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Person Last Name Document titlesort descending Date
Serna Letters from viceroy to different officials in Nueva Vizcaya during 1771. 02-04-1771
Segovia Letters from Vidal de Lorca, 11-12/1774, Nuevo Leon. 12-28-1774
Sexto Letters from Vidal de lorca, in Nuevo Leon, from Jan-December 1776 01-24-1776
Serna Letters informing virrey about situation of new colony Nuevo Santander. 04-18-1769
Serralbo Letters informing virrey about the possibility of opening a commerce to the provincias of the north. 11-25-1787
Serna Letters regarding dealings with Indians, land distribution, military affairs, civil and religious offices, financial matters legal... 08-01-1768
Sevillano Letters requesting license to travel seeking cure by alguacil mayor. 11-02-1734
Segovia Letters to Castro concerning the activities and conditions of military companies in Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1792
Sepeda Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Segovia Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Sereno Munis Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Serna Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Sepeda Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Sepeda Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Sepeda Letters to viceroy from justicias in towns of Nuevo Santander regarding amount of Alcabala payments. 00-00-1523
Serna Letters to virrey asking permission to retire, to visit Mexico City for cure, and requesting money, weapons and men to fight indians; sent... 02-01-1796
Servantes Letters written between Vaamonde and virrey Conde concerning primarily relations between Indians first letter in this series beginning with... 06-06-1793
Servin lib. 49 gl. no. 29505 p. 271- cuenta de gastos en agasajos de indios en el ano 1806. 12-31-1806
Seijas y Vieyra Libramentos de Provincias Internas 04-18-1796
Seiras Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. 10-30-1794
Seylas y Viegra Libranzas from Chihuahua and Arispe. 10-30-1794
Serrano Libro de compras de trigo, maiz, y panocha para Apaches de Bacoachi en 1789. 12-31-1789
Serrano Libro de compras de viveres para Apaches. 12-31-1788
Serrano Libro de cuenta y distribucion de caudales para Apaches de Bacoachi en 1789. 12-31-1789
Segovia Licenciado y alcalde mayor Gabriel de Equrrola. Auto de visita a las tiendas del real. 03-30-1633
Sesma y Escudero List of autos referring to various issues within Provincias Internas. 05-02-1703
Serna Lista y extracto por la revista de la compania de Nuebo Santander. 02-28-1778
Sereno Lista y extracto por la revista de la compania de Nuebo Santander. 02-28-1778
Serna Listas and extractos of compania Volante de Nuevo Santander from monthly revistas July 1780 - January 1781; year-end quenta del haver. 07-31-1780
Senteno Listas de revista de las companias que guarnecen las provincias de Nueva Vizcaya, Sonora y Nuevo Mexico respectivas a los 4 ultimos mes de... 10-01-1818
Serrano Listas de revistas for Sonora presidios Sept.-December 1817. 09-01-1817
Serrano Listas de revistas May-August 1817 for presidios of Sonora. 05-01-1817
Serrano Listas de revistas of the nine companias of Sonora for the first four months of 1817. 01-01-1817
Serna Lists of military squadrons: salary schedules. expenditures. 08-01-1768
Serna Lists, relaciones from Vidal containing information on members of primera compania del Nuevo Santander. 00-00-1787
Serna Lists, service records of officers from Vidal concerning military personnel. 10-00-1743
Sedelmayr Lizenciado don Joseph Raphael Rodriguez Gallardo. Autos de guerra contra los enemigos Apaches. 09-27-1748
Serrano Lopes, Salvador. Criminal case against Josef Hario for theft. Sentenced to two months in jail and on public works. 11-16-1805
Sena Lopez, Damaso. Civil suit to recover debts totaling about 12,000 pesos. 06-17-1820
Seritaca Lorenzo Cancio to Sebastian Pagacip/Buenaventura Gutierrez de Caviedes. Two documents concerning interrogation of 2 Indian women from Cerro... 07-18-1768
Segueses Los gastos ocasionados en la expedicion contra los indios Seris, en la mantencion de los prisioneros que en ella se hicieron y... 07-24-1749
Segesser Luis Maria Marciano to padre visitador Clemente Guillen. Un pedimento de los indios pericues. 12-12-1735
Sebessna Maese, Juan to Ortiz, Nicolas. Suit in which Ortiz accuses Maese of assault. 08-21-1708
Serrano Maestre de campo Juan Dominguez Mendoza. Informe del viaje hecho por el maestre de campo Mendoza por la provincia de Texas y... 00-00-1683
Serna Mandamientos para Topiles concerning Indian labor. 00-00-1704
Serna Manifestaciones hechas por algunas vecinas de este real de la plata que existe en su poder. 04-01-1648
Serna Manifiestos from Banfi concerning financial status of companias del Nuevo Santander. 09-01-1784
Sevallos Manuel Aguirre to padre prov. Francisco Sevallos. la obra en lengua opata. 06-30-1765
Segesser Manuel Bernal Huydobro al padre Phelipe Segesser. Letter concerning San Cayetano. 03-24-1735
Sevillano de Paredes Manuel de Sandoval (gobernador). Peticion requesting documents concerning removal of French presidio at Nachitoches. 09-25-1741
