Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Perez de Almazan Gobernador Fernando Perez de Almazan. Informe concerning sad state of Espiritu Santo presidio. 05-10-1724
Perez de Almazan Gobernador Fernando Perez de Almazan al virrey. Letter concerning conditions in provincia de Texas. 10-24-1724
Peru Hugo O'Conor al Juan Peru. Letter concerning military action against Apaches. 11-30-1772
Pena Fr. Junipero Serra. Carta al guardian del colegio de San Fernando sobre exploraciones en el barco ?Santiago?. 08-31-1774
Perez Letter to padre provincial concerning Yaqui missionization. 06-13-1617
Perez de Rivas Padre Andres Perez de Rivas. Historia de la provincia de Cinaloa por el padre. 00-00-1620
Perez Anonymous. noticia de la provincia de Zinaloa en la america septentrional. 00-00-1764
Peru Hugo O'Conor. Diario que yo Hugo O'Conor, sigo de la Marcha que emprehendi el 21 de November de 1774, a fin de reconocer y... 11-21-1774
Peramas Joseph de Pinilla to Melchor de Peramas. Report on Indians and misiones of the Rio Grande. 00-00-1773
Perez Padre Serra to guardian of San Fernando. Carta sobre la mision de San Diego y la expedicion de Anza. 03-31-1774
Pereyra Juan Domingo Arricivita, OFM. Cronica serafica y apostolica del colegio de propaganda fide de la Santa Cruz de Queretaro. 00-00-1792
Peramas Fr. Joseph Pinilla to senor don Melchor de Peramas. - -N.D.
Perez de Merquia Varia. 00-00-1749
Pello Informes de las provincias de Sonora y Pimeria. El primero de la entrada a los rios Colorado y Gila por el p. Jacobo Sedelmaier, y el... 11-00-1750
Pena Fr. Francisco Palou. Copia del el informe de las misiones de California, rio de San Francisco, etc. 09-06-1774
Perez Fr. Francisco Palou. Copia del el informe de las misiones de California, rio de San Francisco, etc. 09-06-1774
Penuela Cabildo de Santa Fee to gobernador. Petition for aid to destitute inhabitants of the villa. 00-00-0000
Perez Serrano Anza, Juan Baptista de. Bando concerning the appointment of Jose Antonio Rengel as comandante general of the Provincias Internas. 00-00-0000
Peralta . Index of documents from 1788. 00-00-0000
Peres Antonio Narbonna. Drafts of two letters concerning the problems Narbonna had in getting his luggage through customs in Arispe. 00-00-0000
Penon Cacho (fr) (OFM). Report on grain donated as alms in 1820 by the order of governor Melgares. 00-00-0000
Perez . Decree of king supporting missionization of Indians and including instructions for cooperation of government authorities with religious... 01-09-1621
Peralta . Decree of king supporting missionization of Indians and including instructions for cooperation of government authorities with religious... 01-09-1621
Penalossa Brizeno Penalossa Brizeno, Diego de. Fragment of bando regulating work of Indians at doctrinas and access of unfriendly Indians to missions and... 01-07-1664
Pedrosa Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Autos and testimonies reviewing the events of the Indian uprising in New Mexico. 08-09-1680
Pena Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Bando ordering list of vassels obligated to supply horses and arms to crown and compiled list. 09-15-1681
Perez Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Register of soldiers and militia recruited for reconquest effort for New Mexico. 09-22-1681
Pedraza Otermin, Antonio de (gobernador). Documents of trial of tigua Indian Juan Caititi for horse stealing and apostasy. 06-22-1682
Perea Vargas, Diego de. Journal of events, military. 02-11-1694
Perucho Vargas, Diego de. Record of events and operations during an extensive uprising among the Indians. 06-17-1696
Pedron Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 07-28-1696
Pecos Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Perucho Vargas, Diego de. Continued record of events of uprising. 08-01-1696
Perea Vargas Zapata y Lujan, Diego de (gobernador). Fragment of legal proceeding against Antonio Gutierrez for unknown reason. 01-18-1697
Peralta Diego de Vargas (gobernador y capitan general). Permission for capitan Miguel de Sola Cubero to leave kingdom of New Mexico. 11-28-1703
Peralta Pedro de Peralta to Marques de la Nava de Brazinas. Petition by Pedro de Peralta for permission to go to Pojoaque. 11-29-1703
Peralta Pedro de Peralta to gobernador. Suit against Miguel Thenorio de Alba for debt. 05-17-1705
Penuela Madrid, Roque. notice of compliance with order against gambling. 09-01-1707
Penuela Fernandez de la Cueba Enrriquez, Fransisco (Duque de Alburquerque, virrey) to Marques de la Penuela (gobernador y capitan general).... 05-25-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador de Nueba Mexico. Requirement that the governor economize in regard to the cost of administering Nueba Mexico. 07-04-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador de Nueba Mexico. Relative to the four aldermen (regidores) of Santa Fee. 07-07-1708
Perez Surcado El virrey to el gobernador de Nueba Mexico. Relative to the four aldermen (regidores) of Santa Fee. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador de Nueba Mexico. Relative to an escort to the pueblo of Alona. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el Marques de la Penuela (gobernador). The viceroy orders the governor to hand over a supposed order by the junta real to... 07-07-1708
Penuela Fernandez de la Cueva Enriquez, Francisco (viceroy). Auto concerning the good treatment and protection of the Indians. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador. Regarding certain abuses in the distribution, trading and maintenance of firearms. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador. Order to the governor to remit to the virrey a letter by the previous governor relating to a campaign of war... 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador. With regard to the accusation of extortion involving the governor's lieutenant. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador. Regarding the free passage of the mail throughout New Spain. 07-07-1708
Penuela El virrey to el gobernador. Regarding the depredations of the Apaches and the failures of the Spanish in meeting the threat. 07-07-1708
