Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Rudusindo Carbayo Transfer of military barracks from Llera to Villa Padilla 06-16-1797
Rubalcava todos los fieles christianos tengan por publico excomulgado a don Alexo de Rubalcava contador de diezmos de esta santa originals, signed.... 10-07-1771
Ruiz de Larramendi To Sotelo, Ignacio. Order to proceed to El Ceario and thence to quarter of the compania de Pimas de Tubac. 03-08-1810
Rubim de Celis Thomas Velez Cachupin. Testimonio de las diligencias egecutados en razon del decomiso que dentro se expresa. 02-03-1751
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de esclavos. 03-23-1730
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de esclavo. 05-13-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de esclavo. 03-26-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de esclavo. 01-07-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de casa. 06-15-1736
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Registro de mina (9). 00-00-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Registro de mina (9). 00-00-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Pago de deuda. 05-28-1736
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Juicio sucesorio de don Joaquin de Arquimigo iniciado por Petra Monje. 06-16-1736
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Juicio sucesorio de Diego Basan y Villegas. 00-00-1737
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Juan Rodriguez de Mendoza contra Pedro de la Fuente por palabras alteradas en la plaza publica. 10-08-1736
Ruiz de Avendano Thomas Ruiz de Avendano justicia mayor. Contra Nicolas de Carvajal por golpese injurias. 12-04-1736
Ruiz Avendano Thomas Ruiz Avendano justicia mayor. Venta de esclavos. 10-31-1737
Rubalcaba Third notebook of charges and ect. concerning Josef Carlos Rubalcaba who named himself king of Nueva Viscaya 10-18-1771
Ruiz Calado Third notebook of charges and ect. concerning Josef Carlos Rubalcaba who named himself king of Nueva Viscaya 10-18-1771
Rubalcaba Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Runioa Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ruiz Third notebook concerning Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba, tlaxcaltecan who crowned himself king of Nueva Vizcaya. 09-06-1771
Ruiz The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ruiz Cordero The viceroy to the presidial soldiers. Complaint and petition: failure of the governor to meet his obligation to the soldiers. 02-12-1713
Ruis Testimony from ministers to virrey, others explaining harsh treatment of Indians at certain missions. 09-07-1787
Rubio Testimonios concerning discovery of new mines and vetas. 10-16-1766
Rubiate Testimonio sobre una expedicion de Resaval a la Pimaria. 06-00-1699
Ruhen Testimonio sobre al alzamiento de los Pimas altos. 00-00-1754
Ruiz Cano testimonio del titulo de capitan de presidio del paso del norte a favor de don Pedro Joseph de la Fuente. 06-06-1764
Rubio testimonio del expediente formado en virtud del real despacho de su majestad y a represantacion del senor Conde de la Sierra Gorda don... 01-10-1774
Ruiz Testimonio del expediente formado a representacion de los vezinos del real presidio de los Adaes, sobre que se les dexe avecindar en la... 10-04-1773
Ruiz Testimonio de los autos. 09-20-1751
Ruiz Pujadas testimonio de la causa formada contra don Domingo Perez Anzuategui oficial del ministerio de marina, tesorero y guarda de almacen principal... 01-11-1816
Ruiz de Guadiana Testimonio de autos sobre la trasladacion del rl. presidio del Sacramento 09-31-1738
Rufrina Testimonio compiled by Escandon detailing population structure, herd counts of Spanish in San Fernando 1752-3. 01-11-1751
Rubio Testimonies relating to conduct of defunct Joseph Escandon and transfer of his title. 10-23-1749
Ruiz Bustamante Testimonies concerning beating of Laurezana while imprisoned in San Francisco. 07-23-1820
Rubio Testimonial report assembled by governor of Durango on vagrant and idle Indians of Nueva Vizcaya and Sonora 10-31-1746
Ruiz de Tel Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. 00-00-1754
Ruen Testigos sobre el alzamiento de los indios de la Pimeria Alta. 00-00-1754
Ruiz Testaments to viceroy concerning captive soldiers. 01-23-1805
Ruano Testamento y inventario 10-01-1670
Ruiz Tarifa Testamento 12-01-1655
Ruiz de Alfaro Testamento 12-00-1648
Rueda y Esquibel Testament of Pena 10-06-1740
Ruiz Testament of Leonardo de Armentia and info regarding estate of Prudencio de Armentia. 07-16-1634
Rubio Teodoro de Croix. Rules concerning distribution and accounting of gunpowder. 09-19-1780
Rubi Teodoro de Croix to Domingo Cabello. Conditions in Texas and peace with Indians. 06-13-1781
Rubin de Celis Summary of instructions to governors on building new missions and an index. 10-26-1793
Ruiz de Bustamante Summary of information concerning the content or ambiguity manifest in a letter written in the town of Cinco Senores by Jose Maria Rios to... 07-23-1819
