Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Ugarte to Flores concerning retirement of Garcia. 03-28-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Ugarte to viceroy informing having received baptismal document of Apache that died afterwards. 04-04-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy concerning processing military appointments to several positions in region. 04-01-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy concerning appointment of soler as captain of Tupson, and that part of his salary should be given... 04-01-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Ugarte to viceroy informing received royal resolution dealing with salaries and destinations of military officials once removed... 04-18-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from Ugarte to viceroy concerning appointments of Pagaurtundia as engineer, and Echegaray as lieutenant-colonel, and other... 04-18-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Ugarte to viceroy on king's death, and on royal vandos. 04-18-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning military appointments and pensions. 11-19-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning Apache prisoners. 04-18-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from Ugarte to viceroy concerning civil-military appointments, royal mourning, and resolutions for officials leaving province. 04-24-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Documents dealing with escaped Apache prisoners. 02-08-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning appointment of commander of arms in Sonora. 05-01-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Documents dealing with military appointments, salaries, and pensions. 10-22-1781
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Ugarte to Florez concerning publishing royal decree dealing with treatment for officials of tribunales de 07-04-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence dealing with military appointments. 05-17-1789
Ugarte Correspondence dealing with military appointments. 05-17-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte informs viceroy having published royal decree of October 1788, and observing viceroy orders with respect to sick government... 10-00-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning military appointments, and retirement permits. 06-05-1789
Ugarte Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning military appointments, and retirement permits. 06-05-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Ugarte receives royal orders concerning remision del servicio de Montado y Galeras. 06-12-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Documents dealing with military appointments, soldiers travel permits, pensions, and royal pardons. 06-19-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Ugarte and viceroy concerning departure of Indian prisoners to Mexico. 06-26-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Documents dealing with military appointments for San Buenaventura and San Eleceario. Letters with list of candidates for positions. 07-03-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 01-10-1790
Ugalde Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 01-10-1790
Ugarte Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 01-10-1790
Ugarte Loyola Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de Provincias Internas. 06-26-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general 04-16-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Ugarte Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy concerning military personnel. 03-13-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from comandante general to viceroy concerning military personnel. 10-00-1781
Ugarte Letters from comandante general to viceroy concerning military personnel. 10-00-1781
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from viceroy to comandante of Provincias Internas about military personnel. 04-03-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante de Provincias Internas and Conde de Revillagigedo concerning military personnel. 04-28-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from comandante general to viceroy regarding military personnel. 05-12-1790
Ugalde Letters from comandante general to viceroy regarding military personnel. 05-12-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 07-09-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy about military appointments. 08-13-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between presidial officers, capitan general, and viceroy pertaining to military personnel. 02-28-1790
Ugalde Correspondence between presidial officers, capitan general, and viceroy pertaining to military personnel. 02-28-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and officers pertaining to military personnel. 09-14-1790
Ugarte Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and officers pertaining to military personnel. 09-14-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Ugalde Correspondence between comandante general and viceroy re: military personnel. 06-16-1785
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Ugalde Correspondence between comandante general, viceroy and various officers. 04-00-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between viceroy and comandante general de las Provincias Internas. 05-03-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Index of the expedientes and documents delivered to brigadier Croix. 03-31-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Summary of the battles against the Apaches, relaciones of the military forces of Provincias Internas. 10-22-1776
Ugarte y Loyola Informe from Oconor for virrey on plan of campaign against Apaches. 03-24-1775
