Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Rubi Letters from Alderete to viceroy about affairs at Santa Rosa presidio 01-15-1764
Rodriguez Letters from Alderete to viceroy about affairs at Santa Rosa presidio 01-15-1764
Rubi Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Rodriguez Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Rodriguez Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Ravago Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Rodrigues Correspondence between Rodriguez and viceroy and other officials about Indian depredations 03-17-1768
Rodrigues Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Rubi Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Rodrigues Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Ravago Letter to viceroy and Diary recounting activities at Sacramento presidio 01-20-1768
Rivera y Moncada [untitled] 04-03-1773
Ramos Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Rumaior Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Rodriguez Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Recio Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Ramos Correspondence between officials at Saltillo and viceroy concerning escape of Indian prisoners 06-26-1773
Rodriguez Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches 05-24-1773
Ripperda Correspondence with viceroy relating to conflicts with Apaches 05-24-1773
Revilla Gigedo Correspondence between Echeagaray and viceroy 12-07-1790
Rodrigues Manuel Official correspondence of Oca with viceroy and others 05-06-1769
Rabago Official correspondence of Oca with viceroy and others 05-06-1769
Riperda Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Ramirez Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Ravago Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Ramon Letters from Garza Falcon to viceroy on presidial affairs 06-06-1769
Reynolds Series of documents concerning russian settlements in California 02-04-1814
Rodriguez Documents about bronze and iron cannons sent from Manila to California 01-24-1810
Ruiz Documents about bronze and iron cannons sent from Manila to California 01-24-1810
Rodriguez Capture of sailors, escape of deserter 00-00-1816
Ruiz Capture of sailors, escape of deserter 00-00-1816
Ruiz Letters from ship magallanes; commander of port of San Blas to governor of alta California 05-29-1816
Rodulfo Corsair attacks on Spanish ships delaying supplies to alta California 00-00-0000
Revoredo Corsair attacks on Spanish ships delaying supplies to alta California 00-00-0000
Ramirez Sinking of brigantine cantabro, loss of supplies, loss of boat in Loreto 03-08-1816
Ruiz Apodaca Auxilios de guerra en alta California. 10-13-1818
Rivera de Moncada Diary of expedition by Juan Baptista de Ansa from Sonora to Californias 09-17-1773
Ribera Foundation of port, mission and presidio of San Francisco 06-17-1776
Rubi Letter about moving presidios to new areas 05-27-1776
Rodriguez Letters of Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1767
Rodriguez Letters of Ugarte to viceroy 12-14-1769
Rodriguez Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Croix 04-17-1770
Rodriguez Fragment of a document describing Indian depredations 00-00-1770
Ravago y Theran Letter from Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1737
Rodriguez Letter from Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1737
Rodriguez Letter from Ugarte to viceroy Croix 01-01-1737
Rivas Letter of Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 10-22-1771
Rivas Letter of Rivas to captain Oca of presidio of San Saba 10-06-1771
Rivas Fragment of a letter draft from viceroy Croix? To governor Ugart 11-03-1771
Rodriguez Letter from Ugarte to viceroy Bucareli 02-13-1772
