Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugalde Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. 00-00-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. 00-00-1777
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondencia con la colonia del Nuevo Santander y revistas. 10-26-1773
Ugarte y Loyola Indise de la representacion que hace al excelentisimo senor virrey el gobernador de la colonia, en el curso de hoy, 6 de abril de 1776. 08-07-1775
Ugarte y Loyola 1775. Correspondencia con la colonia del Nuevo Santander. 05-01-1739
Ugalde Carpeta tercera correspondencia con el governador Manuel Vaamonde en los anos de 1790 hasta 93 inclusivo. 01-02-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Unfoliated letters written by Vaamonde and virrey Conde to each other during second half of 1790 the first beginning with, en oficio de 12... 06-03-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Ugalde Unnumbered letters from Vaamonde and others to Conde de Revilla Gigedo. This series begins with he recivido las dos instancas. 09-20-1793
Ugalde Correspondencia con el gobernador del Nuevo Reyno de Leon el coronel don Vicente Gonzalez de Santianes ano de 1786... 01-14-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Autos from Soler and Sal to virrey, all dealing with embezzlement charge against Sal, paymaster of Monterrey. 12-16-1781
Ugarte y Loyola Criminal case against an Indian convert of San Vicente mission accused of killing a gentile Indian. 08-08-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Diligencias made by Fages to virrey seeking to recruit men from San Blas to the new establishments of the peninsula for service in the... 09-03-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Fages writes to virrey regarding much needed stamped paper. 10-27-1783
Ugarte Autos from Perez and Soler to virrey and response by Navarro regarding distribution of masses and wealth of deceased if no will has been... 07-14-1764
Ugarte y Loyola Auto by Fages asking if Tithes should be paid on cattle transported from Monterrey to San Diego during the first 5 years and response by... 01-08-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Criminal case against soldier Tapia for robbery of Monterrey warehouse. 05-30-1785
Ugarte y Loyola Informes by Fages presenting depravity of an Indian of San Diego mission and indian's temporary banishment imposed. 08-15-1787
Ugarte Loyola Naming of Codina as chief engineer for public works in Guadalajara, especially for irrigation projects in region to relieve severe drought. 05-06-1787
Ugarte Loyola Documents dealing with ingeniero Codina's replacement in Guadalajara, Pagazaurtundua presently serving in Provincias Internas. 00-00-1774
Ugarte y Loyola Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and other government officials, regarding the administration of new presidios in... 12-27-1779
Ugalde Correspondence between Lasaga and the viceroy regarding resignation of the former due to urgent need to take care of personal business.... 04-29-1787
Ugalde Correspondence between Lorca and the viceroy regarding Lorca's application for a new post within the government of either Mexico,... 02-07-1787
Ugalde Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governors Cierragorda and Lorca. 04-29-1789
Ugarte y Loyola Administrative correspondence between the viceroy and the governor of Nuevo Santander. 1790-1791. 01-18-1790
Ugalde Letter from Murgier to Flores re: death of Vidal 00-00-0000
Ugalde Series of letters to Francisco de Ugalde concerning Indian raids around Linares, Nuevo Reino de Leon 12-01-1786
Ugarte y Loyola Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. 10-10-1771
Ugalde Military service records of Punta de Lampazos for 1788. 10-10-1771
Ugalde Carpeta septima; letters from Santianes to Ugalde and others concerning military activities. A few letters from Ugalde to Santianes and... 10-11-1786
Ugalde Administrative letters from Echegaray to Ugalde; late 1788 01-02-1788
Ugarte Lo escrito del capitan don Jose Maria de Echegaray en el ano 1789 11-00-1788
Ugalde Drafts of letters from Ugalde to Ramon 11-24-1786
Ugalde Para el archivo. Borradores. De oficios pasados a los presidios que deven trasladarse a sus respectives quadernos 03-16-1789
Ugalde Informe from Ramon to Ugalde reporting on the state of the Compania de la Punta de Lampazos after the campaign of August 1789. 08-12-1789
Ugarte y Loyola N. Reino de Leon destacamento de Linares 87 y 88, letters from Juan Domingo Echegaray and Dufay to Ugalde concerning Provincias Internas... 08-26-1786
Ugalde N. R. de Leon subalternos 87, 88 y 89. 09-21-1787
Ugalde Letters from Uriarte and Balenzuela to Ugalde concerning military issues. 11-22-1786
Ugalde Letters by gumely and Echegaray to Ugalde concerning military and Indian affairs. 12-23-1788
Ugalde Letters from Dufay to Ugalde concerning Indians misbehavior. 04-01-1788
Ugalde Letters from Dufay to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military informs. 08-06-1788
Ugalde Letters from Ramon and Gomez de Castro to Ugalde concerning Indians behavior, and military reports. 09-20-1787
Ugalde Letters by Ramon to Ugalde concerning remittance of military logbooks. 09-19-1788
Ugarte y Loyola Letters by Ramon to Ugalde concerning remittance of military logbooks. 09-19-1788
Ugalde Letters from Ramon to Ugalde on soldiers' debts to Roque. 03-13-1789
Ugalde Letters from Ramon to Ugalde concerning departure of soldiers, and mules to Santa Rosa. 07-14-1789
Ugalde Letters from Ramon to Ugalde concerning remittance of food supplies and soldiers to Ugalde's next campaign. 08-17-1789
Ugalde Letters from Ramirez to Ugalde concerning logbook remittance. 08-04-1788
Ugalde Letters from Gutierrez de la Cueva to virrey concerning logbook of Ugalde's campaigns. 05-30-1793
Ugalde Offices concerning legal trial to Mata. 10-17-1786
