Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Manrique Vera, Joseph de to Manrique, Joseph. Report on secret meetings between Indians and French and-or americans. 02-16-1810
Manrrique . Official records of the compania de Santa Fee. 03-00-1810
Martin . Communication regarding two Indian prisoners. 03-06-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Royal decree granting privileges; order concerning payment of salaries. 03-16-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Concerning a solicitation for discharge, and the trade in copper and tin. 03-17-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Communications regarding the treaty with Great Britain the war with the French, etc... 03-18-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo,\, Nemesio. Concerning the arrival of four frailes, etc." 03-19-1810
Martinez Manrique, Jose to Salcedo,\, Nemesio. Concerning the arrival of four frailes, etc." 03-19-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Fees for the transportation of equipment of members of the united states army. 03-20-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose. On proposed comanche campaign against the Apaches. 03-22-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose. Pertaining to animals recaptured from the enemy during the campaigns. 03-24-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose. Letter concerning relations between the indians; and presence of foreigners. 03-27-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose. Concerning the proposed attack on the Apaches of Sacramento, involving the comanches. 03-29-1810
Martinez Manrique, Jose. Concerning the proposed attack on the Apaches of Sacramento, involving the comanches. 03-29-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. 03-31-1810
Martin Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. 03-31-1810
Maese Manrique, Jose. Concerning captured foreigners suspected of being spies. 03-31-1810
Martin Garcia, Manuel. Declaration of Antonio Sanches. 04-10-1810
Mateos Salcado, Nemesio to gobernador ynterino. Re: Transfers and replacements among officers of various presidios. 05-04-1810
Manrrique Rey, Ysidro to Manrrique, Jose. Re: arrival of Garcia and troops, in Santa Fe. 06-27-1810
Manrrique Manrrique, Joesph to alcaldes mayores de la provincia. Re: royal order; communique on latest military operations in the Peninsular. 07-03-1810
Manrique Manrique, Joseph. Circular letter: royal order concerning French invasion of Spain. 07-03-1810
Manrique Manrique, Joseph to alcaldes of Nuevo Mexico. Circular letter: royal orders - not specified. 07-03-1810
Manrrique Bazan, Ygnacio Ricardo to Manrique, Jose. Acknowledgement of receipt of copies of the resolutions of the viceroy and the ordenador - not... 07-04-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Governador complies with orders to replace Ygnacio Sotelo with Ygnacio Elias Gonzalez for inspection... 07-05-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Campaign against Apaches. 07-16-1810
Maese Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: release of prisoners. 07-18-1810
Manrique Jose Manrique to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: placement of padre Martinez. 07-19-1810
Martinez Jose Manrique to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: placement of padre Martinez. 07-19-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: transfer of a preist; threat of Jose Napoleon's government; captive foreigners. 07-20-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose (?) to Ochoa, Jose Manuel de. Re: the transport and delivery of fire-arms. 07-23-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose (?) to Pereyro, Jose Benito. Re: oath of allegiance ceremony. 07-28-1810
Manrique Ortiz, Joseph Visente to Manrique, Jose. Re: Apache raid. 08-00-1810
Manrrique Manrrique, Joseph to Elias Gonzales, Ygnacio. Re: receipt of diary; admonition to vigilance. 08-02-1810
Manrique Andrade, Vicente Alonzo. Re: appointment of a protector partidario of the Indians. 08-02-1810
Manrrique Manrrique, Jose to Garcia, Manuel. Re: problems between Muniz and his wife. 08-17-1810
Manrrique Cavallero, Antonio (fray) to Manrrique, Jose. Re: 80 head of lettuce; 2 peines of cheese; frosts. 08-18-1810
Martinez Pino, Jose to Manrique, Jose. Re: arrest of priest. 08-19-1810
Manrique Pino, Jose to Manrique, Jose. Re: arrest of priest. 08-19-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: animals recovered from the enemy. 08-21-1810
Martin Ruiz, Antonio/Chaves, Jose Antonio. List of names of children vaccinated; names of parents; places of residence. 08-22-1810
Manrique Manrique, Joseph to Bazan, Ygnacio. Re: the condition of manufacturing in the province; and the teaching of manufacturing skills to the... 08-23-1810
Martinez . Re: the transportation under guard of fray Martinez to the comandante general. 08-25-1810
Manrrique . Re: the transportation under guard of fray Martinez to the comandante general. 08-25-1810
Manrique Manrique, Joseph to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: the resignation and transfer of padre Vera. 08-28-1810
Manrique Manrique, Joseph to comandante of San Elceario. Re: corresponsence to be expedited to the comandante general. 08-31-1810
Manrique Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: el protector de yndios. 09-11-1810
Manrique Salcedo, Nemesio to Manrique, Jose. Re: the transfer of fray Vera. 09-20-1810
Manrique Rey, Ysidro. Accounts: financial statements on gifts to Indian allies. 10-00-1810
Manrique Manrique, Jose to Salcedo, Nemesio. Re: news of the arrival of a large group of anglo-americanos in Spanish territory. 10-06-1810
