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Person Last Name Document title Date
Echegaray Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Echegaray Gubernatorial correspondence dealing with Indian affairs and other war operations in Sonora provinces of El norte. 01-06-1792
Echegaray Gubernatorial correspondence between several government officials and the viceroy, concerning the situation of Indians who have surrendered... 10-18-1792
Echegaray Gubernatorial correspondence regarding military actions against Indians, between intendente Grimarest and the viceroy Revilla Gigedo. 19-22-1791
Echegaray Military administrative correspondence dealing with military actions against Indians and other Indian affairs. 01-24-1793
Echegaray Concerns summary of military actions and hostilities occurring west Provincias Internas. Also other military incursions against Indian... 01-27-1793
Echegaray Report concerning financial aid given to presidios in Nuevo Mexico. 07-17-1788
Echegaray Letters to the virrey explaining problems in collection of diezmos, the inconveniences of the location of the bishopric, the problems of... 12-17-1773
Echegaray Chacon petitions the media anata imposed is unjust. 01-24-1779
Echegaray 1172. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general del poniente y sus contestaciones despues del suceso del valle da... 05-25-1791
Echegaray 1171. Ano de 1791. Provincias de oriente. Ordenes al comandante general don Ramon de Castro y sus contestaciones 12-28-1790
Echegaray numero 48. Excelentisimo senor. En oficio numero 49, acompano la copia de que hace referencia el oficio de vuestra excelencia 05-31-1791
Echegaray Service records of Navarro y Torres. 04-29-1820
Echegaray Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Echegaray Letters from Echegaray, Gutierre de Gandarilla and other to viceroy concerning tax payments and appointments. 02-20-1776
Echegaray Indice de los expedientes de la provincia de Sonora de los anos 1730 a 1791 (actually 1793). 00-00-1730
Echegaray Indice de los expedientes de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, de los anos 1762 a 1792. 00-00-1762
Echegaray Indice de los expedientes de la colonia del Nuevo Santander, de los anos 1762 a 1792. 00-00-1762
Echegaray Domingo de Becezana. Lista de los sueldos de la 3rd compania de la expedicion de las fronteras. 05-20-1785
