Browse by name

Person Last Name Document title Date
Ugalde numero 11. Senor comandante general. Con oficio de 14 del que govierna (que correspondia ir senalado con el numero 8) 01-20-1791
Ugalde numero 74. Excelentisimo senor. la adjunta copia del oficio que he pasado al gobernador de Texas 02-08-1791
Ugarte y Loyola numero 119. Excelentisimo senor. En consecuencia de lo que vuestra excelencia me expresa en su oficio de 2 de este mes 03-28-1791
Unda List of Bacoachi Apaches, their rations per week for 1791. 01-02-1791
Usesin Rolls of Bacoachi Apaches. 03-04-1787
Ustigi Weekly rolls of Bacoachi Apaches for May through July, 1787. 05-22-1787
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning rations for Apache auxiliaries. 05-26-1787
Urrea Detall de la tropa, e indios auxiliares repartidos en quatro divisiones. 10-16-1769
Urrea Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion milital de Sonora, comunicadas con fha. de 3 de febrero pmo. Porel comandante de ella dn... 01-30-1771
Urrea Extracto de las ultimas noticias de la expedicion milital de Sonora, comunicadas con fha. de 3 de febrero pmo. Porel comandante de ella dn... 01-30-1771
Usarraga Muy senor mio: el 18 del pasado se interno ala provincia de Ostimuri una partida de 17 a 20 enemigos 06-02-1770
Ugarte Domingo de Letters from Arredondo and others concerning the collection and shipment of amount levied against last will and testaments. 02-20-1816
Ugalde Del expediente instruido en virtud de informe del coronel d. Juan del Ugalde sobre asignacion de 6000 pesos para gastos de paz en la... 09-05-1787
Ugalde Letter from Ugalde to virrey Conde de Galvez concerning eight provisions included in peace treaty that governor of Texas has proposed with... 02-23-1786
Ugalde Letters from Ugalde and others concerning the approval of annual gratificacion sum of 6.000 pesos in order to pacify the lipanes,... 10-10-1787
Ugalde Letters from various people in Provincias Internas concerning Ugalde and the sums set aside for pacifying the Indians, payment of... 04-22-1789
Ugalde Letters from Salcedo and Flores to each other concerning the resolution of funding of military salaries to employees of Ugalde in the... 09-01-1789
Ugalde Letters written by various authors that concern the accounting procedures for gratification sum as it relates to surplus and salaries paid... 06-12-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Letters written by various authors that concern the accounting procedures for gratification sum as it relates to surplus and salaries paid... 06-12-1790
Ugalde Letters from various authors concerning primarily an account dedicated to peace and war in Coahuila for the year 1789 and its accounting... 10-09-1790
Ugalde Copia integra del expediente formado sobre varias partidas mandadas satisfacer del fondo de asignacion para gastos de paz y guerra con los... 10-13-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Copia integra del expediente formado sobre varias partidas mandadas satisfacer del fondo de asignacion para gastos de paz y guerra con los... 10-13-1790
Ugarte y Loyola Document that examines entries into the account paz y guerra from 1787-1789 and also surplus of this account deposited into account at the... 08-11-1792
Ugarte y Loyola Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790,... 08-04-1792
Ugalde Letters from various officials dealing with the reconciliation of the paz y guerra account for Coahuila for the years 1787-1790,... 08-04-1792
Ugalde Letters from various officials that concern the final closing of the account paz y guerra for the province of Coahuila. 04-23-1794
Ugalde Informe del governador de Coaguila don Miguel Emparan acerca de 860 pesos que recivio del capitan don Juan Cortes, como sobrantes de los... 07-23-1791
Ugarte y Loyola Este expediente trata de reintegro a los fondos de la compania presidial de La Bahia del suplemento de 368 pesos que hizo el ano de 1790... 08-27-1799
Ugarte Letters and an index of quadernos concerning primarily matters related to the paz y guerra accounts in Arispe and Chihuahua, especially as... 06-28-1796
Ugalde Indexes and letters that concern primarily military matters in the province of Texas, subject matter ranges from military misconduct to... 08-19-1793
Ugalde Index and letter that concern the issues of administering gratification accounts and methods of continued pacification of Indians. 07-11-1795
Ugarte y Loyola Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Ugalde Unsigned documents that deal exclusively with matters directly or indirectly related to the giving of gifts to the lipanes, comanches... 02-18-1789
Ugalde Letters and indexes that discuss matters pertaining to the accounts used to fund gifts to Indians, their auditing and liquidation as well... 07-06-1791
Ugalde Letters discussing matters related to the administration of the account gastos de paz established in Coahuila and involving Ugalde and the... 03-17-1789
Ugalde Documents referring to military communication revolving around issue of establishment of pagaduria in Saltillo to facilitate the providing... 09-06-1797
Ugalde Document that covers issues surrounding the administration of funds distributed by intendente of Durango Ugalde as well use of tobacco for... 06-03-1787
Urizar Instancia of several pinto Indians stating that serna destroyed mission, deprived them of cattle, other goods. 09-26-1783
Ugalde Proposal by military to overcome financial problems by paying soldiers in 'cigarros,' not money. 09-30-1772
Ugalde Correspondence concerning military fiscal affairs. 12-12-1767
Ugalde Correspondence concerning civil-military fiscal matters. 00-00-1767
Ugalde Correspondence concerning collection and use of 'rentas' and 'alcavalas.' 00-00-1787
Ugartechea Correspondence concerning fiscal affairs in Coahuila. 09-10-1772
Ugarte y Loyola Concerning shipment of arms to Nueva Vizcaya. 10-20-1783
Ugalde Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence among various military and political personnel concerning shortages, shipment and sale of arms. 04-22-1785
Ugalde Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Ugarte y Loyola Correspondence among various officials concerning 'recargo' on weapons purchased by troops. 02-07-1779
Ugarte y Loyola Letters to and from Cavallero de Croix concerning 'recargo de armamentos.' 02-26-1774
Ugarte Croix grants 'gratificacion' to Mezieres to cover expenses incurred during military service, particularly due to efforts to... 10-09-1779
