera's visita to presidios of northern frontier of New Spain 12-07-1728
Rael de Aguilar Reneros Posada, Pedro (gobernador). Governor's order against soldiers of presidio selling their horses or equipment. 04-28-1687
Rael de Aguilar Presidial soldiers of Santa Fee to governor. Petition: the soldiers had empowered Martinez and Otero to act on their behalf in their... 11-12-1712
Rael de Aguilar Presidial soldiers of Santa Fee to governor. Peticion: the soldiers wish to present to the governor a statement of obligation, describing a... 11-02-1712
Rael de Aguilar Petition from Cabildo for arms, ammunition, foodstuffs and clothing. 05-08-1705
Rael de Aguilar Penuela (Marques de la). Order requiring September 14 of each year be a celebration of the conquest of Santa Fee by the Marques de la Nava... 09-16-1712
Rael de Aguilar Pedro de Espinosa (sargento) to Francisco Cuervo y Valdes (gobernador y capitan general). Petition seeking permission to leave province. 00-00-1696
Rael de Aguilar Palma, Agustin de to Carabajal, Petrona de. Suit: Petrona de Carabajal accuses de Palma of abusing her daughter, Antonia de Valencia. 08-11-1711
Rael de Aguilar Paez Hurtado, Juan (theniente). Junta de guerra in Alburquerque against Apaches. 01-22-1734
Rael de Aguilar Ortiz, Theodora. A law suit over an inheritance and possession of cattle. 06-03-1782
Rael de Aguilar Mascarenas, Francisco. Proceedings in suit against Francisco Mascarenas by Joseph de Reano in behalf of minor Juan Mascarenas. 01-17-1717
Rael de Aguilar Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Information regarding arrival of 6 moqui Indians and a tano at pueblo of Taos. 02-16-1704
Rael de Aguilar Marques de la Nava de Brazinas to Cabildo de Santa Fe. Request by Vargas to Cabildo de Santa Fe for justification and certification of his... 00-00-1692
Rael de Aguilar Marques de la Nava de Brazinas (gobernador). Order for inspection of arms allotted to residents of Santa Fe, Santa Cruz and Bernalillo. 11-22-1703
Rael de Aguilar Marques de la Nava de Brazinas (gobernador). bando prohibiting gambling by soldiers for their horses and equipment. 11-18-1703
Rael de Aguilar Marques de la Nava de Brazinas (gobernador y capitan general). Account of offensive campaign led by Vargas against faraon Apaches. 03-27-1704
Rael de Aguilar Manuel Sanz de Garuizu. Demanda puesta por Manuel Sanz de Garuizu, en nombre de don Antonio de Tapia... Contra Joseph Romo de Vera. 11-03-1749
Rael de Aguilar Lujan, Phelix. Suit: Lujan is charged with the mistreatment of his wife. 07-14-1713
Rael de Aguilar Lujan, Miguel. Proceedings in trial of Miguel Lujan for the death of his wife, Catalina de Valdes. 04-20-1713
Rael de Aguilar Linares, Duque de. Decree of the viceroy, concerning the performance of Cuervo y Valdes as governor of Nueva Mexico. 05-31-1712
Rael de Aguilar Linares, Duque de (virrey). notification and order from the viceroy to the governor of Nueva Mexico concerning a fugitive soldier accused... 09-00-1714
Rael de Aguilar Letter from viceroy to officials of New Mexico province about salaries and conquest of new territories. 07-28-1706
Rael de Aguilar Juan Paez Hurtado (teniente). Proceedings against Tomas Mendez for wounding Cristobal. 12-28-1704
Rael de Aguilar Juan Paez Hurtado (capitan y teniente of gobernador y capitan general). Record of proceedings concerning reported conspiracy of Apaches and... 12-12-1704
Rael de Aguilar Juan Griego, Joseph Sacambe, et al, tegua Indians to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition for redress of action against them by former... 03-00-1703
Rael de Aguilar Juan de Uribarri (general-sargento mayor del reino y alcalde ordinario) to gobernador Cuervo y Valdes. Proceedings against Juan Gallegos in... 11-19-1705
Rael de Aguilar Juan de Urbiarri (capitan). Suit by capitan Juan de Urbarri against Jacinto Sanchez over a mule. 06-02-1704
Rael de Aguilar Josepha Serrano to Juan Paez Hurtado (teniente de gobernador y capitan general). Suit by Josepha Serrano against Maria Garcia for calumny. 08-26-1704
Rael de Aguilar Informe to viceroy about servitude of Indians, and other reports by governor of New Mexico. 01-26-1710
