Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of comandant O'Conor and viceroy Bucareli with a copy of a letter from O'Conor to Ugarte 06-31-1775
Ugarte O'conor's informe on condition of interior provinces 01-30-1776
Ugarte y Loyola Tile pages for documents not included 00-00-0000
Ugarte y Loyola Discussion of Vicarra's prison sentence for charges of treason and murder; copy of real cedula. 05-21-1785
Ugarte y Loyola Request for and orders to send gunpowder for presidial and Volante troops in Chihuahua. 10-19-1786
Ugarte Letters concerning legal matters 00-00-0000
Ugarte [untitled] 01-01-1748
Ugarte y Loyola Reimbursed bond money to meave. Petition to governor to extend a certificate of good conduct. 07-22-1778
Ugarte Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790
Ugarte Correspondence between governors of Texas and virrey, year 1790 02-00-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 02-04-1791
Ugarte Correspondence between Munoz and Revilla Gigedo, year 1791 02-04-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence concerning transference of men for protection of Bexar against indians 06-11-1770
Ugarte y Loyola Ripperda's correspondence re: new regulations, peace with Indians, Indian depredations. 06-30-1772
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Concha to virrey Flores and response re: peace with cumanches, yutas, navajoes. 11-10-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Letter from Concha to virrey Revilla Gigedo re: manner of establishing peace with Apaches. 12-15-1789
Ugarte Relaciones, letters from Arredondo to governor concerning vacant 'tenencias.' 10-25-1818
Ugarte y Loyola Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Ugalde Series of documents concerning dispute between Arredondo and obispo de Monterrey over control of hospital de pobres. 05-06-1816
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Ugarte and viceroy in reference to government business of Provincias Internas 10-31-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy in regard to various military and civil affairs within Provincias Internas de Poniente. 11-01-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Ugalde Documents regarding military issues within Provincias del Poniente. 12-15-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between viceroy and Rengel concerning inspections in Provincias Internas. 08-18-1787
Ugalde Juan de Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy for the month of May 1778 with other correspondence from previous years regarding issues raised by... 12-00-1784
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during June 1788 with previous dated documents as reference. 06-01-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. 08-06-1788
Ugarte Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. 08-06-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Ugarte Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Ugalde Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Ugalde Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Ugalde Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Ugarte Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Index to the correspondence of the comandante general del Poniente Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola and viceroys Manuel Antonio Flores and Conde de... 10-15-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence with comandante general of Provincias Internas Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola in the year of 1787. 01-02-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence of Vidal de Lorca, 1774. 09-23-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from Lorca y Villera, 1774, Nuevo Reino de Leon. 06-16-1774
Ugalde Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787
Ugarte y Layola Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787
Ugalde Oficios to and from Ugalde concerning legal proceedings. 10-03-1783
Ugalde Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787
Ugarte y Layola Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787
Ugalde Informes to and from Ugalde dealing with preparations for third military campaign 11-21-1782
Ugarte y Loyola Informes to and from Ugalde dealing with preparations for third military campaign 11-21-1782
Ugalde Instrucciones generales -- que empezo a estender el coronel d. Juan de Ugalde Cavallero del orden de Santiago . . . 01-01-1787
