Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ecaimuzquis Documents relating to transportation, expenses and plans to settle canary islanders in Texas. 09-06-1730
Echevette Correspondence between viceroy and de Anza concerning de Anza second expedition to California. 01-02-1775
Echeagaray el senor coronel don Jose Maria Echeagaray nombrado gobernador del Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1818
Echandia el senor coronel don Jose Maria Echeagaray nombrado gobernador del Nuevo Santander. 08-06-1818
Echaveria Correspondence between Salcedo and Zambrano concerning capture of insurgents. 03-19-1810
Echais Letter from Herrera to Nemesio Salcedo concerning capture of insurgent forces lead by Hidalgo. 03-28-1811
Echais Letter from Herrera to Nemesio Salcedo concerning capture of insurgent forces lead by Hidalgo. 03-28-1811
Echeandia Correspondence with virrey concerning efforts against rebel activity in Texas. 02-24-1816
Echandia Documents concerning naming of new governor of Texas. 12-23-1815
Echandia Correspondence between virrey and various officials concerning routine fiscal and administrative affairs. 06-10-1815
Echavarria Series of testimonies against Munoz for possession and trade of contraband jewelry. 03-20-1809
Echeveste Correspondence between viceroy and several government officials concerning their new duties under Croix. 00-00-1772
Echeverria Letter from Mangino to Croix concerning present status of California's missions. 00-00-1536
Echeveste Letter from Mangino to Croix concerning present status of California's missions. 00-00-1536
Echeveste Letter from Mangino to viceroy concerning expenses of California's missions. 02-15-1768
Echeagaray Letters from several government officials to viceroy concerning appointment of Nava. 08-22-1776
Echeverri Concerning leave of absence for Genebriera. 08-19-1820
Echeagaray Concerning military promotions, applications, retirements. 06-27-1818
Echeberria Concerning payment for service rendered to military. 02-26-1812
Echegaray Service records of Navarro y Torres. 04-29-1820
Echeagaray Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from April to July 1820, concerns mostly military regulation. 04-15-1820
Echevarria Correspondence to viceroy Venadito from September 1819 to March 1821, military concerns. 09-24-1819
Echeberria Sobre que se le permitiese hacer una expedicion para descubrir camino por tierra a la costa septentrional de la California. 01-13-1737
Echeveste Concerning military, religious affairs of Sonora. 01-16-1771
Echeverria Para llebar a efecto el importante plan al publico para una compania de accionistas destinado al comercio, y mineria de las provincias de... 05-17-1771
Echeveste Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Echasco Concerning transportation of gold from Cieneguilla to ciudad de Mexico. 07-23-1772
Echeveste Concerning gold claims at Cieneguilla. 06-30-1772
Echeveste Correspondence re: expenses of expedicion de Sonora. 03-26-1773
Echavarri Correspondence re: Sarmiento's mines at Rosario. 12-29-1773
Echeveste Correspondence re: money sent to rosa Callis for trip from Veracruz to Mexico. 07-22-1769
Echeveste Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given
Ecala Correspondence re: widow's retirement claim. None Given
Echeveste Correspondence re: repayment to Echeveste for money he had advanced for expedition de Chihuahua. 07-24-1776
Echeveste Correspondence re: payment to Corvalan for expenses incurred in forming cuenta de la expedicion de Sonora. 01-12-1776
Echegaray Letters from Gil de Bernabe and Cartagena to Bucareli concerning Indian Seris pacification. 11-05-1772
Echegaray Letters from Echegaray, Gutierre de Gandarilla and other to viceroy concerning tax payments and appointments. 02-20-1776
Echagoyan Documents concerning allotment of lands to the population and soldiers of Horcasitas. Others concerning Indians prisoners. 10-17-1764
Echavarri Autos hechos en virtud de real cedula sobre que sede cuenta de los religiosos que hay en estas provincias de Nueva Espana y de los que se... 05-21-1747
Echegarray Echagarray testifies to real tribunal de cuentas having delivered lost expedientes to villegas puente who testifies that he never received... 00-00-1731
Echeagaray Documents concerning Indian raid against Texas hacienda San Juan de Mata. 01-26-1821
Echeagaray Series of documents concerning discovery in Texas of movement sympathetic towards coronel Iturbide. 03-16-1821
Echeandia Report of Indian battle and correspondence concerning tobacco trade 02-16-1816
Echeandia Report of Indian battle and correspondence concerning tobacco trade 02-16-1816
Echabarri Documents concerning frontier, tobacco, and military personnel 01-16-1819
Echeandia Several letters from Arredondo to virrey informing him of money sent to caxas en Saltillo, and other matters. 03-04-1819
Echeandia Several official letters from Arredondo informing virrey of the state of the province and the adventurer Mac Gregor. 04-19-1819
Echeverria Letters from Garcia informing virrey about a fragata that arrived from Callao and possibility that insurgentes had intercepted the ship. 02-28-1820
Ecay Musquiz Index to 68 letters and expedientes regarding Coahuila and Sonora in years 1760-1761. 01-27-1760
Echavarria Candidates recommended to fill vacant posts of companias milicias de Nuevo Santander. 02-17-1807
