Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Estrada Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Elisacochea Series of autos by licenciado osorio concerning merchant/sales tax 05-20-1779
Estrada Series of autos and testimonies on trial against Indian leader Leonardo Ramirez, accused of abuses committed against Indians under his... 08-11-1780
Encarnacion Series of autos about the inhibiciones of Indians auxiliaries tlaxcalas and Chichimecas from the area of Zacatecas. Copies of autos enacted... 03-20-1592
Escandon Series of accounts of Indian depredations in Nuevo Santander during administration of Gonzalez Santianes. 08-14-1772
Escobar Series of accounts of Indian depredations in Nuevo Santander during administration of Gonzalez Santianes. 08-14-1772
Elisa Series begins with en el departamento de San Blas.... letters concerning misconduct on the part of the clerk of the real hacienda of San... 07-05-1791
Espinosa Series begins with certifico que el dia 19 diz. Del pasado.... 10-17-1791
Ezeta Septiembre documents concerning administration of port San Blas. 10-22-1777
Echeverria Septiembre documents concerning administration of port San Blas. 10-22-1777
Echeagaray Septiembre 6, 1783 Senor: Acompano a la superioridad de vuestra excelencia. 02-04-1783
Echeagaray Senor: El dia catorce del proximo pasado se introduxo en esta provincia una gruesa partida de mas de cincuenta indios 01-14-1784
Evasio Secular - regular clerty dispute - Indian wars of 1653. 08-25-1653
Espino Secretario de gobernacion y guerra Juan Francisco de Espino al difinidor Fray Juan de Granados. Peticion de los autoridades civiles que dos... 01-28-1726
Echerigue secretaria del Virreynato. Toca al expediente marcado San Blas numero 134 foxa 112 vuelta. Apelacion interpuesta por parte de don Domingo... 01-18-1816
Esquivel Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Elizalde Second notebook of criminal charges against Joseph Carlos Rubalcaba and his accomplices 05-02-1771
Estrada Santander varios, carpeta 4. Correspondence to various officials concerning homicide. 09-08-1775
Ermeregildo Sanchez Vergara, Ygnacio to Manrrique, Josef. Proceedings in trial for theft. 06-30-1813
Escorza San Vicente to Bucareli. expediente concerning military operations against Apaches in Chihuahua. 00-00-1772
Esparze Salvador Martinez. Request for appointment to military command. 02-13-1748
Espinosa Salcedo, Nemesio. A letter concerning the purchase of one hundred twenty horses and seven mules for the Santa Fe presidio company. 09-22-1803
Espinosa de los Monteros Salcedo, Nemesio to Real Alencaster, Joaquin del. Sending a copy of Felipe Luero's service record which had been found with other... 09-20-1805
Eguia Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: the appointment of an official; and the use of the surname only on the signature of certain... 07-11-1810
Escano Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: the appointment of an official; and the use of the surname only on the signature of certain... 07-11-1810
Esquivel Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Concerning the request by two widows of soldiers killed in action for pensions due them. 10-05-1804
Espinosa Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. Concerning the purchase of horses and mules for Santa Fee presidio and their transportation there. 09-18-1804
Esquivel Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning payment of military premiums to eligible members of the Santa Fee presidio... 09-19-1804
Esquivel Salcedo, Nemesio to Chacon, Fernando. A letter concerning benefits for corporals and other soldiers serving in the Santa Fee presidio... 04-18-1804
Escano Salcado, Nemesio to gobernador ynterino de Nuevo Mexico. Re: the signing of official documents. 05-28-1810
Estillarte Salary request for replacement surgeon 10-20-1804
Estrada Salamanca's correspondence re: defense of Havana and request for military assistance. 08-04-1661
Esquivel Sais, Josef Maria. Accusation of theft. 11-02-1813
Evia Royal order. 02-21-1805
Echeagaray Routine administrative correspondence from Vaamonde to Castro. 04-28-1790
Elizondo Rough drafts of letters from Pineda to Elizondo. 01-16-1770
Espin Roster of chief administrators at California missions from May 1802 until May 1803. 05-00-1802
Escola Roster of chief administrators at California missions from May 1802 until May 1803. 05-00-1802
Epelde Rosalia de Fuente Fria. Testamento of dona Rosalia de Fuente Fria. 00-00-1752
Espexo Romero, Phelipe to Cruzat y Gongora, Gervasio (gobernador). Proceedings of Phelipe Romero vs. Francisco Espexo for two loaned horses. 07-20-1733
Esquibel Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Enrriquez de Cabrera Romero, Francisco Xavier. Criminal proceedings against Francisco Xavier Romero for sodomy. 06-09-1728
Echeagaray Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, listed by squad; September and October Of 1778. 09-02-1778
Escobedo Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, listed by squad; September and October Of 1778. 09-02-1778
Echeagaray Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, July and August, 1778. Includes locations of each squad. (A. Dean... 07-02-1778
Escobedo Rolls of officers and soldiers in la compania Volante de Nuevo Santander, July and August, 1778. Includes locations of each squad. (A. Dean... 07-02-1778
El Mocho Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
El Compa Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Elstigi Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Enalalcansa Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
