Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Fagle To Penuela (Marques de la). Set of briefs by various persons involved, concerning the suit of Nicolas Ortiz against Juan de Tafoya. 10-03-1707
Fagle Villegas Paez Hurtado, Juan. Proceedings and testimony on behalf of Hurtado. 04-04-1710
Fagle Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador de Santa Fee. Writs, declarations, testimony pertaining to the suit against Fransisco Cuerbo y Valdes. 10-29-1710
Faxardo Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio (governador) to Serna, Xptoval de la. Decision to conduct a campaign against the Apaches de Navajo, and... 10-18-1713
Faxardo Flores Mogollon, Juan Ignacio. Council of war; deliberations on strategy; lists of names of soldiers and other residents (including natives... 08-09-1714
Farin Nicolas Farin. Letter to governor of New Mexico announcing departure of caravan carrying mail from San Elecario. 11-10-1806
Fagoaga Juan Ruiz de Apodaca. New travel regulations. 11-11-1818
Falio Falio. List of goods to be given to allied Indians, and that are being sent to the avilitado of Santa Fee presidio. 03-21-1820
Fajardo Joseph Antonio de Jauregui Urrutia to colonial officials. Copies of series of documents concerning Indian depredations and describing... 08-26-1744
Farias Luis Antonio Manchaca (capitan). Pleito sobre muerte por heridos de Diego Menchacha por Juan Sosa por adulterio con su esposa. 04-19-1772
Falcon Ripperda (baron de). Informe sobre aprehension de cuatro hombres para contrabando con nachitoches. 08-01-1774
Farias Toribio Farias. Peticion al comandante general pidiendo permiso para el juego de Gallos en Texas. 01-12-1778
