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Person Last Name Document title Date
Rengel Correspondence from Loyola to viceroy during July 1788 regarding issues within Provincias Internas de Poniente with previous documents. 09-28-1787
Rengel Correspondence between Loyola and viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas de Poniente during August 1788. 08-06-1788
Rengel Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Rengel Correspondence regarding military issues during September 1788 in Provincias Internas de Poniente. 09-22-1788
Rengel Correspondence from various officials to viceroy regarding military issues in Provincias Internas. 04-23-1788
Rengel Various instancias from officers requesting promotions within Provincias Internas. 12-21-1786
Rengel Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Rengel Correspondence of Ugarte and viceroy concerning promotions of presidial officers and other administrative positions. 06-01-1787
Rengel Correspondence with comandante general of Provincias Internas Jacobo Ugarte y Loyola in the year of 1787. 01-02-1787
Rengel Informes to and from Rengel concerning peace campaigns with Apaches mescaleros 02-12-1787
Rengel Letters, oficios to and from Ugalde pertaining to the circumstances of campaign against mescaleros 01-10-1787
Rengel Ugalde . . . Num.10 . . . de 4 de diziembre de 87. -- pide a v.e. permiso para pasar a Texas . . . 04-28-1788
Rengel [untitled] 01-01-1787
Rengel Letters between Ugarte and other military officials concerning peace treaty with mescalero Indians. 00-00-1779
Rengel Letters dealing with actions of Ugalde against the mescalero Indians. 00-00-1786
Rengel Oficios dirigidos a la corte sobre paces de diversas congregaciones de Apaches. 04-16-1787
Rengel Letters between different civil and military officials concerning mescaleros living near presidio del norte. 09-12-1772
Rengel Letters between Ugarte, Florez, and Ugalde concerning better cooperation between the two comandantes. 00-00-1780
Rengel Letters from Florez to Ugarte and Ugalde concerning treatment of mescalero Indians. 09-10-1772
Rengel Letters between Galvez, Ugalde, and Ugarte concerning military campaigns against Cohahuila's Indians. 00-00-1777
Rengel Senor: por la superior orden de vuestra excelencia de 27 de marzo de este ano, quedo instruido 05-09-1784
Rengel El senor comandante general interino de Provincias Internas don Joseph Antonio Rengel, en oficio de 7 de maio ... 10-27-1783
Rengel Accusation by Callis that husband Fages is adulterer with Yuma Indian. 04-12-1786
Rengel Fages discusses peninsular rule that citizens must register and brand their livestock. 10-25-1781
Rengel Investigation by Arguello of Castaneda, accused of assaulting San Buenaventura's head of escort. 10-07-1778
Rengel Fages writes to virrey regarding much needed stamped paper. 10-27-1783
Rengel Administrative correspondence between various military officials regarding military campaigns against Indians in Cerro de San Buenaventura... 03-30-1788
Rengel Letters between Rengel, Flores and Ugarte y Loyola concerning Indian hostilities, details of general campaign in 1787-1788. 09-04-1787
Rengel Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and virrey (?) about Indian relations, depredations; military campaign Jan-Apr 1788. 10-21-1787
Rengel Letters between virrey (?) and Ugarte y Loyola acknowledging receipt of various campaign-related correspondences. 07-28-1788
Rengel Letters between Ugarte y Loyola and subordinates detailing western province general campaign Mar-December 1788. 07-13-1788
Rengel Letter from Bonavia to Arredondo, regarding the various responsibilities as commander of provincias del Oriente 05-31-1815
Rengel Printed published list of regulation and procedures to be followed by commanders of provincias del Oriente and Occidente, dealing with... 08-26-1786
Rengel Series of documents dealing with a demanda made against Indian caudillo in Sichu. 07-19-1775
Rengel Correspondence between Diaz and several justicia mayores concerning Indian raids and town abandonments. 03-01-1790
Rengel novedades reported to the viceroy by military officials 09-08-1788
Rengel segun me ha representado el sr. Auditor de guerra en oficio del 26 de enero ultimo no le permiten los quebrantos... 02-04-1794
Rengel en febrero del ano de 1785 represento el comandante general interino don Jose Antonio Rengel la urgente necesidad de un cirujano en... 02-00-1785
Rengel Documents comprising resume (service record) of Orozco. 06-06-1787
Rengel ano 1787 expediente formado para la distribucion de doscientos cinquenta caxons de escopetas y pistolas .... 11, 1782 to April 28, 1785.... 03-20-1781
Rengel solicitudes de coronel don Joseph Antonio Rengel pidiendo permiso para venir a curarse en esta capital... 03-14-1786
Rengel En orden del 11 de agosto ultimo me previne el excelentisimo senor virrey don Manuel Antonio Flores lo siguiente... 09-16-1788
Rengel ano de 1789. expediente sobre el modo con que deben restituirse a Espana los soldados cumplidos .... 02-24-1785
Rengel expediente sobre declaracion de a que gefe corresponde declarar el goze de las pensiones del monte pio militar... 02-01-1763
Rengel Sobre ascensos de los oficiales de la secretaria de la comandancia general de Provincias Internas. 08-28-1757
Rengel Concerns real orden of March 2, 1782 in which king declares that 'secretarias' of Provincias Internas eligible for 'el goze... 03-02-1782
Rengel Concerns incorporation of oficials of Provincias Internas into monte pio de ministros. 06-19-1773
Rengel Series of documents concerning taxation 03-19-1786
Rengel Requests for increased salaries 03-24-1787
Rengel Sobre la inutilidad de varios oficiales de Provincias Internas para el servicio de la frontera. 07-17-1788
