Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Bonilla Correspondence re: assistance for Voluntarios de Cataluna. 12-21-1777
Bonavia Decrees concerning Seris' settlement, and proposal of peace by capitan Calixto. 12-17-1771
Borfa Copies of letters concerning construction of a church for Seris at el Pitic, and rebuilding another one for sibubapas at el Zuaqi 03-03-1771
Boix Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan.... 06-27-1779
Bon Letters from Corbalan concerning petitions of tax exemption for the Indians. Letters from Barco concerning tax collection in Buliacan.... 06-27-1779
Bonilla Informes from Lumbreras to Bucareli concerning discovery of silver mines at sierra de San Marcial. 02-01-1779
Boix Autos from Escandon for virrey concerning five Indians accused of several murders and robberies. 10-05-1764
Borrego Autos formed against Escandon from obispo de Guadalaxara. 11-04-1766
Borrego Autos formed by bishop of Guadalaxara in rancho Dolores in 1759 accusing Escandon of negligence in the matters of religion. 11-10-1766
Borrego Autos formed by bishop of Guadalaxara in rancho Dolores in 1759 accusing Escandon of negligence in the matters of religion. 11-10-1766
Boix Letters from Escandon to the virrey informing him of the campaign against the Indians of the nation Sibuy. Others from Boix requesting... 10-20-1764
Borja breve apostolico de pio sexto, y estatutos generales 11-17-1769
Bonilla Order from the king to the Franciscans to follow statutes. 12-15-1787
Boix Order from the king to the Franciscans to follow statutes. 12-15-1787
Bocomo King sends orders to maintain the garrisons in presidios of islas de Barlovento. 12-11-1697
Bonifacio Garcia Echagarray testifies to real tribunal de cuentas having delivered lost expedientes to villegas puente who testifies that he never received... 00-00-1731
Borreo Dictamen by Valcarcal re: French commerce with Indians along Trinidad river and further plans for area's settlement. 10-11-1755
Borrego Geographic defense-plan reports from Bazquez Borrego (elder) to Escandon. 07-26-1750
Borras Concerns colonization of Nuevo Santander. 08-07-1755
Borica Neve's will and documents concerning carrying out provisions in will. 01-29-1777
Borica Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Borica Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Borica Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Bonilla Documents concerning executors of Neve's will, inventories, auction and accounts of Neve's wealth. 01-29-1777
Bonilla Ugarte y Loyolas correspondence to virrey re: selection military personnel for posts in Nueva Viscaya and Sonora, especially placement of... 09-19-1789
Bonilla Expediente promovido a consulta del comandante general de provincias de Poniente sobre colocar en el mando militar de la Sonora al coronel... 02-29-1764
Bocanegra Series of appeals to virrey from padres at colegio Pachuca for Martinez to travel to Rome. 12-23-1786
Boullosa Documents concern series of petitions by missionaries at Zacatecas and Pachuca to return to Spain. 11-20-1789
Borrego Arredondo petitions virrey for increased military assistance to Texas. 12-28-1820
Bonilla Diaz de Solorzano requests promotion to coronel. Service record attached. 05-15-1810
Bonavia Documents acknowledges receipt of informes concerning military promotions granted to Paez and Alanis. 04-16-1816
Bonavia Hernandez requests retirement from tercera compania del cuerpo Volante de Durango. Status of invalid also requested. 08-09-1816
Bonavia Ruiz de Larramendi requests retirement from compania presidial de San Elceario and permission to reside in Spain. 09-01-1816
Bonavia Lopez requests retirement from company of Durango due to his suffering from consumption. Lopez' service record and role in killing of... 05-27-1816
Bonavia Garay requests retirement from quarta compania de milicias Voluntarios de caballeria de Nueva Vizcaya. Garay's role against rebels and... 11-05-1817
Bonavia Redondo requests promotion to rank of capitan de milicias de caballeria de Mazatlan. Redondo's superiors recount his service records... 08-16-1810
Bonavia Concerns compensation for members of Nuevo Mexico military. 08-04-1816
Bonavia Regarding military monetary awards. 10-04-1766
Bonavia Regarding monetary awards form military men based on years of service. 10-04-1766
Bonavia Concerns monetary awards to certain military men in Santa Fe and Carrizal. 10-04-1766
Bonavia Concerns monetary awards to certain members of the military in Nueva Viscaya. 08-30-1807
Bonavia Concerns request by Velarde for status of invalid. 10-17-1802
Bonavia Concerns monetary awards for members of the military in Santa Fe 10-04-1766
Bonavia Concerns Mendoza's request for status of invalid. 11-01-1788
Bonavia Concerns Manuel Hernandez's and Juan Gras' requests for the status of invalid and many soldiers' monetary awards for years... 10-04-1766
Bonilla Concha informs of New Mexico's state of troops and enemies and effective means for the containment of these foes. 09-17-1788
Borica Ugarte y Loyola informs of judicial, administrative, spiritual, economic, and defensive conditions in Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. Information... 12-01-1783
Bonavia Ugarte y Loyola informs of judicial, administrative, spiritual, economic, and defensive conditions in Sonora and Nueva Vizcaya. Information... 12-01-1783
Borica Ugarte y Loyola submits detailed informe regarding criminals accused of treason and means to contain rebellious Indian nations. 07-27-1785
Borica Ugarte y Loyola informs Galvez of proposal to create real audiencia and results of measures taken to pacify frontier tribes. 12-01-1783
