Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories.

Serial Number
Series of documents regarding will of Neve and carrying out requests in will, liquidating assets, and inventories.
Medina, Roque de (Teniente Coronel)(Ayudante Inspector)
Corbalan, Pedro (Gobernador Intendente)
Abad, Santiago
and others
Arispe, Alamos, Mexico, and others. August 21, 1784 - September 21, 1786. 200p. Letters, autos. Originals, signed, copies.
General account of Neve's wealth compiled by Corbalan including liquid assets, salaries, and account of Neve's expenses owned to various individuals; salary of Neve with deductions for Monte Pio, Invalidos, Media anata, and conduccion a Espana. Account of transport costs for goods bought from Neve's estate (receipt of muleteer). Account of Neve's expenses, costs of food items and household goods bought and services provided (carpentry, transportation, laundry); Series of receipts of money paid out by Neve's executors and funds deposited in Rosario treasury. Neve's widow prohibited from receiving the sum of inheritance Neve indicated in his will. List of gun powder and household goods for sale left at Neve's hacienda by Croix. Dongo and Corbalan correspond regarding freeing Neve's funds to pay Neve's debts, including debt to late doctor sales. Medina's letter introduces inventories and auction sales of Neve's belongings. Autos by Galindo Navarro regarding Neve's executors and funds they administered. Corbalan relates to virrey that he has paid the heirs of Neve's doctor and describes transactions of Neve's wealth liquidated through auction; virrey(?) Acknowledges receipt of letter. Galindo Navarro in auto describes death of Neve and his duties to make an inventory of Neve's belongings, put his papers in order, identify corpse, and gather keys. Copy of Neve's will (ff. 145-159). Autos and diligencias referring to choice of executors of Neve's will, Neve's keys, and papers, requests in will concerning belongings, making inventories, choice of accountants and expert assessors of Neve's belongings, as well as description of religious sacraments given to his corpse. Administrative proceedures for assembling paperwork concerning Neve's will. Inventory and value of Neve's gold and silver belongings. Inventory of clothing and value accessed, description of cloth and colors used, and origin of many items. Inventories of linen, food, weapons, misc. Belongings, livestock, documents (bills of purchase, debts, letters, orders). (L. L. Woodward, July 1989)
Neve, Felipe de (Brigadier)(Comandante General)
Corbalan, Pedro (Intendente Gobernador)
Croix, Cavallero de
Fernandez de la Carrera, Manuel
Ortiz, Juan Manuel de
Chavero, Manuel (Arriero)
Corella, Josef Maria (Vecino)
Olea, Joseph (Cadete)
Abalsa, Josef (Fray)
Pereira y Soria, Maria Nicolasa
Martin, Pedro
Hos, Nicolas (Mayordomo)
Dongo, Joaquin
Medina, Roque (Teniente Coronel) (Ayudante Inspector)
Salas, Guillermo (Cirujano)
Arias Cavallero, Andres
Garcia, Pedro
Serrano, Perez (Asentista)
Garcia Manso, Antonio Ascasio (Conductor)
Villagran, Rafael (Ariero)
Giles, Juan Manuel
Basurto, Francisco Gerardo
Abalza, Josef (Fray)
Corbalan, Christoval (Secretario Interino)
Estada, Jorge Francisco (Contador)
Abad, Santiago
Bassols, Josef
Galindo Navarro, Pedro (Auditor de Guerra)
Saenz de Escorvza, Diego
Elias, Juan Joseph
Arechavala, Seberino de
Sales, Guillermo (Cirujano)
Martinez de Figueroa, Josef Luis
Cordova, Christobal Maria de
Gasiot, Juan (Secretario)
Estrada, Joseph Julian de
Padilla y Castilla, Maria de
Galan, Maria (Vecina)
Martinez, Juan (Teniente)
Fernandez Alexo, Mathias (Vecino)
Texada, Eusevio (Asentista)
Grandiola, Marques de
Moreno, Pedro (Sargento Mayor)
Rengel, Josef Antonio (Coronel)
Borica, Diego
Olloqui y Neve, Lope de (Vecino)
Neve, Theresa de
Crespo y Neve, Josefa
Crespo y Neve, Maria Gertrudis
Sanches, Josef (Medico)
Campo, Francisco Xavier del (Vecino)
Rocha, Geronimo de la (Ingeniero) (Capitan)
Merino, Manuel
Barry, Eduardo (Alferez)
Saens de la Fuente, Bartholome
Reano, Marcos (Alferez)
Azuela, Manuel de la (Capitan)
Solano, Joseph (Perito Abaluador)
Rivera, Francisco (Sastre)
Orosco, Martin de (Armero)
Sagarnaga, Simon (Cavo)
Maran, Juan de (Perito Contador)
Caballero, Manuel
Castillo, Joseph Antonio del (Platero)
Vera, Enrique
Florida Blanca, Conde de
Sonora (Provincia)
Fronteras (Presidio)
Chihuahua (Villa)
Arispe (Ciudad)
Huertas, San Antonio de las (Real)
Rosario (Caxa)
Pena Blanca, Nuestra Senora del Carmen de (Hacienda)
Bailen (Villa)
Zaragoza (Ciudad)
Cadiz (Ciudad)
Aguas Calientes
Veracruz (Plaza)
Encinillas (Laguna)
Nueva Viscaya (Provincia)
San Buenaventura (Valle)
Cuquiarachic (Mision)
Military Groups
Sevilla, Exercito de
Milan, Reximiento de Cavalleria de
Segunda Compania Volante
First Location
AZTM, AGN, Vol. 250 ff. 105-205 exp. 1
Original Location
AGN, Mexico City, Provincias Internas Vol. 250 ff. 105-205 exp. 1
Relates to ff. 1-105; repeated docuements from ff. 1-105
Reference Number
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