Browse by name

Person Last Name Document titlesort ascending Date
Mendoza Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Morales Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Mendivil Series of informes from Tresierra y Cano to virrey concerning loans made to private citizens by Caxas Matrinzes. 01-26-1795
Mendail Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Madcordaga Series of informes from Beregana to virrey noting granting of loans to private citizens from Caxas de Chiguagua. 01-08-1795
Mendoza Series of informes and testimonios concerning spiritual reduction of Californias by J.M. Salvatierra. 00-00-1703
Moreno de Velasco Series of informes and testimonios concerning spiritual reduction of Californias by J.M. Salvatierra. 00-00-1703
Martinez Series of documents requesting refund for Martinez and authorization for Moyua to return to San Blas. 05-16-1810
Moyua Series of documents requesting refund for Martinez and authorization for Moyua to return to San Blas. 05-16-1810
Maxent Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Maldonado Series of documents reporting status of military posts and presidios in Provincias Internas. 1792-1793. 06-18-1792
Medina Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Martinez Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Moreno Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Merino Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Munoz Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Morales Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Martines Series of documents relating to Neve's will and inventory and auction of his belongings. 08-27-1784
Moraga Series of documents relating to criminal case against Duarte. 12-00-1803
Marquez Series of documents relating to charging of import taxes on ships unloading in California from other parts of empire. 09-00-1793
Martin Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Medina Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Martinez de Figueroa Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Martinez Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Moreno Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Merino Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Maran Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories. 10-06-1774
Montoya Garay Series of documents from sales Carrillo and Gutierrez to real tribunal concerning cuentas de bienes confiscados. 07-30-1772
Miranda Series of documents from sales Carrillo and Gutierrez to real tribunal concerning cuentas de bienes confiscados. 07-30-1772
Medrano Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Martinez de Texada Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Maldonado Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Martinez Series of documents dealing with recovery of money owed to the government, by captain Urrutia. Case is open by governor Sandoval against... 09-07-1735
Mayorga Series of documents dealing with property confiscation of deceased governor from Nuevo Reyno de Leon, Vicente Santianez 05-10-1790
Martinez Pison Series of documents dealing with property confiscation of deceased governor from Nuevo Reyno de Leon, Vicente Santianez 05-10-1790
Maldonado Series of documents dealing with maritime transportation and civil administration 10-16-1812
Munoz Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Menchaca Series of documents dealing with Indian wars and some administrative affairs among government officials 03-20-1792
Moya Series of documents dealing with hiring religious personnel for curatos of Colotlan. 04-01-1786
Mathias Series of documents dealing with hiring religious personnel for curatos of Colotlan. 04-01-1786
Monterrey Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Muniz Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Martinez Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Mendez de Liebana Series of documents dealing with distribution of land to Indians Chichimecos settled in Colotlan and surroundings. Autos on trial against... 03-05-1773
Munarriz Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Maldonado Series of documents dealing with distribution of land and water rights to repopulators of San Fernando. Measurement and boundaries for each... 07-06-1731
Mata Series of documents dealing with conflict created due to mistreatment of Indians by caudillo Leonardo Ramirez. Case against Indian leader... 09-10-1780
Mata Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Martinez Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Medina Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
