Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Croix Croix, Cavallero de. A letter concerning gunpowder. 09-19-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning dereliction of duty by presidio soldiers. 10-11-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning bounty money. 10-23-1780
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Cover letter for a cedula. 01-15-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the avilitado. 01-20-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning C. Vigil. 01-21-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de). A letter concerning Nicolas de la Mathe. 03-25-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A cover letter. 04-18-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. Letter concerning purchase of unspecified goods. 07-16-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the missions. 08-06-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning war contributions. 08-12-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning a war donation. 08-12-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de). expediente concerning church ornaments collected for a proposed navajo mission. 09-01-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning a pay cut for soldiers. 09-04-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the reduction of the number of missions. 09-15-1781
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter of transmission. 11-17-1781
Croix Croix (Caballero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning postage. 01-03-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter of transmission. 01-08-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the hopi. 01-24-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallro de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter of transmission. 02-18-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning judicial jurisdiction. 02-21-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A dictamen dealing with the appointment of chaplains to the presidios. 04-24-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning the ransoming of captives held by enemy Indians. 05-27-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter describing how correspondences should be written. 07-15-1782
Cruz Vegil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando prohibiting the granting of permission to New Mexico settlers and military to visit New Spain. 10-02-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Bautista de. A letter concerning captives held by enemy Indians. 10-08-1782
Croix Croix (Caballero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of a royal decree. 10-13-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter transmitting a bando. 10-29-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the writing of documents. 12-10-1782
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the branding of livestock. 01-15-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Anza, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning war contributions. 01-16-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter exempting certain pueblos from war contribution. 01-22-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the media annata. 01-23-1783
Croix Croix (Caballero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning disposition of goods for projected navajo missions. 01-24-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan de. A letter concerning an assembly of certain missions. 01-27-1783
Croix Neve, Felipe. A royal order appointing Felipe Neve comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 02-15-1783
Croix Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Transmission of the royal decree appointing Phelipe de Neve as the comandante general of the provincias. 02-15-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan de. A letter concerning a proposed pearce with the comanche and their allies. 02-24-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter concerning the reduction in the number of New Mexico missions. 03-08-1783
Crespin Ortiz, Antonio Jose. Sumaria contra Pablo Serna por ladron ratero. 05-04-1783
Croix Croix (Cavallero de) to Ansa, Juan Baptista de. A letter ordering the publication of a bando appointing a superintendent of quicksilver. 07-10-1783
Cruz Vegil Ansa, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning family relationships and marriage. 04-21-1784
Cristobal Gayego, Anselmo. Last will and testament of Anselmo Gayego. 04-23-1784
Croix Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo to Concha, Fernando de la. Transmittal of viceregal letter about difficulty of providing more priests to New Mexico. 06-04-1789
Cristoval Ugarte y Loyola, Jacobo (comandante general). Forwarding of two letters (twitchell no. 1079) from teniente de gobernador of El Paso... 02-09-1790
Cruz Oedo . Real provision restoring fray Isidro Jose Cadelo to his mission. 12-03-1791
Cruz Guerrero, Antonio. Inventory of estate of Antonio Guerrero and settlement of debts against that estate. 12-04-1793
Cruralaequi Nava, Pedro de (comandante general). Letter to governor of New Mexico informing him that the report of incident of padre Santiago Fernandez... 06-12-1794
Cribey Chacon, Fernando (?) to Nava, Pedro de (comandante). Answer - re: death of soldier Fernando Lamelas and settlement of his surgery bill. 02-08-1799
Crivelli Nava, Pedro de (comandante) to Chacon, Fernando (gobernador). Letter - re: medical bill of former presidial soldier. 01-18-1800
